Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2899

"Why do you have to embarrass me? It's clear that you are all together and that you have a better relationship. Why do you have to come to me separately and embarrass me? Can't you go down and discuss these matters by yourself? Why do you have to tell me The Lord of the city was already very upset at this time. He wanted to come back to have a good rest, but he didn't expect that after the two men caught him, they kept talking to him about these things. Now he finally came out of that place. He really didn't remember that place.

"Well, since you have already said that, we will discuss these matters after we go back. But there is one thing I want to ask you. How many people can your hidden Warcraft take at most? If we want to go in together, is that ok?" Qi Tianyu could only make such a decision in the end. After all, he didn't know what kind of agreement had been made between the person in front of him and the little girl, so some things could only be discussed by the little girl after she woke up.

"These people live together, but there is no problem, and their actions will not be hindered. But the most important problem is that when you enter that place, my mother is standing by. If so many people go up together, my mother's ears are so good that she can hear it. The more important problem is that the place is a place It's a secret place. How can I allow so many of you to go in together? It must be my fault to take one person in. Do you want to make me more wrong? "

Although the city Lord is not very reliable sometimes, he actually has a steelyard in his mind about these very important things. On the one hand, he takes a little girl in because she is more courageous than himself, on the other hand, she is easier to control. Even if there is something wrong in the back, it's easy to detain a Huang Li, But if these two people are really in front of me, I'm not sure at all. My mother will be mad at me at that time.

"Lord, but there is one thing I think you must be very clear about, that is, your training is not only once, but just a very simple training. Girls have become what they are today. What should you do if your mother asks you to continue training tomorrow? Do you think girls can recover tomorrow? What's more, your mother didn't get hurt at all when she saw you come out, except that there was a smell of blood on your body. Will your mother give you more rest time? " Qi Tianyu can only make the other party have to compromise in this way. After all, it's the other party's business.

"But I really can't allow you all to go in together. If I let so many people into that secret place, even I feel sorry for my mother. Originally, my mother opened that place for training. You don't know how important it is, let alone how strange it is. I absolutely don't know It's possible to let so many people in together. "

The city Lord is really a little comfortable with each other, but he can only listen to his heart with such words. If so many people are allowed to go in together, how can he treat his mother's kindness?

"Lord, you don't have to worry. Otherwise, I'll be the only one. If the girl wakes up for the next training, she'll let me go in with you. I won't stop her. But if the girl doesn't wake up for the next training, she can only say It's providence, that is to say, I've helped you in, so you should have no opinion. After all, I'm not in charge of this matter. " Qi Tianyu can only step back. After all, he can see that although the other party is timid, he has his own principles in this matter.

"But how do I know if you're going to make the beauty unconscious for this?" The city Lord thought for a while and understood that there was no other way to do this, but he still grasped a loophole in the other party's words.

Qi Tianyu looked at the city Lord with disdain: "there are some things I really do in order to achieve the goal by all means, but there are some things I will not do, for example, this thing, this girl is brought by me, how can I let this girl not wake up for such a little bit of small things? You know, this girl can't wake up, what worries most is that she can't wake up It's you, it's me and Tian Mu. "

After listening to what the other side said, the city master also put down his heart. After all, after talking with the other side for a while, he also found that the person opposite him was a hero of love and righteousness, so he should not do such a thing. After thinking about it, he could only nod his head and do it as the other side said.

Qi Tianyu sighed when he saw that the other side nodded and agreed. After all, he was not sure how the other side would agree. Now it seems that the other side is not so persistent about that, just to live up to his mother.

As for the condition that I just talked with the other two, I have just seen the girl's injury. Although the injury is not very serious, it is impossible to wake up in a short time because of the fright and tiredness. However, according to what I know, the old woman will have the next training in one day. After all, this kind of training is very difficult Only in this way can training work. Only high-pressure training can stimulate people's potential. Of course, the more important reason is that this matter is very urgent."Now that it's like this, you have to tell me what's going on inside. After all, you already know what's going on inside today after the girl came out. That's the price. Besides, last time, as far as I know, you seem to have run out of this very small class. If you don't tell me what's going on inside, I can't help it Be prepared ahead of time. "

Qi Tianyu has prepared everything before, so now what he wants to know is what's going on inside. Only when he knows the other side's situation very well, can he know himself and his opponent and win a hundred battles.

"You really asked the wrong person. You should know some news, but I don't know how much you already know. Forget it, anyway, you will know the news. I told you nothing. The first time I went in, because I was very timid, I ran out very soon after I went in, and I was killed My mother rescued me. As for the second time just now, since you already know that someone helped me to go in and complete the task, I don't want to avoid you. After I went in, I just stood on the outermost side and got to that place as far as I could. But because it was very close to the door, there was no animal in that place, and I couldn't see what was going on inside So I don't know the details at all. "

The city Lord said this very happily, but there was no information inside and outside the words, so that the two people listening to the words could only nod their heads in silence.

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