Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2915

Seeing that the two of them were at each other's end, the city leader also saw that their atmosphere was different. But if they roared like this again, the mother outside would hear that he would suffer.

The city Lord quickly squatted down and said to them, "please, both of you, keep your voice down."

Qi Tianyu sighed, knowing that he could not compete with Huang Li. The woman was too stubborn. Qi Tianyu took out the box from his arms, released the big golden bird, and said to it, "now is the time for you to repay your kindness. Help me cure this woman's leg."

"Isn't this my golden bird? Why are you there? " Seeing the golden bird suddenly appear, the Lord of the city can't help shouting.

Qi Tianyu didn't pay attention to him. Instead, he lifted Huang Li's skirt up again and held her gently. Huang Li was stunned when he held her in his arms. I can't say a word.

The golden warbler came up to Huang Li's leg and smelled it for a while. He didn't know what he was feeling. He opened his mouth, bit off the piece of cloth around Huang Li's leg, spread his wings and jumped up.

Huang Li is surprised, want to retract leg, but was pressed by Qi Tianyu, "don't move, it helps you heal again."

Qi Tianyu's tone is rare mild, Huang Li is a Leng, no longer speak, obediently lean on his arms.

Although it's very troublesome to treat this kind of injury, it's not a big deal for this kind of mature golden bird. After a while, it cured Huang Li's injury. When he opened his wings, Huang Li found that a hole in his skin was gone. After gently touching it, he only felt the blood flowing out at that time, and that piece seemed to be intact No trace was left.

"It's amazing. What is it? That's the ability. " Huang Li raised his head and said to Qi Tianyu.

Qi Tianyu was very close to her. As soon as she looked up, she almost closed Qi Tianyu's chin. Huang Li could not help but scream and quickly lowered her head.

But Qi Tianyu didn't care. He let go of Huang Li and said, "you wait here. I'll go to Tian Mu and tell me his specific location."

"He, he's over there..." Huang Li points out that Qi Tianyu stands up and flies to the other side, and the golden bird takes off with him.

"Come back here, you golden bird! Who is your master? " However, the city master, who was watching this scene, roared angrily. He couldn't believe that his jinhuanniao was in Qi Tianyu's hands. At that time, he thoroughly investigated the whole city and found no trace of jinhuanniao. Unexpectedly, he was in Qi Tianyu's hands. He was so angry.

But at this time, Huang Li's heart was very complicated, and he didn't respond to the chirp of the city Lord nearby.

"Qi Tianyu is a liar! Asshole, he cheated my golden bird and kept it from me for such a long time. He even let hidden Warcraft recognize him as the master. He must have the idea of abducting my hidden Warcraft again. I'm so stupid, Qi Tianyu! I Pooh, liar, asshole. " The Lord of the city hopped and scolded, but no one answered him.

Really scolded tired, the city Lord squatted down and said to Huang Li, "can't you hear me? Why don't you say a word back? "

At this time, Huang Li just looked at the direction of Qi Tianyu's disappearance and said nothing.

"I'm afraid you've been dead. There's nothing here. What are you looking at? " The city Lord pushed Huang Li. Huang Li looked back at him, but his eyes were cold. "You've scolded enough. Can you shut up? If you let us keep our voice down, we won't be afraid that your voice will reach your mother's ears!"

Hearing this, the Lord quickly covered his mouth. Qi Tianyu flew for a while and found that the fog was getting heavier and heavier. Some of them couldn't distinguish the direction. According to the position Huang Ligang had just indicated, he might not be able to find Tian Mu. After all, Tian Mu and hidden magic are invisible.

"What's to be done? Golden call bird, can you get the breath of hidden Warcraft? You've been with it for a while Qi Tianyu asked the golden bird flying beside him.

Golden warbler shakes its head, and its function is not to search for things. Although it is familiar with the smell of hidden Warcraft, the surrounding environment is so complex that it is impossible to distinguish the direction of hidden Warcraft at once.

"Forget it, you can't do it." Qi Tianyu shook his head. "I'm already a master servant relationship with hidden Warcraft. If it can transmit information to me, I can feel it. Why doesn't it react at all?"

Qi Tianyu thought that he could not help but keep his breath. Since hidden Warcraft didn't send him a message, let him send it to hidden Warcraft.

Qi Tianyu kept reciting hidden Warcraft in his heart, trying to indicate his position to it.

At this time, hidden Warcraft finally felt Qi Tianyu's call, he raised his head from the killing, and Tian Mu on the side also felt the change of hidden Warcraft, he panted on hidden Warcraft's back and said, "what's the matter with you, the Warcraft in front of you has not been solved, don't be distracted."Tian Mu's voice was very weak, as if he had been seriously injured, but no one could see him in the void.

Hidden Warcraft suddenly died to roar a, turn round then ran up, farmland wood is taken on his back to stagger, nearly fell down.

"What do you do? Hidden Warcraft, don't run. We can kill this beast just a little closer. "

When he noticed the change of the hidden Warcraft's movement, the entangled god beast rushed up. But the speed of the hidden Warcraft was very fast. Coupled with the role of invisibility, the god beast chased for a long time and lost the trace of the hidden Warcraft.

On the back of hidden Warcraft, Tian Mu was very upset. "What's the matter with you? Hidden Warcraft. "

Hidden Warcraft naturally can't answer him, he just ran all the way. There is an obvious bloodstain in their underground, which is scattered along the direction of their running. I don't know who the wound is. He and hidden Warcraft were injured.

"It's really useful. I've already felt the breath of hidden Warcraft." Qi Tianyu's closed eyes suddenly opened and roared happily.

The waiting bird was startled by Qi Tianyu's roar. It landed its wings on his shoulder and looked at Qi Tianyu.

Qi Tianyu turned and ran in the other direction. After a while, he got together with hidden Warcraft. Because he couldn't see the shadow of hidden Warcraft, Qi Tianyu was hit head-on by him, and Qi Tianyu fell to the ground. He rubbed his back and said, "what's the matter? You can't even see the way? Hidden Warcraft. "

Just then Qi Tianyu felt that he had a big object lying on his body. He really kept licking his face with his moist tongue.

"Don't..." Qi Tianyu pushed away his big head and got up from the ground.

"Qi Tianyu is you!" Tian Mu looked at Qi Tianyu's voice and shadow and could not help shouting.

"Tianmu. I finally found you Qi Tianyu is also very excited. Although he can't see Tian Mu, he can hear Tian Mu's voice clearly.

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