Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2771

The old man used to be able to sit in the room and wait for the little girl to make something to eat. Although he didn't have much hope, the little girl should have some ability since she promised to make something for herself.

But the old man looked at the time passing by, and there was no sound coming from outside. After all, he was still curious about what the girl was doing, so he didn't go outside to see what the situation was.

"Girl, what are you doing? Don't you mean to cook food for me? Why are you standing here and doing nothing? " After the old man came out, he saw the little girl standing on the kitchen table, but it seemed as if she had settled down. There was no movement at all.

"This Let me ask you, what should I do first... " Hong Feng had vowed to make some food for each other. After all, she was under the eaves and had to bow her head.

But after I really came here, I found that I was not familiar with the things here. Even when I wanted to make some food for my father and mother, I simply put the food in. But now it seems that there is no fire. I can't just put the pot on the shelf and throw the food in and wait, can I?

"Do you ask me? If I know how to make this thing, why should I ask you to do it? If I really can make food to eat, would I mind that little bit of food with you? " What the old man said was quite reasonable. After all, if the food was not very serious, he would not care about a little food with a little girl.

"But you live here alone. If you really can't make food, how can you live so long?" After Hong Feng came to this place, she had calmed down and even had the mood to do some other things.

"Who told you I live here alone, little girl, don't be smart." Instead of answering the other questions, the old man murmured.

"You didn't live here alone. I thought you lived here alone. It was very lonely. That's why I came here to accompany you." Hong Feng continued to murmur, as if she thought that the person opposite could not hear herself. But in fact, with the profound skill of the person opposite, it was easy to hear such a little voice.

"Smelly girl, what do you say? Who said I brought you here because I was lonely? It's clear that there is evil in your body, and you can't hold this thing around you. If it wasn't for me, the old man, to help you, you would have been controlled by this evil thing for a long time. At that time, even the heavenly king Laozi would be hard to save." The old man jumped at the same place, his beard curled up.

After listening to what the old man standing opposite said, Hong Fengcai really realized that his mood was much more stable after he came here, even better than before, not to mention compared with these very irritable states these days.

Hong Feng would like to understand this matter, but also embarrassed to argue with the other side, after all, no matter what, the other side did help themselves, and now look like the other side also saved the ball, in this case, I reluctantly forgive the other side called the ball evil thing.

"I'm too lazy to tell you. I don't care this time. Anyway, you must make food for me, and you must satisfy me. If you can't satisfy me, I won't let you leave." Naturally, the old man could see the face of the little girl on the opposite side was better, which proved that the other side knew that he had indeed helped the other side, so he was even more impolite.

"As you can see, I really want to cook food for you, but I'm not good enough. I don't even know what to do first." Although Hong Feng is willing to repay each other's kindness in this way, she really won't.

"You can't do it, you can eat it! Since you know you can't do it, don't you think there are two people here? What shall I do if you eat all my things The old man's face suddenly changed when he heard that the other party really didn't know.

"What do you think I can do now? I really want to help you cook, but I'm powerless now. Even if you force me, I can't make anything. " Hong Feng was also embarrassed by the other party. After all, she had many people waiting on her before. She never wanted to cook by herself, not to mention that she had learned the content professionally. Even if she did it casually, the other party would not be satisfied. So she might as well not do it at the beginning.

"I don't care. I don't care. If you eat my food, you have to compensate me, or I'll eat you!" The old man began to be unreasonable, as if he were a child.

"What do you say, elder? You look like you're not a bad person. " Although Hong Feng usually does not say this kind of words, but when it comes to the end, she can only say soft words.

"Who told you I'm not a bad person, I'm a bad person, I'm a bad person, even if I can't eat you, I can eat your pet, anyway, it's a bad thing, even if I eat others, I can only thank me!" The old man is unreasonable and does not care about his identity at all."What do you say to do now? I really can't cook, otherwise, when I went out to play, I once learned some barbecue things, but first I said that I really can't light a fire, and I can't hunt. If you can make a good fire, and then play some things, I can try to do it for you. " Hong Feng racked her brains to think about the skills she had learned, and finally pulled out such an idea from the corner.

"You are a cheap girl. If I make the fire well and then prepare all the materials for you, will you still need you?" After hearing this, the old man didn't immediately agree. Instead, he asked in reverse.

"Since you don't think you need me, can you do it yourself? I can also help you taste whether it's delicious or not. " After listening to the other party's words, Hong Feng began to dissect directly. Anyway, she only ate a little food before and didn't fill her stomach at all.

"Smelly girl, smelly girl! Have you ever learned to respect the old and care for the young? Forget it, I'm not embarrassed now. Anyway, I have prepared meat there. You start to prepare it now. After I make the fire for you, you'll help me make barbecue. If it's not delicious, don't blame me for being impolite! " Old man turned around two times in the same place, but he didn't think of any better way, so he just nodded and agreed.

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