Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2773

"Is it so terrible? I felt terrible when I saw you before, but after we get along, I think you are also very interesting. " If Hong Feng had just come in, she would have been very anxious when she heard that. But now she saw that the old man in front of her was so easy to get along with, so she put down her vigilance.

"Even some people say I'm interesting. I like you more, you little girl. But don't think that if you talk to me like this, I'll help you to go to other places. I'll tell you about other places. Even if I used to, I might not be able to leave all over." When Bai Changlao thought of it, he also touched his hair. It seemed that he remembered his burnt hair when he went to another old man's site.

"Who wants you to help me go to another place, and I can't even leave your place? What are you afraid of?" Hong Feng didn't mean that before. After all, she didn't know where the place was, and she didn't have any purpose to come here. What's more, she knew that the place was extraordinary when she came in, so she had no intention to leave the house.

"If not, if not. You don't know that I remember now. Last time I came to the old man's side, I was still scared. My little heart still couldn't stop trembling." Seeing that he had succeeded in persuading the little girl in front of him, the old man snorted and began to fight with the pigeon in his hand.

"But what you said makes me really curious about where you are. After all, according to my opinion, even if all the people I know together, they may not be able to break the array outside you. But you said that your skills can't catch up with here. I'm very curious about where the other people are." Hong Feng really didn't think much, just a simple curiosity.

"Come on, little girl, anyway, you have nothing to do with us here. You should leave completely soon after you go out. It doesn't matter to say it to you. Don't look at the five people who live here, but the others are all Muggles. I'm the only one who says it every day. Others won't respond to me for so long I'm already tired. Now it's not easy for me to have someone to talk to, not to mention how happy I am. "

According to the truth, I can't mention the arrangement here and other things with anyone, but after all, the girl in front of me should have nothing to do with it. Besides, I'm just idle and bored, so it doesn't matter to take these things as stories and tell them to the little girl in front of me.

"Well, it doesn't matter. You should tell me a story, and I'll never come back or touch you after listening to the story. So I'll take it as a dream." Hong Feng can also hear the other party's meaning. After all, if the other party really tells her something confidential, she is afraid that she will get into trouble if she discloses it later, so she expresses her attitude very clearly first.

"I like you, a very smart and interesting little girl." Bai Changlao finally put down the bone in his hand. He ate more food at noon than the last ten days. When he thought about it carefully, he should be able to support himself. If he thought about it in the next few days, the little girl in front of him would do a lot of good. It shouldn't be a big deal to tell her some stories.

Before Bai Chang was old, he still had some tangles in his heart. He didn't know what to say and what not to say. But now when he thinks about it like this, if he talks about anything casually, the other party will feel very surprised. Just say a few words casually and tell the other party a story.

"Our place, in fact, has existed for a long time. The place where you stayed before, that is, the place where your grandmother took you to take refuge, has existed for as long as it has existed. But I tell you that you are the first person to enter our place in so many years. That's not right, you are the first person to enter our place It's the second one. Although the man didn't come in before, he forced us to go out to see each other. He's just one of them. " When Bai Changlao recalled the events of that year, he seemed very calm.

"Isn't it good luck for me to see other people casually, where I can't get in at all, who I can't see?" When Hong Feng said this, she was sincere. After all, she had been outside since she was a child, and she still liked this kind of thrilling things very much.

Bai Changlao can naturally see the girl in front of him. He says this from his heart. In this way, he likes the girl more. After all, he has not wanted to talk about other people's pursuit for a long time.

"Yes, so when I brought you in before, you didn't want a thousand. Now you are very lucky to know that I brought you in. You know that although I often go out to play, I never brought anyone in. You are still the first one." Although elder Bai's words are true, the main reason why he didn't bring anyone in is not because he didn't want to, but because no one can go to the place before, but this reason doesn't need to tell the girl in front of him, so that the other party always thinks he is so lucky."But you still didn't tell me where this place is? Even if this place exists with the place my grandmother brought before me, it can't prove that these two places are the same place, or is your place actually a secret base outside? " Hong Feng is still asking questions, but this question has never involved privacy.

"We are a secret base made by those people outside? If you say this in front of me, don't say it in front of other people. If they hear it, I'm afraid those people will directly take your life away. You know, those people outside worship us as gods. " Elder Bai is very proud of this. After all, he has paid a lot to become an elder.

"You are so powerful. No wonder I found that everything here is very powerful after I came in. Even if I simply came in, it would take so much ability. The tired appearance after the ball came in almost made me despair." Hong Feng nodded and didn't ask any more, because the people in front of her were obviously interested and began to talk about the things behind.

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