Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2688

"Tianyu, I'm really grateful that you saved my daughter this time. I can see from this that your real ability is really extraordinary." When Mrs. Huang saw her husband leave, she was ready to get to the point.

"Madam, what I said is very serious. When I was outside, what I could say is the future. But after I came here, there were so many people who were similar to me. You really feel ashamed to say that." Of course, Qi Tianyu understood that the other party was sincere. After all, he saved the other party's daughter. But after he came here, he really knew that there were people outside and there were mountains outside. In this way, anyone could fight with himself. Some even tried their best, but they could only fight against each other. So he improved his ability One step estimate.

But it is because of this that I am more determined to be in charge of the army here. After all, the people here are so powerful that if I can really do it, I will be able to be more powerful.

"Tianyu, you don't have to belittle yourself. We can see your skills at a glance. Even if your martial arts rank is not the highest here, your comprehensive strength is far higher than these people. Even those people who have been trained since childhood and have been thinking about cultivation wholeheartedly, when they really fight, they are not your opponents at all." Mrs. Huang paid no attention to each other's modesty, but praised each other wholeheartedly.

Qi Tianyu has been appreciated by others before, but no one has such sincere praise for his strength as the person in front of him. Although he knows what his ability is, what does the person in front of him want to do? How can he mention his rank like this.

"Mrs. Huang, I just have more experience than others. After more experience, I will be more powerful. It's nothing." Qi Tianyu didn't know how to answer, so he could only continue to say modestly.

"Tianyu, you can save my daughter from that place this time, and you can take my daughter all the way here to find the antidote. I really don't know how to thank you. What I said before is also true. If you two have a heart, I'm very willing to betroth my daughter to you, but look at what you two just mean, you two No one seems willing to do so, so I have nothing to say. " Mrs. Huang didn't make it clear before, but at this time, she suddenly talked about the old things again, and said it very frankly.

"Of course, I know what you mean, but it doesn't work like this. What's more, your daughter and I really have friendship, but we don't have any other ideas, so you have to bear with us a lot." When Qi Tianyu heard what the other party said at the beginning, he was really scared all over, and the other party insisted on it. He was relieved to hear that the other party had given up.

"In fact, I'm too embarrassed to talk about it. If you agree, we'll become a family. I'd like to talk about it, but now that you refuse, I really don't know how to talk about it." After thinking for a long time, Mrs. Huang finally decided to open her mouth. After all, only the person in front of her is the most suitable one.

This is not to say that no one is more powerful or capable of defeating others than the person in front of him. However, this matter has been involved with the person in front of him. If other people are involved, it is not suitable, so the person in front of him is the most suitable to do it.

"Mrs. Huang, if you really have something to say, you can just say it. You can only waste everyone's time when you bend around like this." Qi Tianyu also understood each other's meaning. It seems that the other party originally wanted to offer his daughter to him and ask him to help, but he didn't expect that he would resolutely refuse, so the other party didn't know what to do.

Qi Tianyu wanted to understand this matter, but he didn't use it for reference. After all, it's better for people who ask for themselves than for people who don't know what they are doing.

"Young Xia Qi is a pleasant person." At the beginning, Mrs. Huang insisted on calling each other's name to make up with each other, in order to betroth her daughter to each other, but now the other party has refused, so she should not continue to make up with each other. On the contrary, it will arouse the opposition of the other party.

Just as Mrs. Huang thought, Qi Tianyu heard that Mrs. Huang changed her address when she said something, and was more satisfied with the other party. After all, at the beginning, what the other party wanted to do was not the same as what he wanted to do now. If he regarded himself as a younger generation, he would have to doubt the sincerity of the other party Now the other party has taken the initiative to change the name, put themselves in the same position as the other party, and talk about cooperation fairly, so that they feel the sincerity and sincerity of the other party.

"Mrs. Huang doesn't have to be so careful. After all, as long as the conditions you put forward are reasonable, I am very willing to cooperate with people I know well." Qi Tianyu first gave the other party a reassurance. After all, he and the other party are not familiar, but he and Huang Li are friends. The other party may be afraid that they will have scruples when they cooperate in this way."I don't want to beat around the bush with you, Shaoxia Qi. You saved my daughter and sent her here from home. You should also know what happened in our family. Moreover, as far as this matter is concerned, maybe you know more complete information than I do." Mrs. Huang just got some confidence from the population, but she didn't see all this with her own eyes. However, since the people in front of her can send her daughter in time, she should know more.

Qi Tianyu is just a silent author and doesn't say anything. After all, he doesn't know how much the other party knows, so he can't speak easily. What's more, the other party proposes to cooperate and mentions this matter. Then he also roughly knows what the other party wants to do.

"Qi Shaoxia, I know that this matter may be difficult for you. After all, this matter is originally our family's business, but you also know that my account and I must stay here and can't leave. If we really don't leave, this matter will be completed to my daughter. I feel sorry for my daughter. I don't want to let her carry so many things, but it's hard for her to do It has to be solved, so I have to find someone to cooperate with. " Mrs. Huang was very frank about this matter, and she didn't deliberately hide anything. After all, no matter what she said, the youngster in front of her probably knew more information than herself. If she could hide it, it would be counterproductive.

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