Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2697

"What should we do? If someone comes in, we can't do nothing, can't we

"Yes, master, what's the matter? But someone broke in and didn't say a word about such a big thing! "

Some people are anxious. The Huang family has not had such a thing for many years. The attack and defense here are very good. They can enter the Huang family quietly and enter the house owner's room. The assassination is unheard of. They are really worried.

Huang Wen's bodyguard raised his hand and suppressed the noise below. "The master is out of his mind now, so I can't disturb him. Someone broke in. It's really a big event. Since the master can't make the decision, now listen to me. The troops deployed around here should be strengthened, and the guards at the door should be increased. You should pay attention to it these days Keep your eyes open

"But we have no more troops. Most of them have been transferred to protect Madame."

"The woman of the Liao family?"

"Yes, the owner of the family took good care of her. Even if she was forbidden recently, she never treated her badly and warned us to respect her wife."

After thinking for a while, the bodyguard turned his head and looked at Huang Wen's room. Seeing that his voice was so loud, Huang Wen didn't respond, so he said, "forget it, just transfer her people to protect the owner. Can't you even see the priority of this matter?"

Huang Wen's most valued bodyguards all spoke, and the people below naturally did not dare to say a word.

For a time, many bodyguards were deployed inside and outside Huang's house to protect Huang Wen. As the head of the house, Huang Wen just kept himself in the room without saying a word. No one knocked at the door, and even the food sent by the maids did not move.

Although I was worried about the following bodyguards, it was obvious that I didn't dare to say anything to the owner.

Huang Wen's bodyguard couldn't see her anymore, so he took the initiative to find Feifei. At this time, Feifei also locked herself in the room. After Huang Wen banned her, she didn't go out. Although they were married, they didn't look like a newlyweds. Every time Huang Wen saw her, she was sad and resentful, and finally they couldn't meet again.

Seeing Huang Wen's bodyguard coming, Feifei was very surprised and took the initiative to welcome him in. "How can you come? I thought Huang Wen would never want to see me again. "

"Madame, don't you know your position in the heart of the housekeeper? The owner is the best to you. Why do you think so? " The bodyguard said quickly.

Feifei smiles bitterly and shakes her head. She grew up with Huang Wen. How can she not know Huang Wen's ambivalence towards her now? At the beginning, Huang Wen didn't want to reflect on how she tried to persuade Huang Wen to stop his mistakes. Now his mistakes have been settled, and he has achieved his goal to become the head of the family, but he can't do it. Only then did he know how wrong he was. Now Huang Wen attributed her mistakes to her, which made her feel cold and helpless.

"Don't think so, ma'am. You go and meet the owner. " Seeing Feifei's helpless smile, the bodyguard was in a hurry and said, "the owner of the house is not in the water now, and he is not willing to eat. You should go to see him, OK?"

"What happened to him?" Hearing this, Feifei is still worried. Since she married Huang Wen, she is determined to be with him. How can she not care about her husband's hunger strike.

"The owner of the house, he was stabbed two days ago, and then he locked himself in the house. We don't have to eat or drink. We are anxious in our heart. We don't dare to force the master. We have to come to your wife. "

"Why didn't you say that earlier?" Feifei hurried out and went out to have a look. Most of the bodyguards outside were missing. Feifei asked strangely, "has Huang Wen lifted my ban? How come there are so many fewer people. "

The bodyguard had to call in truthfully, "it's my own opinion to transfer the troops on your side, madam, because the master of the family refuses to say who the assassin is, and the man escapes. We can only take precautions and send more troops to protect the master of the family."

"So it is. Let's go and have a look." Feifei didn't feel anything. He urged his bodyguard to come to Huang Wen's room. There were three or four bodyguards outside his room. When they saw Feifei coming, they confidently gave way to let her in. Feifei knocked on the door. There was no response inside. The bodyguard shrugged at Feifei, showing a helpless expression.

Feifei pushes the door directly and goes in. It's in a mess, and there's no one to clean it up. The food on the table is obviously hot, but no one moves. Feifei sighs and goes in. He sees Huang Wen lying on the bed with his eyes open, but staring at the ceiling.

"Brother Huang Wen, I'm here." Feifei yelled softly. Huang Wen didn't move, but his eyes moved. Feifei sat beside him, touched Huang Wen's pale face and said, "brother Huang Wen, what's the matter with you? Don't eat or drink, just lie on the bed, what do you wantHuang Wen closed his eyes and said, "brother Huang Wen, I'm worried about you. If something happens to you, what should I do? You tell me what happened? How about that? "

Feifei's soft voice moved Huang Wen's heart. He was really at a loss and didn't know what to do. He just lay in bed these two days and didn't want to move or eat. Seeing Feifei coming, he really had a desire to talk.

"Huang Li is back, my sister. She's back to kill me."

"Huang Li? Is Huang Li back? " Feifei was surprised and stood up straight from the bed. The person who assassinated you last time was Huang Li, right? Where is she now? "

"I don't know, I don't know anything..." Huang Wen shook his head, a tired face said, Feifei know now can't be urgent, can only slowly ask, Huang Wen is now in such a state, if stimulate him, don't know what will happen, so Feifei calmed down, sat down, voice gently asked, "Huangwen brother in the end is how, you tell me carefully."

Huang Wen tells Feifei what happened that day. Feifei listens to it quietly and says after a long silence, "it seems that Miss Huang doesn't have the heart to kill you. After all, you are still her brother, but I wonder why Miss Huang is so cruel to kill you. After all, you don't really kill her."

The expression on Huang Wen's face was stiff. He knew that he was hiding from Feifei about killing his grandfather. Seeing the look on Huang Wen's face, Feifei knew that he was hiding something. Feifei held his hand and said sincerely, "brother Huang Wen, are you hiding something from me?"

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