Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2973

"That's right. Don't worry. I've been familiar with this thing in that place. I encountered it twice at that time. Of course, I know their habits. These insects look smaller than those I experienced last time. I'm afraid they are just larvae."

"It's good over there, it's good over there. Huang Li should be able to cope with it..." Qi Tianyu comforted himself in his heart. Suddenly he heard a voice in front of him.

"Is that Huang Li?" Qi Tianyu yelled.

"Yes I... " The voice sounded very weak, but Qi Tianyu still felt something. He happily said to the ball, "hurry over, Huang Li must be in front."

"No way. I didn't hear anything at all."

"I heard it. I did."

"I'm afraid you've heard it wrong. It's still an illusion in your heart." Looking at the insects gathered in front of the ball, some of them feel numb. It's not that it doesn't want to take Qi Tianyu to that place, but if they break into the gathering place like this, they will be surrounded by all the insects. Even if the insects are timid, they will attack when they see them break in like this.

Qi Tianyu can't care so much, "hurry up, if you don't go, I'll come down by myself."

"No, you'd better not move." The ball has adapted to rolling in these quagmires, but it can't bear to think of Qi Tianyu's clean stepping into the mud. Although the ball can't say what his mind is, his concern is real.

Qi Tianyu was really moved to hear the ball's words, but he didn't pay much attention to this kind of mood at the moment. Instead, he yelled in a low voice, "then go quickly, what are you still dawdling about?"

Ball hard scalp, dragging Qi Tianyu slowly to the other side of the place close, every step they take, the insects will surge up more and more, compared to their movement has aroused the vigilance of large insects.

"We walk slowly. If they don't feel our hostility, they won't launch a large-scale attack." The ball said softly to Qi Tianyu.

Qi Tianyu nodded and held his breath. They walked slowly to the place where Qi Tianyu thought it was making a sound, but suddenly a quagmire came up and a huge insect appeared in front of them.

Qi Tianyu was stunned by the mud wrapped body and its claws.

"Run, it's their mother!"

"What is the matrix?"

"This kind of insect has a mother. She gave birth to so many insects."

"It's this reproductive relationship..." Qi Tianyu also felt numb. No wonder there are so many insects.

Just then, the mother rushed to them, and the ball dragged Qi Tianyu to the back.

Although it can beat the matrix, it doesn't want to fight with it. After all, it's disgusting.

Qi Tianyu watched the ball start to run, quickly strangled his fur and said, "can't go, Huang Li must be in that place."

"What do you care about her now? Do you really want to be overtaken by that disgusting thing?"

"Anyway, I have to find out where Huang Li is first."

Qi Tianyu ignored the block of the ball and jumped down from his back. As soon as he jumped down, he was surrounded by a puddle full of mud. He couldn't even lift his feet easily. Qi Tianyu exerted his strength under his feet and slowly stretched out from the puddle.

He looked at the mother rushed towards him, pulled out the Green Sky Sword and waved it. The mother's appearance was very hard, so it only left a small wound.

As if enraged, the mother growls and rushes towards Qi Tianyu. Qi Tianyu steps back, and the fairy balls in his hands begin to gather. Several fairy balls fight against the mother, and make it bloody.

But the mother did not flinch. "I'm really not afraid of death!" Qi Tianyu sneered. When he wanted to gather strength, suddenly his legs were entangled by something.

In this distraction, the mother rushed towards his arm and bit at it.

Qi Tianyu was surprised. Before he could react, there was a huge object in front of him.

It's the ball!

Qi Tianyu was relieved that the ball didn't seem to escape. He watched the ball become huge and tangled with the insect.

Qi Tianyu is really some comfort, "I thought you had gone."

"What am I going to do? It's hard to get rid of you!" The ball is not angry roaring at him, holding back the nausea and biting the mother of the insect.

"Bite in the direction I cracked just now." Qi Tianyu yelled at him.

Just now, some of his fairy balls hit the front half of the insect, which had cracked the front halfWhen he heard Qi Tianyu's words, the ball began to bite at the place where he was. He was lucky on his feet and didn't relax in his mouth, so he bit off the insect alive.

After a while, the plasma overflowed, and the insect's green blood sprayed on the ball's face. The ball spat out a few mouthfuls, and said, "it's really disgusting, it's disgusting."

Qi Tianyu looked at it like that, but he couldn't laugh or cry. "Well, well, at this critical moment of life and death, you don't care whether it's disgusting or not."

Qi Tianyu could only comfort him in this way. Then he kicked the insects that had just entangled him far away.

He didn't have any wounds on his body, so there must be nothing wrong with him. Now that he has come down from the back of the ball, he is not ready to sit on it again. Instead, he said to the ball, "let's find Huang Li now, let's act separately."

"Be careful." The ball also told him, Qi Tianyu happy smile, it seems that the ball is not so heartless, at least for his concern and trust or real existence.

Qi Tianyu started to walk towards the place where he heard the sound just now. When the insects saw his approach, they all shrank away and did not dare to rush to him again. The mother had already gone. How could the newborn larvae like them dare to offend others?

Qi Tianyu didn't care about the damp, bloody and rotten smell, so he pulled away from the place, "Huang Li Are you there, Huang Li? "

Qi Tianyu yelled, and the echo was very loud between the two stone walls. But there was no response.

"I can't really hear you wrong." Qi Tianyu was even more flustered. Seeing the huge and disgusting appearance of the mother just now, if Huang Li really fell into his hands, it would not be true that there were no bones left.

Qi Tianyu was more and more flustered, and his step became bigger. Regardless of his disgust, he pulled away piles of larvae and observed whether there was Huang Li's figure. However, except for some bones that had not been digested, Huang Li's figure was not at all, and he didn't even see the cloth on Huang Li's body.

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