Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2902

"Hidden Warcraft, if you leave here, you must leave here. Don't you see any other animals around you? If you don't leave, we'll both die here. Leave now Huang Li originally thought that he could come here to complete the task, because he had a lot of poison in his hand, so he thought he could meet the poison to complete the task, but he never thought how much money he had in his hand, which seemed to be of no use to these things. If it was like this, how could he leave here? Just rely on his little ability Li, where can I hope to kill all these animals?

Huang Li drives the animal that he sits down to run out a little further, and wants to think of a way to see if there is any other way to make him complete the task. However, he did not expect that the animal under him was also tyrannical.

In fact, hidden Warcraft is not a good tempered animal. After all, the fact that its name is so high in the ranking list means that its ability is also very high. Moreover, this animal is not like the little thing before. It is just like a girl. This animal has been growing up under the guidance of the old lady, so whether it is ability or not Courage is very enough, to see the side is not as good as their own animals have been shouting, hidden Warcraft can not help but also with the irritability.

Hidden Warcraft well, although there is a little difference in the size of the animal around, if you apply, it may not be as good as the other party, but because this animal actually has a natural advantage of invisibility, so when the other party rushes to itself, it directly steals and runs to the back of the next animal, pounces on the back of this animal and bites the next one Blood gushed out from the animal's neck.

"Ah -" although Huang Li knew that someone might be sticking to it outside, he knew that the old lady might actually know the voice inside, but he couldn't help it. After all, when the blood sprayed directly on his face, he had never experienced this kind of stimulation before, so he rushed out with a shout. Fortunately, he did, In fact, it's surrounded by many animals now, so other animals completely cover up the scream when they are frantic.

"Hidden Warcraft, you have such ability, but you are too irritable. When you rushed over just now, I almost fell off you." Huang Li was clinging to the animal's back. As soon as the remaining animal ran directly over, he felt the incomparable shop. Moreover, when the animal was on the shop, he almost fell off it. However, he also knew that this time, it was really thanks to hidden Warcraft. If it wasn't for this animal's fatal attack at the critical time, I may have just died in that place, so it seems that although my ability is not enough, the animals who came in with me still have some ability.

"Hidden Warcraft, it seems that this time it really depends on you. No wonder those people dare to let the city Lord in, because in fact most of the animals in this place just look very fierce. But the problem is that although the world is stronger than us, it is actually very similar to you, as long as the city Lord has enough courage to enter this place and follow you After that, you will naturally help each other and get rid of all this. " Huang Li also reflected the old lady's good intentions at this time. It seems that the old lady really spent a lot of money on educating her son, but she didn't think of her son, but she failed her heart.

Although hidden Warcraft doesn't know what the girl is talking about, it knows the order given by its master before. Its task is to kill all the animals in it. Only in this way can it go out. In this way, it won't be beaten and scolded. Therefore, hidden Warcraft suddenly becomes manic after it comes in Come on, start biting the animals around you.

"Ah, hidden Warcraft, your speed is too fast, and you are too bloody, even so you directly bite each other's neck." At the beginning, Huang Li thought it might be the adult. He was too timid to come in. But after he stayed here for some time, he found that even if there was no danger, he could not stand it. Although the animal could protect himself and kill all the animals around him, the scene was too bloody. He was just sitting in the room If you really let yourself in again and again, I really don't know if I can have the courage to come in every time.

Hidden Warcraft didn't understand what the girl was saying. What's more, at this time, he was not in the mood to listen to others. He only knew that he had to kill all the animals around him immediately, so he had to bite and run.

Huang Li got used to it after sitting on it for a period of time. After all, he couldn't feel the smell after a long time. Maybe as long as he stayed here for a period of time, the animal could get rid of all the animals around him. At that time, he could leave here. Although it was a little uncomfortable, he could at least guarantee himself Huang Li can even imagine that he completely completed the task and then put forward the request.However, Huang Li did not expect that although the old lady had made great efforts for her son's sake, she specially arranged some animals that were not very powerful to come to this place, but at the same time, these animals were not completely controlled by the old lady, and although the name of hidden Warcraft was not low on the list, it was not much higher, so it was very difficult for Huang Li to understand Actually, I met a god beast whose rank is similar to that of my own hidden Warcraft in this place.

When hidden Warcraft actually saw the animal around him, it was a little bit empty. After all, of course, I knew what the animal was in front of me, and I knew that the animal in front of me actually had no obvious shortcomings compared with myself. If I didn't really have this skill, and when the ranking was determined, because I had some days Because of the favorable time and location, I don't know which animal is more powerful than the one in front of me. What's more, the animal in front of me doesn't agree with this ranking. So when I meet myself this time, the other party will never transport because of his deterrence. If I really fight, I'm not sure there is another person on me Whoever loses wins.

"Roar -" of course, Huang Li didn't know what was special about this animal, so when he met this animal, he was not surprised or alarmed. He thought that it was just like the usual hidden Warcraft, which could be easily solved.

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