Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2791

"Let me see." Qi Tianyu took a look at the four coffins. There were four expressionless men in the coffins. They were all a little older. From their gray temples and wrinkled faces, we can see that they were wearing a uniform dress. They were a blue and white robe. It seemed that there were some symbols on it. Qi Tianyu could not see it, so he called on Baijing“ Take a closer look. "

Bai Jing shook his head and stepped back. "I, I don't want to go up. It's a dead man."

"Not dead."

"How can it be? Aren't these four coffins? Isn't it dead? " Bai Jing was surprised to hear Qi Tianyu say so.

Qi Tianyu put his hand on the coffin. He could feel the spiritual power coming out of the coffin. Although these people didn't breathe and sealed their divine consciousness and spiritual power, their martial arts level was very high. The spiritual power could penetrate into his palm like this. We could see that they were still alive.

"Of course I didn't cheat you. Come and have a look."

When Bai Jing heard Qi Tianyu say this, he walked over and looked at the people inside. He was surprised, "this It's like we're from the Tian family. "

"It's from your family!" Qi Tianyu was surprised.

"Yes, look at the Runes of the Tian family engraved on their bodies. This is our unique flag of the Tian family, and the clothes they wear are also the outer robes of the Tian family many years ago."

"It's strange how the fairies of the Tian family can be put in this place, and they haven't completely died yet." Qi Tianyu turned around the coffin several times, but he didn't find any mystery. It was as if these four people were kept here.

Bai Jing was also surprised. "I've never seen these four people, and I've never heard our adults mention them. Who are they? The clothes they wear are the best of our Tian family, and only the elders can wear them."

"It seems that their status is not low."

"Of course, although I'm still young and I don't know much about the Tian family's clothes a few years ago, I can see from the embroidery and the golden patterns on them that they are self-made. They are not the clothes that ordinary house slaves or disciples can wear. They must be the people of the Tian family."

Qi Tianyu thought about it and thought that it must not be easy. For no reason, there were four living dead people, or people with status and status in the Tian family. They were kept in such a secret place in order not to let their bodies be polluted. It can be seen that they did it intentionally.

"Forget it, Qi Tianyu, we'd better go out quickly. I always think it's very crowded here." Bai Jing stood for a moment and began to shake. His body was permeated with the cold air of the surrounding ice. These ice blocks sent out the cold air. It can be seen that they are not ordinary ice blocks. They do not melt for a long time. They must be extremely cold places.

"Wait a minute. I think there's something strange here. Maybe we'll wait here and someone will come."

"How can it be? Wow, no one has been in this place for many years. Look at this ice. It's not popular at all. How can anyone come here?"

"Otherwise, who do you think such a place is built for? Since there is a well preserved body here, someone will surely come to inspect it. Anyway, we can't find a way out now, so we might as well wait here."

"No, no! If I want to wait here, I have to freeze to death. Besides, we have nothing to eat or drink here, so we have to starve to death. " Bai Jing can't stand it. He is clamoring to go out.

Qi Tianyu didn't crave as much food as Bai Jing when he reached his own martial level. Even if he didn't eat for several days, he would not have any influence. So he didn't consider this just now. Now he thinks that Bai Jing's words are reasonable. If he forces Bai Jing to stay in this place, he might starve to death.

"Well, but where can we go now? You see, there isn't a door. " Qi Tianyu saw that there was extremely cold ice all around, and there was no exit at all.

"Why don't we get out of the top? Since we fall from the top, we can get out of the top." Bai Jing pointed to the earth above.

"No, just now we were engulfed by the mud. If we go out from that place now, we will be pulled down again. It's futile to go out."

"It's impossible. You see, we're ok if we fall from it, which means that the array won't hurt people."

"It's impossible. Since it's a set array, it's also threatened that the intruders will never want to go out, so they won't let you live on purpose. I think maybe the people who set the array don't know that we will fall to this place. It's just a coincidence."

"No, how could it be? Then we're dead. " After hearing what Qi Tianyu said, Bai Jing sat down and lay on the ground, looking at the four coffins in front of him with a melancholy face. "Otherwise, we would have to accompany the four living dead here to starve to death."

Qi Tianyu is also very helpless. In this case, he can't think of a countermeasure, and the ball in his arms also jumps out at this time. Facing Qi Tianyu, he began to open his teeth and claws, bared his teeth and squeaked."What's the matter, ball." Qi Tianyu squatted down and looked at the ball. The ball had been trying to communicate with Hong Feng just now, but Hong Feng didn't respond to it at all. Just now, he felt the great sadness and pain in Hong Feng's heart, which almost made him feel the same, even pulling his heart.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" Qi Tianyu saw the ball was very excited, but also shed tears, surprised to hold it up, the ball covered his heart, in Qi Tianyu's palm crying very sad.

Qi Tianyu didn't know what happened when he saw this scene, and Bai Jing was attracted to him. He stood up, looked at the crying ball in Qi Tianyu's palm, and said in shock, "well, what's the matter? Is it hard to freeze it? "

"No way. The fur of this kind of beast is very thick. This little cold is nothing in their eyes."

"Then why does it cry so miserably?"

"I don't know. Stop crying and tell me what happened." The ball kept sobbing, it also wanted to tell Qi Tianyu, but the emotion from Hongfeng made it speechless, just sad. Tears almost drowned half of Qi Tianyu's hand, fell from his fingers and dropped on the ice.

Qi Tianyu and Bai Jing looked at each other, but they didn't know what to do. They just watched the ball quietly and cried. After half a time, the ball stopped crying. It wiped its red eyes, climbed up his shoulder along Qi Tianyu's hand, and began to grow. When it recovered its size, the ball pulled Qi Tianyu's ear and screamed at him, It's like I'm venting my anger.

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