Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2951

Since then, Qi Tianyu, Tian Mu and Huang Li have been training in the alien world opened by the old lady. In order to better meet the arrival of that day, the three of them have redoubled their efforts. In this process, the old man always behaved normally and didn't drag them down. Therefore, in the last days, the city master followed Qi Tianyu and they went to train together.

The final day is coming. After coming out of the alien world for the last time, Qi Tianyu shook off the blood in his hand and said to the old woman standing by, "old lady, you can close the door of the alien world."

"It took you a long time this time. Do you have any difficulties?"

"Of course, it's difficult. You're opening more and more gates to the outside world. It's going to take us a lot of effort just to avoid those beasts." Tianmu also came out.

"There is really no way. If you are allowed to enter the alien world temporarily, you must be fully prepared, and you have never experienced the alien world. That's why I have increased the scale of difficulties. If you get bigger and bigger, you will make progress faster." This was discussed with Qi Tianyu in advance by the old lady, so Qi Tianyu didn't think there was anything wrong with her words.

Seeing that Huang Li was walking so slowly, Qi Tianyu gave a cry, and Huang Li came out from inside on the hidden Warcraft. The hidden Warcraft was just showing up. After Huang Li came down from it, the golden bird on one side immediately went to cure Huang Li.

Looking at the big and small wounds on Huang Li's body. Tian Mu couldn't bear to say, "I told you earlier that when you meet those powerful beasts, you will hide behind Qi Tianyu and me. You have to rush up. Look! It's hurt again. "

"How can I fight it if I don't rush up? Only when I fight with them can I have experience and improve myself Huang Li thinks it doesn't matter. In the past few days, her ability has improved significantly. Although her martial arts level has not made any further breakthrough, she has more contact with divine beasts in the alien world, and basically understands the habits of some divine beasts, so she can fight against them.

Qi Tianyu didn't say anything. He came over and wiped the blood stains on her face with his sleeve. Seeing that there was a wound on her neck, Qi Tianyu said, "how can you even hurt here?"

Huang Li saw that his eyes had been staring at his neck, but he was a little shy. He quickly stepped back and touched his neck. Sure enough, he found a wound there. "Maybe I ran a little slower when I met those black resentful birds just now, and they scratched my neck."

Qi Tianyu stopped at the mention of this black grudge bird. This time they went in and met this kind of beast which was very difficult to deal with. Although these black grudge birds were of low quality, they were in large numbers. They rushed to you in groups, and no one could escape.

Qi Tianyu and Tian muguang spent a lot of effort to deal with a large group of black resentful birds. In that emergency, Qi Tianyu could not guarantee Huang Li. After all, he and Tian Mu had already agreed to leave the hidden Warcraft to Huang Li for protection. I thought hidden Warcraft could protect her, but I didn't expect that Huang Li was injured by the collective attack of Wu yuanniao.

Qi Tianyu's expression was very sorry. Huang Li patted his hand and said, "you don't have to feel sorry for me. The reason why I went in was to fulfill my mother's last wish. I've said this many times. It's not your responsibility to protect me."

Although Huang Li said that, she was still a little pleased. She didn't know whether Qi Tianyu was a hero or not, so she had such a desire to protect all the girls. But now Qi Tianyu was just taking care of him, so she was very happy.

Tian Mu is a little happy when he looks at this scene. These days, Huang Li and Qi Tianyu have a much better relationship. He can see that Huang Li is sincere to Qi Tianyu, but he doesn't forgive others, so he doesn't have the coquettishness of a girl. His attitude towards Qi Tianyu is also fierce. However, Qi Tianyu is nervous. He doesn't have much interest in Huang Li's thoughtfulness. He just wants to protect Huang Li. In Tian Mu's opinion, although he doesn't know what kind of thoughts Qi Tianyu has for Huang Li, he is happy enough to have this loving attitude.

While they were chatting, the old lady on one side had already closed the door of the alien world. Her face was a little pale. She accidentally fell back and almost fell to the ground.

Qi Tianyu heard the news and quickly turned back to hold the old lady, "what's the matter with you? Old lady

The old lady shook her head. She felt a little dizzy, but she waved her hand to Qi Tianyu and said, "there's nothing wrong. Maybe it's because I've opened the door of the alien world too often recently, and I've consumed too much spiritual power."

"Would you like to have golden bird cure you?"

"No, jinhuanniao is very good at treating injuries, but it has no effect on my type of injuries."

Since the old lady also said so, Qi Tianyu naturally would not be forced any more. "Tomorrow will open the real door of the alien world, old lady. Do you think you can handle it?""It's OK. Don't you think I'm not controlled by that monster these days? I'm very clear about what I'm doing. I won't make a mistake. Don't worry about it. "

Tian Mu added, "yes, I don't think there will be any problem. Didn't the Gu carving tell us that we should go to the animal kingdom to find the secret? If it let us go, and deliberately make the trip, isn't it boring? It shouldn't be so boring Tian Mu and Huang Li think so.

However, Qi Tianyu was playing a drum in his heart. He didn't know anything about the Gu carving. He was also surprised at what it had experienced and why he had to guard the secret of the Tian family in this way. Therefore, Qi Tianyu didn't have 100% confidence in what he said to Gu Diao, and even had a little doubt about it.

But these days, the old lady's manner is very normal, except for the weak point, she doesn't show any emotion out of control. The Gu Diao doesn't appear, and Qi Tianyu obviously can't ask more questions.

Seeing Qi Tianyu frowning, Huang Li came up to him and said, "don't think too much. Have a good rest tonight. There will be a tough fight tomorrow."

"Well, old lady, you should go to have a rest and keep your spirits. Our safety tomorrow will be in your hands." The old lady nodded and helped her swollen chest. After nodding to them, she went back to her room with the help of the maids.

Qi Tianyu looked at his bloody body, which was full of the smell of blood. He was so disgusted that he and Tian Mu went to the bath to change clothes.

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