Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2761

"So you mean Hong Feng has become so irritable and irritable, which has something to do with the change of the ball." Qi Tianyu understood Huang Li's meaning, but it was still unbelievable. He also had a god beast. How could he have these inexplicable connections.

"Yes, I know you may feel a little strange, but according to the ancient books I have read, if the power of the beast you raise exceeds that of the master, you will control the master's mood and power. If you don't have such a situation, it may be that your mind and martial arts level are far above your beast. You control it, not it 。” Huang Li explained very clearly, and Qi Tianyu understood. He scratched his head and felt that the current situation was difficult to solve. He looked at Hong Feng, who was pale in the face. "Do you know how to deal with this situation?"

Hong Feng shook his head. "How can I know? I've never heard of it. You just said that my ball is a combination of monster and beast. Is that true?"

"Otherwise, how to explain that it has the power of evil at the same time, and the mind is not so aggressive."

"What should we do then?" Hong Feng is also a little flustered. She has been keeping the ball for so long and has never thought about this problem. But it is true that every time she shows the ball to her predecessors and friends, they don't have a very good expression. They even advise her not to keep the ball any more, which is not good for her.

Huang Li looked at Hong Feng's flustered expression and said, "don't be too flustered. The ball is still in its infancy. Its strength is not so strong. It can only affect your mood. It won't affect your life and body."

"That won't work. After all, it's not good for you." However, Qi Tianyu thinks that Hong Feng should no longer keep the ball. Hong Feng looks up at Qi Tianyu and falls into silence. She raised the ball from childhood. She always has deep feelings. How can she leave it because she knows its life experience.

The ball seemed to understand what they were talking about, and then it drooped its ears. In Hong Feng's hand, it turned and arched her nails, as if praying for something.

Hong Feng felt her hairy head, and her heart was in a panic. As Huang Li said, she really felt irritable and restless. She wanted to vent her feelings. She tried to suppress her emotions and said to Tianyu, "I mistook you just now. I'm really sorry. Let's see you later. I want to be quiet for a while now."

"Wait a minute, are you sure you can handle it alone? Otherwise, you give me the ball first. I believe I can suppress it. "

"How can you hold it down? It has a heart to heart relationship with Hong Feng. What you recognize is that Hong Feng is its master. Even if you take it away, you can't change it." Huang Li said to one side that Qi Tianyu didn't know what to do. Hong Feng could see that he was really worried about himself. She was a little moved. She felt guilty for scolding him just now. She patted Qi Tianyu on the shoulder and said, "I'm really sorry, but thank you. Let's talk about it later."

Hong Feng didn't listen to Qi Tianyu's answer, so she turned and ran out, and the ball followed her.

Qi Tianyu sighed. He didn't know how the ball caused so much trouble. "Huang Li, thank you. I didn't expect you to know so much. Excuse me."

Qi Tianyu is a little sorry. After apologizing with Huang Li, he is ready to leave.

Huang Li stopped him, "wait a moment, since you're here, why don't you discuss with me what to do next?"

"What's the matter? Is there anything else difficult to solve? "

"Didn't I tell you just now? I'm afraid that Fang Qing is doing something.

"Huang Li, you are worried too much. I told you long ago that if the soldiers come to block, the water will come and cover the ground. Since he doesn't start, why should we think too much?"

"No, you don't know something. Just now my mother told me that Fang Qing is looking for people with wood in their names. They have already caused riots in the Bai and Ling families. "

"What! What is he doing with this man? " Qi Tianyu also felt strange.

Huang Li shook his head. "My mother just told me, and she didn't want to tell me the whole truth, but it seems to have something to do with the Tian family."

"It's understandable that Fang Qing wants to catch the people of the Tian family, but where did he get the news that the person surnamed Mu might be the Tian family." Qi Tianyu felt that this was a bit of a lie, but Huang Li didn't know more, so they were at a loss.

"Or I'll ask your mother."

"Come on, my mother doesn't even want to tell me, how can I tell you, but I can guess that the news seems to come from my mother, because she seems to be very guilty when she talks to me."

"I see. I think your guess is quite reasonable. Wood By the way, isn't that man called Baimu? Has he also been arrested? " Qi Tianyu suddenly thought of the Bai family he met here.

Huang Li shook her head melancholy. The reason why she cared so much was because that person, although he said he had cheated himself, at that time he was still unforgettable to her.Qi Tianyu also guessed what Huang Li was thinking. He sighed, "I thought we could get some information from Bai Mu, but he was caught."

"I don't know if Baimu has been arrested, but it seems that Fang Qing hasn't found anyone and is still searching everywhere. I think that since Fang Qing is still looking for that person, he must have not found the person he is looking for. Do you think that person is Bai Mu? "

"Is Fang Qing still looking for it?" Qi Tianyu was a little surprised.

"That's right. Fang Qing has tormented the big family a lot, and Fang Qing has been looking for it like crazy, regardless of people's resistance. It's said that some elders can't sit still."

"I see. It seems that he didn't find the person he was looking for. He must be Baimu."

"Are you so sure?"

"Of course, didn't I see that he was the Tian family at that time?"

"What should we do? Where is he now? I don't know any news. " Huang Li asks quickly, hearing that Bai Mu has not been arrested, she has a trace of joy in her heart. Although she despises her own psychology, she still can't control it.

Qi Tianyu comforted Huang Li and said, "don't worry too much. You'd better solve your own problems now. As for Baimu, I'll check it."

"Well Well, if you have any news, come back and let me know

"Don't worry." Seeing that Huang Li seemed really worried, Qi Tianyu didn't mean to make fun of her, so he turned around and went out.

Huang Li saw Qi Tianyu's back disappear. He sat down on the chair and patted his head. "It's really hopeless. Huang Li, why do you worry about him?"

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