Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2714

Qi Tianyu was afraid that the girls around him would be excited again, so he could only persuade the other side, and instead of wasting time, he went straight to the direction he had heard.

"Qi Tianyu, I've just seen it here. There's really nothing. Can this small place even be used array?" Although Hong Feng is very excited now, her brain is also turning rapidly, thinking about where her grandmother is, so she also puts forward a possibility.

"That's too much for you to think about. This place used to be just a place for practice, but now it has been abandoned. It's just used to imprison some people, so it doesn't use the array at all. It can't get out after it's here, so it's a waste if there are those things." Qi Tianyu denied the other party's conjecture. He would be very excited when things are related to him. Otherwise, the other party would feel something wrong.

"You don't want to play tricks any more, just tell me where Grandma is." Hong Feng now also sees that the people around her are actually confident and have no other doubts at all. Instead, she is walking in a direction, so she is no longer anxious and directly asks the whereabouts of her grandmother.

"Underground." Qi Tianyu didn't tell the other party before. It wasn't such a prank as the other party thought. He was afraid that the other party couldn't accept it for a while, so he wanted to tell the other party all the truth slowly. But he didn't expect that the other party was so worried. In this case, he could only tell the other party succinctly.

"What Hong Feng has also speculated for countless times that maybe after his grandfather locked up his grandmother, he would treat each other well. After all, the two people have been in love for so many years. Even if they don't have love, they have been accompanying each other for so many years, and they won't do anything to each other. When people occasionally think that their grandfather will really kill their grandmother Or it's true that she was locked up like a prisoner, but she never thought that her grandmother was locked up underground!

As a well-trained young lady in the family, Hong Feng naturally has seen the dungeon. It's not only dark every day and never exposed to the sun, but also stays in the dungeon all the time. She can't even distinguish the passage of time. What's more, it's very humid underground and there are often some bad things. What's more, it's an island

Although Hong Feng knows that her grandmother is close at hand, some of her even dare not go on. After all, she has no idea what she should do when she sees her suffering. What's more, she could have rescued her as quickly as possible. For such a long time, you have been delayed for such a long time because of your willfulness and procrastination, Let Grandma suffer so much for so long.

"Hong Feng, you don't have to think about it. When I met your grandfather before, your grandfather once said to me that although your grandmother was locked up, the personnel let the other party stay well. It was just locked up in a place, but there was no complete restriction on freedom. So I think your grandmother should not be too bad." Qi Tianyu actually knew that it was all lies. After all, he had been locked up in such a place, even in a dungeon. What else could he say?

"Qi Tianyu, you don't have to comfort me. It's all because of me. If I hadn't come here, maybe my grandmother would not have been locked up by her. Maybe both of them could still maintain their superficial peace. It's because I came here and now I'm like this..." Hong Feng now attributes all the stories to herself. After all, these things happened after she came here.

"Hong Feng, you can't think like this. This matter has nothing to do with you. It's just a coincidence. Compared with your grandmother, he doesn't know the information your grandfather wants to know, but your grandfather always thinks that your grandmother knows it, so he will treat your grandmother well for so many years. If your grandfather knows it early, your grandmother doesn't know it at all If there is any news, it may have already become what it is today. " Qi Tianyu tried his best to make his words simple and easy to understand. After all, the girls around him now blame themselves for all their faults. Only by very simple persuasion can they let each other hear them.

"But if it wasn't for me, my grandmother would not have been discovered by my grandfather. Moreover, my grandmother wanted to help me get revenge, so she came to the present situation..." Hong Feng couldn't forgive herself for a moment. Even though she knew it had nothing to do with her, she still had a knot in her heart.

Qi Tianyu is still trying to comfort each other. After all, if the other party keeps thinking like this, it will be very bad for the other party's future cultivation. The knot is very important in the later growth process of these people. If they don't untie it early, there may be a big explosion in the future.

"Qi Tianyu, you don't have to comfort me. After all, we still have to find my grandmother quickly. It's the most important thing to save my grandmother. As for what I think in my heart, it's not that important at all." After Hong Feng calmed down, he continued to move on. Even if he was afraid of his grandmother, he had to save her as soon as possible."Hong Feng, you don't want to be like this. You should know that all these things have been predestined many years ago. After all, your grandfather and your grandmother are together for the secret of your grandmother, but your grandmother doesn't know anything. Even if it's strange, you can only blame the people and things many years ago, which have nothing to do with you at all, so you must not blame yourself Do you understand Qi Tianyu still didn't give up. After all, if the girls around him could see his grandmother in such a state, the knot in his heart would become deeper.

"Qi Tianyu, I know what you mean. Naturally, I know what you mean. But I can't get over it for a while. Let's save my grandmother first. I promise I won't do anything. Let me think about it first." Hong Feng also understands the pains of the people around her, but she really can't do it now. Now she just wants to save her grandmother early.

"Well, you must remember that after seeing your grandmother, you must be calm. You must not take revenge early, and you must not do anything for your grandmother to your grandfather. You must know that your grandfather has other functions for me." Qi Tianyu of course knows that these things can't be forced, so he can only take preventive measures in advance and let the other party calm down as much as possible.

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