Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2905

Sure enough, although the hidden Warcraft knew that its master had given him an order to take the girl out well, at this time, everything was not up to her. Moreover, the key was that the girl cheated herself. She was so gentle to herself when she was outside. At this critical time, she blamed herself for not being able to complete the task If Fang treats himself like this, then he doesn't have to consider the identity of the other party. If he doesn't have this burden, he can win the next animal.

How can hidden Warcraft understand how many things the girl thinks in her heart? She only knows that the girl has made a face for herself. Although she is very gentle and harmless in front of her master, it doesn't mean that everyone can play with a whip. So after the whip hits her, hidden Warcraft takes the girl on her body I hope I can drop the girl directly. After I go out, if the host asks me this question, I can say that the girl has no composition, so I fall down. Anyway, as long as I drop the girl and defeat the animal nearby, I can take the owner away.

Huang Li had already made this preparation, so he grasped hidden Warcraft with one hand early, and raised his weapon with the other hand, which was the fatal weakness of another animal. Even if the speed of hidden Warcraft is accelerated, the girl is still sitting on it.

At the beginning, hidden Warcraft was still running in a small range, hoping to throw the girl down in this place. But I didn't expect that the girl was very stable, and suddenly lost a little bit of sense in her heart. She directly started to run around the whole field, which achieved the goal of the girl's heart. At the beginning, the animal ran in a small circle At that time, there was no way to get close to another animal. Now that the animal starts to run around, it can always find a chance.

The other animal can't see where the hidden Warcraft is most of the time, so it can only make a circle in place. When it only listens to where the sound will come from, it will run quickly. So when the hidden Warcraft begins to run around the whole field, the animal will hear the sound quickly, and then rush up Go, this rush doesn't matter. It goes directly to Huang Li's weapon.

Although Huang Li was not seen by the other animal, he could see the animal very actively. When he came across the animal, he carefully adjusted the angle of the weapon and tried to make the weapon stab the center of the animal's forehead.

Hidden Warcraft has been running crazily, hoping to throw the girl down, but suddenly found that there was a sound like the collapse of a mountain around him. When he turned his head to look at it, he still had a lot of facial expressions. He didn't know what happened in this area. Why did the animal who had just been fighting with him suddenly fall down.

"Hidden Warcraft, you still need to be around. Don't you see that our task is finished?" Huang Li doesn't dare to relax completely at this time. After all, he is still in this place. It seems that the hidden Warcraft can't stop for a while. He is still running around. Huang Li has been injured a little before. What's more, he feels that his body is going to be unable to support him. So he has to try his best to calm down Come on, try to calm this hidden Warcraft.

At this time, hidden Warcraft finally saw the weapon in the girl's hand, and there was blood on the weapon. With the sense of smell inside, of course, he could smell it, that is, the blood of the animal around him. How could it be? I just tried so hard to fight with this animal. No matter how I bit and grabbed, this animal was intact. How could this girl do it?

Of course, hidden Warcraft just thought about this problem for a while and didn't think about it any more. After all, it has nothing to do with itself. Now that I have finished the task that my master said, I should go out now.

Huang Li could only feel that the animal had calmed down for a moment, and then he walked in the direction of entering. He should be looking for his own owner.

"Beauty? How about you guys coming out? Is all this blood on you yours? How are you now? Are you okay? What's going on inside? " The city Lord couldn't wait for him to come back. When he was in a hurry, he saw that a man and a beast from afar came back, only to see that they were all bloodstained, and his heart was lifted up. However, since this man came back to this place, does it mean that all of them were solved?

"Don't ask. It's all solved. Come on up and let's go out together. You know I can't hold on for long, and you should try to hide the blood on us." Huang Li doesn't have the strength to explain to each other well now. What's your situation? He can only tell each other what he can think of after a simple sentence, and then he won't speak any more. Now he can only go out with a strong breath. After all, he has to keep his breath as much as possible, so that the old lady can't find himself.

The Lord of the city also saw that the girl didn't want to talk to him any more, but at this time, he could understand each other. What's more important is that the other party really helped him to complete the task, so he was very excited. As for the other party's request, it was nothing more. The Lord of the city simply smeared the blood on the hidden Warcraft on his body to decorate it Come out a few, oneself also suffered the trace of injury, and this kind of words, after going out, don't need to accept his mother's cross examination."Qi Tianyu, the whole process is like this. Most of the animals in it are not the opponents of hidden Warcraft, so if you take this animal in, you don't need to worry about most of them. You just need to do well, but the problem is that it is possible to find one or two very powerful animals. If you meet those animals after you go in, what should you do What shall we do? "

Huang Li now also knows that the next training time should be for the person in front of him to go in for him. After all, the next training is impossible for him to go in intact. Even now, he can't complete the task smoothly, let alone the next more difficult task.

However, although Qi Tianyu knew his ability, he didn't know at all. When man met those beasts, what was man's ability? How high was man's ability to draw with these animals? When Qi Tianyu faced a deeper test, could he really finish it successfully?

"Don't worry. Now that you have told me what you know, I will live up to your hope. Just have a good rest and I will finish the next task." No matter what he thought in his heart, Qi Tianyu comforted each other quietly.

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