Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2926

"Son, how can you say that? Mother did it for your own good, and you came out unscathed? Let me see. " The old lady pulled the city Lord, carefully looked at the wound on his body, found that there was no obvious trauma, just some blood.

She said with a sigh of relief, "look, isn't there nothing wrong? It shows that my arrangement is right. "

"No, mother, it's not what you said. I would have died without Qi Tianyu!" Looking at his mother's insistence, the Lord of the city is really in a hurry this time. Is his mother pretending to be a fool? Why don't you know anything about it?

He went to the side of hidden Warcraft and pulled Qi Tianyu down. Qi Tianyu followed his gesture and stood directly in front of the old woman.

"Old lady, I can prove that what the LORD said is right. If it wasn't for me, he might not have stood in front of you." Looking at Qi Tianyu's eyes, the old lady seemed to be hesitant. She stepped back and stroked her forehead. After a long time, she received, "son, tell me carefully, what's going on inside?"

"You are finally willing to listen to me! There are too many divine beasts in it, and some of them are at the same level as hidden Warcraft. Qi Tianyu and I spent a lot of time to subdue them. If Qi Tianyu didn't go in and save me, I might not have been able to get out! "

"But didn't you do well last time?"

”Last time, it was because of luck. I can't rely on luck to go through these drills every time. " The city Lord's brain turns very fast, immediately found an excuse to say.

The old lady's expression became very strange and her eyes became sharp. She went to the Lord of the city and looked at her son seriously. "Do you really think you can't finish the training I gave you? This is only the second time. "

"Yes, I really can't, mother. It's not that I'm asking you for any good, nor that I'm exaggerating, but it's true! I really can't handle it! I also want to ask you, mother, why on earth do you want to do this? Is it too anxious? The first time you let me enter the alien world, you gave me such a difficult task. Do you think that I can burst out with such strength to fulfill your requirements? " When it comes to this city Lord, his heart is also full of grievances. His mother is really hard for him this time. He used to listen to his mother very much, but this time he must fight.

The old lady sighed and lowered her head. Qi Tianyu looked at her more and more strangely. Step forward and say, "old lady, if you have something hard to hide, why don't you tell your son?"

"I, I don't have anything to hide. I just want him to grow up quickly. I used to indulge you too much. Li Yuan, isn't that what I said? You are always mediocre and unwilling to do anything. I won't force you to go on like this all your life. " Speaking of this, the old lady's face was a little dark. It is rare for her to call her son's name directly.

The city master immediately lowered his head and did not dare to speak, but Qi Tianyu was not beaten back by the old lady's black face. He said aggressively, "old lady, I think you are hiding something from your son. Why don't you tell him directly? Always teaching him in this way will not be effective. "

"It's our family business. Why do you care so much, Qi Tianyu? Although I thank you for going in and saving my son, it doesn't mean that you can intervene in the affairs between our mother and son." The old lady was annoyed by Qi Tianyu's constant questioning, and the melancholy in her heart came up again.

She couldn't control her emotions. Qi Tianyu was frightened by her roar and stepped back. At this time, the old lady's black air was spreading. She held her fist tightly and was ready to rush up.

Qi Tianyu was shocked at the same time, but the city leader rushed up and hugged his mother, anxiously yelled, "mother, he doesn't mean that, please calm down, don't be controlled by it!"

The city Lord's words seemed to wake up some old women's reason. She was a little at a loss and loosened her clenched fist. She took a fancy to the city Lord next to her. The city Lord patted his mother on the back and said softly, "mother, are you better?"

The old lady seemed to realize that she was almost controlled by the monster when she just collapsed. She quickly calmed down, pushed away the city master, sat down at the table and poured herself a mouthful of tea.

Qi Tianyu found that the black air on her body slowly subsided, as if it had returned to normal, so he carefully said, "old lady, what happened to you just now? There was something really wrong just now. "

The old lady bowed her head and held the cup tightly in her hand. She really felt that something was wrong with herself in recent days. What's the matter with her? She controlled well a while ago. Is it because her age is getting older and her spiritual power is fading away? But she has been cultivating that monster! How could it be like this?The old lady is also very anxious, holding the cup in her hand, can't help but use the strength, suddenly crushed, the fragments stabbed her hand, shed blood.

"Mother, what's the matter with you? Don't think about it. What are you thinking about? " The Lord rushed up quickly, took his mother's finger and held the wound for her.

Looking at this scene, Qi Tianyu stopped talking. He felt that the old lady's mood was very irritable now, and the appearance of depression was very obvious. If she was stimulated again, he didn't know what would happen. Naturally, the city master was aware of this. He said to Qi Tianyu, "Qi Tianyu, please go back quickly. I'll send my mother back to her room 。”

He hinted that he would go to see Qi Tianyu, and Qi Tianyu walked away, while shadow Warcraft behind him seemed to have an induction, carrying Tian Mu and Huang Li to follow Qi Tianyu.

Looking at his mother's lowered head, the city master helped her up without saying a word, and said to the ladies beside him, "what are you doing in a daze? Hurry to find some medicine to apply to my mother!"

The maids ran away quickly, and the city master carefully supported his mother and went back to her room. When he put his mother beside the bed and sat down, the city master squatted down, took his mother's hand and said, "mother, I also feel that something is wrong with you. Tell me what happened at the end, OK?"

The old lady closed her eyes tightly and opened them after a long time. The black air in her eyes had disappeared. Instead, she was helpless and hesitant. The old lady turned her head and looked at the city Lord squatting on the ground and touched his head with great pity. "Son, just now I thought about it. Maybe the task I gave you is too difficult. I'm eager for quick success and instant benefit!"

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