Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2734

"Huang Li, Huang Li, it's time for us to go." Qi Tianyu's time of cultivation passed quickly. As soon as he opened his eyes, he was already full of stars. When he woke up, he saw that Huang Li was still sitting near him, so he went quietly and said hello to each other.

Huang Li has been waiting for the other party to come and call him since dark. He didn't expect that the other party should be so patient and didn't come until midnight. Huang Li didn't want to appear too eager, so he nodded with reserve: "OK, since you come to me, let's leave."

Qi Tianyu didn't see what the opposite girl was thinking. He just stood up after hearing the other party's promise: "you should still have those strange drugs. After all, there were so many strange and mysterious drugs when you used them on your brother before. You should quickly sprinkle them on and let the people here fall into a coma We can leave. "

"I know you're thinking about it again. Although I have a lot of them, they're not all for nothing. Do you know how precious these medicines are? So you say you can just sprinkle them." Although Huang Li said he didn't want to, he put his hand into his pocket and took out a lot of medicine.

"Well, no problem. Let's go." Qi Tianyu saw that the girl beside him had completed the action, and believed that the other party's medicine should be able to infatuate with the other party, so he left with the other party very happily.

The two men soon came to the array Huang Li said. They were about to take out the sign in their hands when they heard a voice coming from behind.

"Zhutiandi, you are too dishonest. Even if you want to leave you secretly, you should at least tell us. As long as you know that you have promised me to tell me how to enter the intersection of that place, and you leave us there, how can we find the entrance?" Liao Li said calmly, as if the other party had become his own bag.

"What's the matter? How did he wake up? " Qi Tianyu never thought that this person would wake up. After all, he only gave Hong Feng antidote before. Did Hong Feng betray herself!

"I don't know. How is that possible? As long as I breathe, my medicine will be sucked into my body. When it is sucked into my body, even if the other person is emperor, he will fall into a coma, but his ability has not reached that level at all... " Huang Li did not expect that the other party would wake up. After all, his previous drugs were bailing.

Qi Tianyu naturally looks at Hong Feng in the opposite team, but sees Hong Feng shaking her head. It's obvious that he wants to tell himself that it's not the other party who betrayed him.

Qi Tianyu couldn't understand it now. Since the medicine was so effective, how could Liao Li wake up at this time and come here.

"Ha ha ha, Emperor Zhutian, didn't you think that I would come after you at this time? Should I sleep like those pigs in your heart?" Liao Li was obviously very excited about his victory over the other side. After all, he was the famous emperor of pursuing heaven.

"Liao Li, how can it be? How could you come after me? You should be asleep... " Before Qi Tianyu spoke, the girl around him opened his mouth. After all, he firmly did not believe that his medicine had failed.

"Don't worry, Miss Huang. I'm waiting for Zhutian Di to ask me in person." Liao Li is very confident.

"Liao Li, I really underestimated you before. I thought you were just cruel, but I didn't think you really had some brains." Qi Tianyu thought for a while, and then he wanted to understand why he was not asleep.

"Qi Tianyu, why? Did my medicine really fail? " What Huang Li wants to know most is this. After all, he took the medicine to make sure that the other party couldn't catch up with him. He should bear the main responsibility for today's situation. What's more, he used something he was very confident about.

"Huang Li, you don't have to worry. It has nothing to do with you. On the contrary, it's my carelessness. I didn't expect that the other party had seen it earlier. We wanted to leave this evening, so the other party didn't fall asleep at all. Those who didn't fall asleep naturally could hear our conversation. When you sprinkled the drug, the other party already held his breath, of course I won't take your medicine and go to sleep Qi Tianyu figured this out very quickly. After all, it was his own carelessness.

"As expected, you are worthy of the title of emperor Zhutian. I really didn't expect that you would be so careless. Even if you came here early to have a look, we didn't fall asleep, so we took the medicine." Liao Li thought it was very difficult for him to track the other party, but he didn't expect that the other party would make such a big mistake so easily, so that he was naturally assigned to this place, which seems to be the entrance.

"Liao Li, you're right. It's true that I put you here carelessly, but you have to know that after you come here, you can't get in or out." After Qi Tianyu figured it out, he didn't look as anxious as the other party had imagined. On the contrary, he was more relaxed.

"What are you talking about?" Although Liao Li thought there was something wrong with this place before, he followed the people in front of him, so he didn't think so much. He just followed the people in front of him wholeheartedly. Now after the other party reminded him, he easily found that this place was completely different from the place he had been in before."Lord Liao is so smart, and he has known this place for so long. Didn't he think that the entrance to this place should be an array? Or are you confident that you can unlock this array and leave? " Qi Tianyu didn't worry at all because he thought of this. After all, the other side said that there was no sign to enter, and the other side didn't have the ability to untie the array and leave. So after he entered, the group of people in front of him could only be trapped here.

Qi Tianyu had never thought about this method before. He didn't think that the person in front of him hit him by mistake and knocked him down to help him.

"Zhutiandi, how can you do such a villain's behavior? Take us in as soon as possible, or I will let you die here!" Liao Li is really worried about himself. Although he brings some people in, he has no one who is good at array. It's impossible for him to go in, so he can only threaten the other side while they are still standing in front of him.

"Liao Li, you should be talking about yourself. After all, if you hadn't followed me secretly, you wouldn't have been like this." Qi Tianyu is not polite to each other.

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