Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2732

Qi Tianyu didn't expect that he was such an image in the other party's heart: "Huang Li, you think I'm too bad. Even if I want such a thing, I'll go straight and straight, and I won't embezzle it by your way."

Qi Tianyu's expression was really wrong when he said this sentence. Obviously, he was really angry. He didn't seem to mind no matter what the other party said.

When Huang Li saw the other person's expression change and heard what the other person said, he immediately reflected that he really misunderstood the other person, and recalled what the other person had done before. Although he didn't agree with some things, what the other person had done was really aboveboard and aboveboard. Qi Tianyu was not a furtive person in his heart.

"Well, well, I know that I was wrong. At that time, I just said nonsense in my mouth in a hurry. Don't mind. I know you won't do such a thing. It's just that you just asked me that sentence, which made me have some vigilance in my heart." After seeing that the other party was angry, Huang Li's first reaction was to apologize. After all, he did something wrong.

"Forget it, I won't care about these little things with you. On the contrary, I really have to reflect on why I left such an impression in your heart." Although Qi Tianyu was really unhappy just now, he really didn't mind these problems with a little girl. After all, these are small things for him.

"That's good. I knew you had a lot of them." Huang Li laughed, as if the unhappiness had never happened on his face.

Qi Tianyu didn't answer again. Instead, he turned the sign over and over, as if he were studying the sign carefully. He also seemed to be unconsciously flipping, thinking about something in his mind.

"You can't! Why do you lock me up! " When both of them didn't speak, they suddenly heard a cry coming from the side.

"Can't you stop one of you? Shut up her mouth! Knock straight out Liao Li originally intended to put Hong Feng out to solve the problem and then directly shut him up. As a result, when he talked with Qi Tianyu, he didn't ask him to do it in advance. What he brought was some elm heads, so he just stood by and didn't do it. As a result, this period of time gave Hong Feng enough time to prepare, and he slowed down Hong Feng Feng can't be locked up all of a sudden.

"Yes The following bodyguards have already delayed things before. They were afraid that the other party would blame them. Now they are very positive to see that they have the chance to make amends.

"Qi Tianyu! Qi Tianyu! Are you deaf? " Hong Feng dodged as much as she could and began to shout.

Qi Tianyu had just heard the other party's shouting, when he heard the other party's raving: "what is Hong Feng doing? How can you talk like that

"You can still stand here now. Don't you see that the other party wants to lock Hong Feng up again? You two have known each other for a long time. Are you just standing here indifferent and not ready to help at all? " Huang Li naturally looked over there.

"Yo Yo, haven't you two always had a bad relationship? All of a sudden, I was chatting with each other and asked to help each other. " Qi Tianyu will naturally help the other party not to let Liao Li lock Hong Feng up, no matter what his mind is, but Huang Li suddenly helps Hong Feng speak, which he really didn't expect.

"Not yet..." Huang Li's voice was getting smaller and smaller. Even if he was standing nearby, he didn't hear what he was saying behind him. Qi Tianyu really didn't care what he was saying. He quickly stepped forward to join the battle circle.

"Zhutiandi, you don't have to toast or drink. I've already given you face. Now it's our housework. How can you manage it again?" Liao Li wanted to lock up his granddaughter while the other party didn't pay attention. He didn't expect that the granddaughter would shout and disturb the other party.

"Mr. Liao, what you said is not right. Although the other party is really your granddaughter, now things are not as simple as you said. If you are determined to lock up your granddaughter, I can stand by. After all, you have said that it's all your housework and has nothing to do with me." Qi Tianyu easily beat back the people who came to him and answered each other's words.

Liao Li thought that he was very sure, but after listening to what the other party said, he didn't know what to do. After all, there was nothing wrong with what the other party said. Hong Feng and Mrs. Liao had nothing to do with each other. They didn't believe each other. They really helped themselves because of this. What they believed more was that they had nothing to do with each other, The other party may take advantage of this opportunity to tear his face, so that he can't even go anywhere.

"Zhutian Di, you don't really want to take this opportunity to tear your face with me. You can see clearly that Huang Li and Mrs. Liao are in my hands." Although Liao Li's heart was a little empty, he couldn't show it on the surface. After all, it was his only grasp now.

"It's very simple for me to promise you not to get angry before I leave, but the premise is that I have the ability to do this right now." The last time Qi Tianyu failed to threaten each other like this in the Liao family, it was just because the place was wrong, and the two men had been locked up, but now the situation is just the opposite.Although there are many people in this place, Liao Li's previous incident has already cost some people. What's more, these people are really not his opponents, and Hong Feng is not locked up now, so it's easier for him to do it now.

Liao Li didn't expect that the other party would speak so clearly. Originally, according to what he thought, the other party should take several rounds with him to talk about this kind of words. There are always some conditions for them to talk about. He didn't expect that the other party should say the other party's conditions so firmly. As long as he thought well before, there is no need to say it I forced myself to make a decision right now.

Qi Tianyu can see Liao Li's surprised expression when he hears such words, but it has nothing to do with him. What he has to do is to force the other party to express his position.

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