Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2712

"Hong Feng, come with me. Liao Li has already told me where your grandmother is. Let's take the mother out." Qi Tianyu wanted to let the other party go directly, but he thought that since he had saved the other party with good intentions, how could he show his face in front of the other party.

"Really? Do you really do it! " Because Hong Feng had been ordered by her grandfather to stay in the house before, she didn't get any news from outside. She thought that the other party had lost her help. Feifei knew the place: "I didn't expect that Feifei was really willing to help us to see our grandfather and find the news about our grandmother. It seems that I really had some anger with the other party before. I'll go to Huang soon Thank you very much... "

"I've told you where you want to go. It's your grandfather who voluntarily said that he would release your grandmother. It's the end of the matter. Don't mention it again. Moreover, I didn't get the news from the channel you just mentioned. I got it through another kind of information exchange, so you don't know about it We need to thank Feifei. " Qi Tianyu interrupted the other party in time. After all, it was all his secret. Although the other party did remind him, he didn't need the person in front of him to do so.

"Ah? You mean my grandfather let my grandmother out on his own initiative. Why? What have you done? How can this situation be reversed? " Hong Feng had already thought that these people and her grandfather had torn their faces, but she didn't expect that now she could let her grandmother out.

"You don't have to worry about this matter. After all, you agreed before. I want to help me find the clue of that person. That's why I helped you finish this matter. Now that I've done it for you, you don't have to worry about other things. After all, you can't worry about other things." After Qi Tianyu finished this, of course, he had more important things to do, but he never wanted to let the girl in front of him get involved in other things, so he didn't say much.

"Well, anyway, as long as you can save my grandmother, I don't want to take care of other things. After you save my grandmother, I will let her go with me to avenge my parents. I really don't want to take care of other things." Hong Feng is also telling the truth. After all, she came here to seek help and help her family revenge. But no one thought that so many things would happen after she came here.

"That's no good. Although I've rescued your grandmother, you should know that your enemy and I are alone. You can't act rashly now. You can only stay here and have a good rest with your grandmother. When I finish my work, you can help me find the clues of that person and finish your task. I will help you to revenge. ”Qi Tianyu was a little better when he heard the first half of the other party's words. After all, the other party's obedient stay here is the biggest reward for himself. However, he never thought that the other party was so eager to revenge. If the other party wanted to revenge, it would not reveal his identity and location.

"How can you do this? I have already said that I came here for revenge. After I can save my grandmother, I will be able to revenge my parents with my grandmother. How can you stop me? Your business is so important, my business is not important! " Hong Feng was really not so anxious about revenge for her parents before. After all, she knew that her grandparents would help her when she came here, and she was worried about whether her grandparents would be in danger because of this, so she was very confused.

However, after staying here for some time, I found that my grandparents were not real grandparents at all. There are still many things I don't know. So far, I have been here for so long, but I still can't avenge my parents. So I feel anxious and just want to seize some opportunities to avenge myself It's too late.

"Hong Feng, can you be more rational? Do you know who your enemy is? If you can get revenge just by your ability, do I still have to brew for so many years? You should know that this matter is really extraordinary. You have to think about it in the long run. I have been preparing for so many years. Do you want me to prepare for the result of so many years because of your impulse and become useless? " Although Qi Tianyu had taken this matter to heart before, it was not so important compared with other things, so he ignored it for a moment.

However, Hong Feng raised the issue again at such a critical juncture, so she had to persuade the other party to calm down for a while and wait for her to take down the army completely before taking revenge on that person. After all, that person has been reborn in her absence for so many years.

"Qi Tianyu, you always let me understand you, let me wait for you, then can you understand me, you know my parents died like that, what kind of feeling in my heart? Can't you think about it for me! " Hong Feng was very uncomfortable in her heart. Seeing that the other party was roaring at her, she couldn't help but roar back."Hong Feng, I know I'm a little bit forced, but I have to be patient, because if you do it now, you will not be able to take revenge, but you and your grandmother will also be involved. Don't you remember that you would have hurt your grandmother before? Now you don't care about that? If you do it right now, you have little chance of winning. " Qi Tianyu tried to be emotional and reasonable, hoping that the other side could understand his own painstakingness. After all, what he wanted to do was the same as the other side. As long as the other side was patient for a period of time, he would try his best to deal with that person, and at the same time, he could revenge for the other side.

"Qi Tianyu, I understand what you said, but I can't help it It was from that time that I really became a broken family. It was from that time that I learned that my grandfather and grandmother were not what I thought they were. From that time on, I became unhappy and full of all kinds of things after I came here. I really don't like what I am now... " Hong Feng has grown up from a carefree girl to today. Only she can understand how much pressure she is under.

Qi Tianyu understood that the other party had listened to his words and should not be a city any more. Therefore, he could not deny the fact that the other party confided in him. He could only say nothing and act as a listener.

"Well, let's not talk about that. Let's get my grandmother back together. After all, this is the top priority." Hong Feng quickly adjusted her mind. After all, she really suffered too much during this period of time, so she couldn't help it. But she really felt relaxed after she said it, and she was able to think rationally.

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