Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2726

When Qi Tianyu returned to Liao Li's house, Liao Li was also anxiously waiting for him. When Qi Tianyu told him that he could leave, Liao Li was very happy. He burst out laughing, patted Qi Tianyu on the shoulder and said, "I didn't expect that you were the one who helped me find this place at last. It seems that zhutiandi was right that I didn't poison you at that time."

Qi Tianyu said with a smile, "well, I have to thank you, Mr. Liao.

"We don't have to be so polite. Anyway, it's just a trade. You helped me find this place, and I agreed to release that woman to you. Isn't that good?"

Qi Tianyu could not help sighing. He looked at Liao Li and said, "Lord Liao, that woman is your hairy wife. Even if you don't like her any more, don't you have any feelings for her after so many years together?"

Liao Li snorted, as if very impatient, "emotion! If it wasn't for her, would I have to be so humble to please the Tian family? Also hurt my beloved woman was ridiculed and slandered, so many years to be aboveboard with me

People like Liao Li can't see his mistakes at all. Qi Tianyu doesn't want to talk about them any more. He turns around and leaves. Liao Li stops him and says, "wait a minute, you haven't told me what I need to prepare to go there."

"There's no need to prepare anything. If you are qualified to enter there, it's very easy to enter."

"What does that mean? What kind of people are qualified to enter there? "

"I don't know very well either."

"Outsiders like you can enter that army. Can't I, as the Liao family, enter?" Liao Li was also a little flustered. He naturally knew what kind of place the army was. According to the legend, there were countless people who respected and allowed the emperor in the military rank. If he broke in by force, it would not do him any good. He had always been a cautious man, and of course he had to think of all kinds of strategies.

"I'm just a stranger, but I don't know that? I went in by mistake. "

"By mistake? Zhutian Di, you don't have to pit me. Naturally, I know that you are relying on the young lady of the Huang family to get in. "

"I didn't expect you to know that." Qi Tianyu was a little surprised. Liao Li said with a smile, "it's impossible to keep things from me. I don't care so much about the Huang family now. It doesn't matter whether he is the head of Huang Li's family or the head of Huang Wen's family. So you don't have to worry about what I will do to the Huang family when I know the news. Tell me directly."

"Well, I really rely on Huang Li to get in, which means that I didn't lie to you. Huang Li is a miss of the Huang family. She can get in naturally because there are Huang family members in it. I will take her with me tomorrow. By the way, Mr. Liao, you have been searching the army for so many years. You should know something about it. Is there any Liao family that can take you in? "

"This..." In fact, Liao Li didn't know anything about the information inside the army. Qi Tianyu asked, but he couldn't come back for a while.

Qi Tianyu said with a smile, "it seems not. But I can't help you. Mr. Liao, our deal has been agreed. It's just that I'll take you to that place. As for how to get in and how to ensure your own safety after you get in, that's what you need to consider."

Without listening to Liao Li's reply, Qi Tianyu left directly. Liao Li looked at Qi Tianyu's back and couldn't help but scold him, "smelly boy, now you can be arrogant. When I get the army, I will make you look good!"

Early the next morning, Qi Tianyu set out to take them to meet Huang Li. But when he went to Hongfeng and Mrs. Liao's room, he found that it was empty. He searched for several times, but he didn't find any news. "What's the matter?"

Qi Tianyu thinks that at this juncture, Mrs. Liao and Hong Feng will not leave without saying goodbye. He rushes out of their room. As soon as he comes out, he sees Liao Li standing at the door. Qi Tianyu is startled by his sudden appearance. He steps back and says cautiously, "how can you be here?"

"You're looking for that woman. Yes? Are you going to take them with you? "

Qi Tianyu originally just wanted to ask Mrs. Liao and Hong Feng about their opinions. Naturally, they decided whether to go or not. However, when he heard Liao Li's question, Qi Tianyu knew what he was thinking. He took a look at Liao Li's back, but didn't see Hong Feng and Mrs. Liao's body shadow. He directly asked, "you've caught them again."

"It's not catching them, it's taking them in. I think about what you said yesterday. What you said is true. Although I don't like to see that woman any more, she is also my wife in name. Naturally, I will take her with me wherever I go. "

Qi Tianyu sneered, and was almost amused by his shamelessness. "Lord Liao, you'd better tell the truth. You want to take her to save your life because you know she's from the Tian family."

"Ha ha, save my life. I don't need that woman to save my life. I take them to warn you that you'd better not act rashly and try to deceive me.""This man is so shameless!" Qi Tianyu gritted his teeth and said, "Lord Liao, are you really going to attack your granddaughter and wife?"

"I've said that many times. That woman is just my wife in name. As for the granddaughter, I won't attack her, but it's OK to make her suffer. After all, don't you think my granddaughter is unruly and willful? If you can give her a little memory this time, wouldn't it suit you Liao Li even laughed when he said it.

Qi Tianyu suppresses his anger. This Liao Li has no bottom line. He really answers what Mrs. Liao said. It's better to be a beast. Qi Tianyu nods and agrees. They go out of Mrs. Liao's yard and see a group of bodyguards waiting. Qi Tianyu looks around and doesn't see Mrs. Liao and Hong Feng. "Where are they ?”

"It's in the sedan chair. Don't worry. I won't do anything to them. They just have to wait in the sedan chair."

Qi Tianyu saw that the sedan chair didn't look like a sedan chair at all. Although the appearance was very exquisite and all the wood used was excellent, it looked like a cage. He was a little upset when he thought that Hong Feng was locked in. He didn't have a good face to Liao Li. "Let me see them first."

"I didn't expect that you were really interested in my granddaughter. At the beginning, I tried to persuade her to marry you, but it didn't work out later. Let's talk about zhutiandi, you have some regrets."

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