Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2768

"I I broke in by accident. I lost my way here, and I can't get out. I don't know if Shangxian can help me Hong Feng was nervous and asked carefully.

The man seemed to think about it before he said. "I don't have the time to help you out, but what I can tell you is that it's full of illusions. If you don't step in carefully, it will be difficult for you to get out all your life."

"How could that be? Shangxian, help me. Help me as soon as possible. " Hong Feng was really anxious, and her voice was filled with tears.

The man heard that Hong Feng was about to cry, but he laughed happily, "it's really funny. I'm afraid I can't stand it, right?"

Hong Feng knew that he was frightening herself and got a little annoyed, but she suppressed her emotions and knew that she couldn't confront this person. "Shangxian, don't tease me. Tell me, how can I get out?"

"You come here, you come here, I'll tell you." Said the man.

Hong Feng was a little scared, but she went in the direction of the voice. Walking several meters away, I didn't see anyone, "Shangxian, you're not teasing me, are you?"

"Ha ha ha, you are so low in martial arts that you can't even see the phantom? Look up. "

Hong Feng looked up and saw an old man with gray hair and beard on the top of the tree. Hong Feng was really surprised. The top of the tree was not as thick as his thumb. Since the man was standing on it easily, he seemed to be floating, "Shangxian, can you take me out?"

Hong Feng did not dare to ask more, but just repeated the question.

Hearing Hong Feng's words, the old man gave a big smile and jumped to Hong Feng from above. Hong Feng was held by his wrist before she was startled. The old man looked at Hong Feng up and down, touched his beard, nodded and said, "it's a plastic material. It's just that there's an evil spirit all over his body. What's the matter?"

"Up Don't look at Shangxian. Didn't you mean to tell me how to get out? " Hong Feng is also afraid to break free by his hand, shrinking his neck, carefully asked.

"What are you afraid of? You know, all of you can't get in if you want to. You're lucky to come in by mistake. Can't wait to leave? "

"I I'm a little scared. What is this place? " Hong Feng sees this person strange, does not listen to others to speak at all, can only follow his words.

The old man nodded? If I were not in a good mood today, you would have died hundreds of times. "

"Shangxian, don't! I have absolutely no malice. I'm not a bad person. I just... "

"Well, don't say any more. If you are so afraid of death, why do you come to our situation? Don't you know who we train here? " The old man interrupted Hong Feng and rubbed his head impatiently. Hong Feng was surprised, but he didn't dare to speak.

It's like feeling Hong Feng's inner tension, and the ball in her storage bag starts to stir. Hong Feng knows that she can't release the ball in this case, so she quickly presses her storage bag. The more nervous she is, the deeper the ball feels, and it moves madly in her storage bag.

The old man finally noticed the movement and swept down. Hong Feng quickly took off his hand and ran a few steps away. He hid the storage bag behind him and said to the old man, "Shangxian, I know you are a good man. Will you take me out?"

"What's that you're hiding? It's like a living thing. " When the old man noticed, he would not give up easily. As soon as he moved a step, he flashed behind Hong Feng. He grabbed her hidden hand and took the storage bag. Hong Feng wanted to grab it. When the old man patted her gently, Hong Feng felt unable to move.

"Shangxian, please don't hurt him. He's not an evil creature. The ball never hurt anyone." Hong Feng was scared to tears. She was afraid that this person would hurt the ball.

The old man didn't return to her and released the ball directly from her storage bag.

The ball jumped out and yelled at the old man with a grin. Then it went around to Hong Feng's feet. When Hong Feng looked at him with anxious eyes, the ball got anxious and circled at her feet.

"It turned out to be a goblin. I haven't seen this kind of thing for many years. Since it's still in its infancy, it's really strange that it doesn't have any aggressiveness on it." Said the man. With a lift in his hand, the ball was out of control, just like he ran to his hand.

The old man held the ball in his hand, looked at it and said, "but it has been infected with evil spirit. It seems that it will change slowly soon. No wonder you have a evil spirit on your little girl."

"Shangxian, don't hit the ball!" Seeing the old man holding the ball in his hand, Hong Feng was already in a cold sweat.

"It's the first time I've ever seen such a feeling for such an evil thing. You know when it comes into being, even your master won't pay attention to it.""It's impossible. I grew up with the ball. It won't hurt me." Hong Feng was stabbed to the pain and couldn't help crying out.

The old man didn't get angry, but laughed, "if it's really simple, you don't know the real body of this evil thing. The combination of spirit beast and demon beast does not appear naturally. It is done by human beings. Once born, such a combination has dozens of times more power than spirit beast and demon beast. If it is well cultivated, it is definitely a useful thing. But if it cannot be suppressed, it will be a disaster if it is out of human control. A person with low level of martial arts like you can't suppress such a beast. Now your mind has been infected by it. If you go on like this, one day you will lose control of the power in your body and die suddenly. "

"No No way. " Hong Feng is a little scared, but she still doesn't believe the ball will hurt her.

"I see that you have already believed me. What do you want to do when you reply? I'm in a good mood today, so I have time to tell you this. " As soon as the old man held the ball in his hand, it disappeared out of thin air.

"Where did you get the ball?" Hong Feng was shocked. When she cried out, she found that her hands and feet could move. She rushed to the old man and grabbed his hand. But there was no trace in his hand, and the ball disappeared.

"Anyway, I have nothing to do in my spare time. I'll help you, the affectionate master and servant. Little girl, you should thank me very much."

"What are you talking about? Give me the ball back... " Before Hong Feng finished speaking, suddenly the man disappeared in front of her eyes. Hong Feng was surprised to find that her feet began to empty. A piece of fog enveloped her. In an instant, she felt unconscious and closed her eyes.

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