Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2690

Mrs. Huang thought all night and came up with all kinds of possibilities, but she never thought that the other party would open her mouth to this extent: "Shaoxia Qi, you know that I won't let my husband know about this matter at all. How can I let my husband cooperate and I help you finish what you want to do?"

Qi Tianyu was not worried at all: "Madam Huang, you need to understand that paper can't hold fire. Even if you are trying to hide this, you also need to know that you are not the only one who knows this thing here. As long as others have a husband in mind, sooner or later they will know about it. If you don't finish it, it will be too late. After all This is more cruel to your husband than to you. "

It's not that Mrs. Huang didn't think about this. It's just because her husband can't know about it so quickly that she has to send someone out to solve it.

"Mrs. Huang, you've figured it out, haven't you? The priority now is to solve this problem, otherwise you will be forcing your husband to choose between father and son. " When Qi Tianyu is negotiating, he knows when to be silent and when to press forward step by step. At this time, the other party's heart seems to be collapsing, so he naturally needs to keep talking.

"Young Xia Qi is really a good tool. Well, since you have said that, I don't have any bargaining power. Just like a question you mentioned, plus something that my husband and I can do for you, it's OK." Mrs. Huang finally nodded her head. After all, this matter is more important. No matter what the youngster in front of her wants to do, she can always think of other ways. If it's not very difficult for her to do, she can do it as required. If it's difficult for her to do, now that there's a chance to change her career, what's the matter now But there is no time to tangle.

"OK, no problem. In that case, we have reached a preliminary cooperation. Now you can always tell me what you want me to do." Qi Tianyu was very satisfied. After all, he knew that the people in front of him knew a lot of secrets. Even if he took a little from the mouth of the people in front of him, it would make his situation here clearer. Moreover, he would naturally use the knife to do that. At the end of the day, he could let the family in front of him take refuge in himself and help him take charge of the business In.

"Qi Shaoxia, I'll tell you the truth, because I just knew it didn't take long, so I didn't think of the best way to reduce the damage to us, so we need to discuss how to do it." Mrs. Huang was going to hide her son directly, but then her husband knew that it was still painful. Even if a man could tell his father that he had already avenged himself, wouldn't it be equally cruel for her husband to lose two relatives at the same time?

"Mrs. Huang, I thought you just asked me to do it. I didn't expect that you haven't even figured out the way. Why did you call me here?" Qi Tianyu was very satisfied with the cooperation, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't know what to do. Now he was a little unhappy. After all, it was very difficult. As an outsider, he had no way to give advice.

"You don't have to do this, young Xia Qi. Of course, I had my own ideas before. But just now in the process of chatting with you, I found that this method was not suitable at all, so I wanted to do it better. After all, you should know that the more smooth our cooperation is, I will be willing to tell you more." Mrs. Huang has already understood something. The boy in front of her is more attractive.

Qi Tianyu heard the sincerity of the other party, his heart was not happy, also disappeared: "Mrs. Huang is right, but you should also know that I am just an outsider, this thing is all done by your family, if I make any suggestions, I can't feel the mood of your family."

When Mrs. Huang listened to the other party's words, she shook her head: "it's just because of this that I asked you to help us put forward suggestions. We can't make a correct judgment. It's because this matter is all connected by our blood, so there's no way to think calmly. On the contrary, you can see it more clearly."

Qi Tianyu also understood each other's meaning. After all, this matter is really very difficult for several of them. No matter whether they take revenge or not, they can't make the pain of these people less. However, this matter has nothing to do with themselves, so they can think about the best solution calmly.

"Madam, how about this? I really thought about it before. After all, the most difficult thing in this matter is nothing more than two. One is revenge or not, and the other is your husband. What should I do when I know about it?" After Qi Tianyu had no mustard in his heart, he began to help each other.

Mrs. Huang nodded: "yes, it's like this. For me, it's my own son. Even if my son does something, I feel very painful, but I don't want to let my son kill, but at the same time, it's my husband's father that my son killed. I have no position to persuade my husband."The key to this matter is here. After all, blood ties are the biggest trouble. Otherwise, those people outside have no fighting power. Even if I am trapped here and can't get away from revenge, it's a very easy little thing.

"How about this? I'll go out first and try to detain Liao Wen. It seems strange that there are so many Gongfa and medicinal powder here. No matter erasing my memory or anything else, I can easily let the other party get a certain punishment. In this way, I believe I can also let Liao Wen get a certain punishment to some extent. But at the same time, I will set up other situations outside. When your husband finds out this matter, he will go out to explore in person. Your husband will find that although the direct murderer may be your son, your husband will find other behind the scenes stories, and the murderer has long been brought to justice by me. " After thinking for a while, Qi Tianyu put forward his best plan. Although there are deceptions and lies in it, they are all white.

After Mrs. Huang looked down and thought for a while, the Mid Autumn Festival still nodded. Although it was a bit complicated, the young man in front of him still believed it. As long as it was done perfectly, the husband would believe that although it was done by his son, there were other murderers behind the scenes. His son just gave alms or did such a wrong thing unintentionally At that time, my son was also punished. Although my husband would be in great pain, it was better than the present situation.

"That's what we've agreed. I'll leave here as soon as possible, finish the work and come back. I hope you can keep your promise at that time." Qi Tianyu saw that the other party accepted his opinion, and gave him a secret order to go in and out. He nodded and was ready to leave temporarily.

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