Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2968

"Little thing, what's the matter with you? Don't I praise you? You used to stay in the box and want you to do nothing. Now you're willing to run and jump. Isn't that a good thing? What are you doing like this? " Qi Tianyu had psychological preparation before he opened the box, so this time he wanted to communicate with the little thing, but he didn't expect that after the little thing came out, he glared at himself at the first sight.

"I will become like this. Whose fault is it? If I had not been treated so cruelly and trained in this place, would I become like this?" Although the people beside Qiu Qiu can't hear what he is saying now, Qi Tianyu, who has been able to communicate with little things, can clearly understand the meaning of little things.

"Qiuqiu, I know you may feel bad, but you also need to know that you are really a predator. You can't always be a pet. After that training, your ability has improved so much? And it's much better than before. What's the matter with you? " Qi Tianyu has actually found out what this is from the beginning. After training, although his ability has been improved, his attitude towards the old lady has suddenly become a lot worse. He seems to have a lot of hatred. Although he didn't know why before, it would be a good thing if he could know the reason at this time.

But I didn't expect that when Qiu Qiu mentioned it, he didn't answer as he did last time. Last time, he heard it and began to cry. This time, he looked angry, as if he wanted to find someone for revenge, but he couldn't find anyone.

Qi Tianyu also saw that this little thing should have time. You are a machine, and you don't mean to tell yourself. In this case, you don't want to force yourself, but you have to make it clear with the little thing: "Qiuqiu, I don't care what you have. If you don't want to sue me, I won't force you to tell me, but you have to know that although you can do it now The strength has been improved, but you must keep your original confidence. Don't let your heart be tyrannical because of your ability. "

The ball can naturally understand what the other side said, but after listening, it did not give any response.

Although Tian Mu can't understand what the little thing is saying, he can at least understand Qi Tianyu's words. Seeing the little thing's appearance, he can actually understand the little thing's attitude: "Qi Tianyu, this Otherwise, you'd better consider what you thought before. If it doesn't work, just follow the advice I gave you yesterday. " Tian Mu also knows that although he can't understand the meaning of little things now, it's really easy for little things to understand his meaning, so he doesn't dare to say it openly, it's only a subtle hint.

"Tianmu, don't say anything like that before anything happens. You need to know that I brought this little thing out. Although I don't understand these things now, I still understand the fundamental things." Qi Tianyu once again refused what people around him said without thinking about it. At the same time, he didn't notice that the little thing in his arms had changed his face.

Qi Tianyu, how can I do well? You gave me to that person before Ming Dynasty. I have experienced so much, but now I have no way to do anything to you. It's not only a matter of my efforts, but also because I can't do anything to you every time I see you, and I don't want to listen to you. What can I do?

Tian Mu saw the people around him so resolutely refused, positive proposal also understand, because now nothing happened, if according to what he said, it is really a little cruel to that person, so no longer say anything, as long as he always raised his attention, can ensure that the little thing will not cause any trouble out, then The little thing wanted to take revenge on the old lady, but as long as it didn't affect this trip, it didn't matter.

"Ball ball, you are always there. It should be a little boring here. Would you like to come out and play for a while?" Qi Tianyu naturally knows that although small things are relatively big now, it is absolutely impossible to drag these people to walk. If he wants to have a substitute, the final choice is still hidden Warcraft. As for small things, he also needs to consider. If he just teaches hidden Warcraft and ignores small things, he will be angry with small things, So I teach the little things to play according to the rules. On the other hand, it can ensure everyone's safety, and I just want to stay here.

Since Qi Tianyu had made up his mind, he would not tangle with anything, so he told little things what he meant and let out all the animals in the box.

The ball itself is not happy. The other beasts are in their own box. In their own heart, they are their own poison center. I didn't expect that the beasts would grab their own position. Now that these beasts can come out, it's just in their own mind, and it seems that Qi Tianyu doesn't want to ignore himself.

Qi Tianyu watched as all the sacred beasts were released. He and the other two people were on the back of hidden Warcraft together. After all, hidden Warcraft is very suitable for Dai bu. On the one hand, it's huge and can hold everyone, and even if it takes a long time, it won't be unable to support. On the other hand, hidden Warcraft has stealth skills. If it's true If there is any danger, it is also a very safe choice to be invisible for the first time.After the opponent came out, he would jump around, as if he hadn't played for a long time. Qi Tianyu just took a look to see if he had put the little thing again. Anyway, the little thing could feel where he was. Even if he was a little away, he didn't have to be afraid to throw it away.

As for the three golden warblers, because they dare not let the three beasts fly too high, they attracted the attention of other beasts in a year, so the three golden warblers fly low beside the hidden Warcraft. Anyway, the effect of these golden warblers is not so obvious when the big guys are not injured.

After Qi Tianyu had arranged everything, he took a look at his lineup. After he released these sacred beasts, his lineup was huge. Thanks to the fact that there were no sacred beasts nearby, otherwise he would be attracted.

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