Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2707

"Huang Li, why do you think so about me? I used to treat you as a friend, otherwise I would not let Qi Tianyu save you. I once advised Huang Wen to do those things. I told him not to do that, but how could he listen to me? At that time, he had been forced to lose his sense by you, and he just wanted to be the head of the Huang family, not to be oppressed by you. "

"What you say sounds good, Feifei. Isn't he eager to be the head of the Huang family in order to let you marry him willingly and fulfill your wish?"

Huang Li yells at her, and Feifei stops talking for a moment. Two women just look at each other.

Feifei knows that it's no use saying anything to her. After all, she did have a bad heart. As a Liao family, Huang Li would never have a good impression on her. "What are you going to do with me? Huang Li, do you want me to disappear like your brother? "

"What about you? I won't deal with you. After all, you are a member of the Huang family, and you are the second lady of the Liao family. I have to treat you well. It may be of great use to stay here. "

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you know what I mean? Don't you Liao's family want to take our Huang's family into their bag everywhere? I'm going to show Liao Li how naive and ridiculous his ideas are! "

"You can't fight my father, Huang Li. I sincerely advise you not to fight my father!"

"Shut up! Don't talk. Just stay in your room and don't do anything. I'll save your life. " Huang Li looked at her up and down, then turned and left. Feifei also wants to catch up and ask clearly, but the door is closed in front of her, and several bodyguards are guarding the door. It seems that Huang Li has forbidden her feet again.

In the past few days when Qi Tianyu disappeared, he had been hiding in the Liao family. He hid in Hong Feng's room quietly. I remember when I first came here, Qi Tianyu was almost exposed. It was because Hong Feng quarreled with him.

Qi Tianyu didn't want to disturb anyone when he came to Liao's house, so he wanted to find Hong Feng. At that time, Hong Feng was practicing martial arts in her room. When she saw a dark shadow outside the window, she was shocked. When she wanted to take a picture of her luck, the door and window were opened. When she saw the familiar sound and shadow, Hong Feng was stunned, and then ran to him with ecstasy, One punch hit Qi Tianyu on the chest.

Qi Tianyu was hit by her. For a moment, she didn't know what to say. Hong Feng scolded him. "How can you waste so much time? What are you doing?"

"I didn't go for a year and a half, just less than a month, where so long!" Qi Tianyu rubbed his chest and whispered.

But Hong Feng still scolded him, "I knew you were unreliable. How did you promise me that you would come back in a few days, but I'm waiting for you to come back today. Do you know how anxious I was waiting for you, and do you know? A lot of things have happened in these days, and I have no one to tell. "

"Well, Hong Feng, don't get excited. I'm back? You can tell me what you want to say now. " Qi Tianyu had a stomach of words to ask, but seeing Hong Feng's state, he could only pacify her first.

Hong Feng slapped Qi Tianyu and said, "now you have time to talk about this. Do you know I'm dying of anxiety these days?"

Hong Feng sat next to the chair and rubbed his face. Qi Tianyu saw that she was so suffocating, and quickly came forward to comfort her, "what happened? I've inquired a lot along the way, but I haven't heard of anything about the Liao family? "

"That's because my grandfather pressed down. If he didn't press down, he couldn't figure out anything."

"What's the matter?" Qi Tianyu was also a little anxious and asked quickly.

Hong Feng sighed and said, "you also know that after the death of the master of the Huang family, Huang Wen asked my grandfather to help him become the master of the Huang family, and my grandfather agreed. But who knows, someone made trouble at the ceremony of conferring the title of the master of the Huang family, saying that Huang Li is not here, and this ceremony can't be held at all. Huang Wen is an unjust Huang family, because he has been fostered under the Liao family since he was a child."

"The troublemakers you said should be the side branch of the Huang family." Qi Tian can easily guess.

"That's right. It's the branches of the Huang family. They can't see that Huang Wen, who had been in the Liao family since he was a child, became the head of the Huang family and made a big scene. But my grandfather put down all the troublemakers and didn't let them make a big scene outside. Then they went to the elders of the Liao family and told them about their suppression. What's more, it was a big deal It is widely publicized that the grandfather took Feifei's mother to the Liao family, and claimed that Feifei, the illegitimate daughter, was the second lady of the Liao family. He did not send more troops to look for her grandmother. "

"Isn't that good? If you take this opportunity, the elders of the Liao family can punish Liao Li and put pressure on him, Liao Li may release your grandmother. " Qi Tianyu didn't think it was bad when he heard it."Listen to me first. After hearing this, the elders of the Liao family also felt that my grandfather had gone too far, so they came to my grandfather and pressed him to send Feifei's mother out. They also asked him to send more troops to find my grandmother. Although my grandfather agreed on the surface, the elders died in a few days, either poisoned or suffered Unexpectedly, I couldn't even find out who did it. I secretly investigated it and thought that only my grandfather would do it. "

"Your grandfather has done this!" Qi Tianyu also thinks it's incredible that Liao Li is too arrogant after his wife's absence.

"Yes, I'll question my grandfather. I didn't expect that he even admitted that he had arrested my grandmother, and he didn't mean to repent at all. He even confined me to my room. I haven't been out of this door these days. " Speaking of this, Hong Feng's emotion is excited, and tears are in her eyes. Qi Tianyu didn't expect that so many things happened during the time when she left. For a time, she felt guilty for Hong Feng.

"I didn't expect so many things to happen. You should work hard alone."

"Yes, there is no one who can help me. I really, really..." Hong Feng couldn't help crying, lying on Qi Tianyu's shoulder and shaking. Qi Tianyu patted her on the back. She didn't know what to say. She could only comfort her by saying, "it's OK. It's OK. Liao Li didn't do anything to you. That's the best. At least you're safe."

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