Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2730

Huang Li got up from behind. She looked up and down at the beast. She couldn't even see its whole face. She said to Qi Tianyu, "what is it? When did you have such a thing? I've never heard of it. "

"It's not really mine. It's Hongfeng's." Qi Tianyu explained again helplessly.

Liao Li knew that no matter whether it belonged to Hong Feng or not, Qi Tianyu meant to release Hong Feng. "If it belonged to you, Qi Tianyu wanted you to look good."

He swears and goes to the sedan chair and opens the door. Before Hong Feng and Mrs. Liao recover, he pulls Hong Feng out and closes the door.

At this time, Hong Feng is still sleeping. She doesn't know what happened. When she was forced out by Liao Li, she is still half asleep and half awake. "What's the matter?"

"Do you think that's what you did?" Liao Li holds Hong Feng's hair and raises her head to look over there. Hong Feng opens her sleepy eyes and sees her pet ball.

"The ball? How did the ball become like this

"Ask me! I also want to ask you, this is really your thing. Where did you get such a monster

"I I don't know. The ball will never look like this. How can it? " Hong Feng is also full of amazement. It seems that she really knows nothing about the shape of the ball. Qi Tianyu goes to Hong Feng's side, points to the ball and says, "you see, it has become like this. Is that why you sent it to me? "

"No, I don't know why?" Hong Feng was also a little dull. She walked slowly towards the ball, walked around it and stopped in the direction of its head, shouting, "ball! Ball ball! You look down at me. "

When he heard his master's voice, the ball seemed very excited. He raised his head to the sky and screamed. Then he lowered his head and looked at the familiar figure on the ground. He habitually stretched out his nose to touch her.

But it is now so big body, if touched, Hongfeng will die, Qi Tianyu rushed to stop Hongfeng's waist to avoid the ball's touch.

The ball didn't know why Hong Feng avoided it. It sobbed and drooped its ears.

Hong Feng said to Qi Tianyu, "don't be nervous. The ball won't hurt me."

"I know it won't hurt you, but if you look at it now, it will unintentionally hurt you even if it doesn't want to hurt you."

"No, the ball is very clever and obedient." Hong Feng broke away from Qi Tianyu's hand and went to the side of the ball. She reached out to touch the ball's calf and whispered to the ball. "Ball, will you change back to the original? I can't hold you like that. "

Qi Tianyu watched, and felt that Hong Feng's move was too stupid. Could it be that with her words, the giant could change back to its original appearance, but the next scene stunned all of them. After Hong Feng said this, the giant in front of her slowly shrank, and it became the mouse Qi Tianyu had seen Like appearance, also bouncing around the feet of Hong Feng, rubbed a pull Hong Feng's clothes climbed to her palm.

Hong Feng looked at the little ball in her hand, touched its head, looked at Qi Tianyu and said, "look, I said that the ball won't hurt me. It listens to me when I speak."

"Good All right Qi Tianyu could not say anything except nodding.

Liao Li looked at all the broken things around him, as well as his bodyguards who were knocked down on the ground, and his anger rose. "What's the matter? It's a farce!"

He came forward, slapped Hong Feng, glared at her and said, "look at you! That's what you did. "

Hong Feng was slapped inexplicably, standing in the same place, looking at Liao Li and saying, "you, you hit me!"

"It's you who fight. Look what you've done. Just like your short-lived mother, you've never done anything that makes me feel comfortable."

Hong Feng's eyes gradually changed when she looked at Liao Li. She clenched her fist. Qi Tianyu came up to hold her when she wanted to do it, and whispered to her, "bear it again."

Hong Feng turned to look at Qi Tianyu. Her eyes were full of tears. Qi Tianyu clenched her hand and said, "wait a second, believe me."

Liao Li couldn't look down on the two of them. He turned his head and yelled at the bodyguards who collapsed on the ground, "what a bunch of rubbish! Let's see what I can't do for both of you if I take them so long? "

The bodyguards, who supported their waist from the ground, got up lamely and half knelt down to listen to Liao Li's lecture.

Qi Tianyu helped Hong Feng to one side. Hong Feng broke away from Qi Tianyu and said, "why did you stop me just now? Didn't you see that he hit me?"

"I know. Haven't I already told you? Wait a second. "

"Wait for what! I can't stand it any more. He is not only like this to my grandmother, but also like this to me now. Maybe one day I will die in his hands! "Hong Feng shed tears. She couldn't hold her breath when she thought of the humiliation just now. In fact, if Liao Li didn't mention her mother, she might not be so angry, but Liao Li could even say such words to his own daughter, which shows what kind of person he is.

As long as he wants to punish the army, I'll tell him what he wants to do

"You're just doing your own so-called task, aren't you? You always put your own affairs in the first place and don't care about my feelings at all Hong Feng cried and beat Qi Tianyu hard.

Qi Tianyu has some helplessness. He doesn't know why Hong Feng is so angry all of a sudden. However, Hong Feng is right. The reason why he endures his temper and doesn't fight Liao Li is that he can catch him alive so that Mrs. Huang can see him and finish his task.

Hong Feng cried so much that Qi Tianyu didn't know what to say. Huang Li came over from behind. She helped Hong Feng to one side, patted her back and said, "he's just a man who only cares about himself. If you know, why do you want to cry for this?"

Qi Tianyu had no choice but to know when he got into trouble with Huang Li.

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