Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2975

Qi Tianyu hasn't recovered. Huang Li yells again. She covers her wound and looks at Qi Tianyu with tears, as if accusing him of being rude.

Qi Tianyu could only sigh helplessly, "I have no way. This is the most direct way to find it out. If you let it drill into your body, it's hard to force it out."

Huang Li knew that what he said was true, but Qi Tianyu's posture of almost tearing her shoulder made her feel aggrieved.

Qi Tianyu knew that she was in great pain. He tore off the clean cloth from her upper body, wiped her shoulder, and then bandaged it up. "I have medicine in my storage bag. I'll help you later. You have a rest first."

Qi Tianyu knew that she was still in such a state of mind that she had not recovered. It was not appropriate to make up for her strength.

Huang Li nodded and suddenly held his shoulder shyly. Qi Tianyu noticed that he tore Huang Li's clothes a little too big just now, and half of her chest was exposed.

Although the black mud covered more than half of it, and almost nothing could be seen, it was enough to make Qi Tianyu feel a little ashamed. He avoided his head and whispered an apology to Huang Li.

"Nothing. I know you're just trying to help me." Huang Li holds back his heart palpitation, or pretends not to say.

Qi Tianyu was relieved to see that she didn't care. After all, Huang Li is a girl who knows a lot and doesn't stick to such details. Surely such contact won't have a great impact on her.

Qi Tianyu comforted herself like this, but Huang Li thought a lot at the moment. This was the first time that she had exposed her body in front of a man. Although it was only a little, it was enough to make her feel ashamed. But she didn't feel angry at all. It was strange. On the contrary, she was a little excited.

Huang Li quickly resisted the palpitation of his heart, calmed his emotions and bit his lips, not letting himself speak again.

In such an embarrassing situation, a voice finally came from the distance. Qi Tianyu looked back and saw the ball running towards them.

Qi Tianyu rushed to the ball to get rid of the embarrassing situation. But Huang Li stopped him, "I can't move now. Do you want to leave me?"

"I didn't leave you. I went to catch the ball."

"Pick up what pick up Isn't he coming soon? " Huang Li's words seemed to be angry but not angry, and Qi Tianyu's heart had some inexplicable emotions.

He stood up straight and didn't move any more, but he just stood with his back to Huang Li. As soon as the ball jumped over, he found the secret atmosphere between them. Huang Li's face was red, and his big eyes looked at Qi Tianyu without blinking. However, Qi Tianyu stood up straight and stiff with Huang Li on his back.

Don't know what's going on at the moment, the ball had to say, "what are you two doing?"

This sound awakened Huang Li, who lowered his head quickly.

"Ball ball, have you found water?" Qi Tianyu coughed and asked.

"Found it! eureka! It's not far away. You were so stupid at that time. You only know that you can get out of the desert if you go ahead. Don't you know that there is a way to go north? "

"Really? Is it possible that we were in circles all the time

"Yes, it's just going around in circles. It's stupid." The ball was a little complacent when it said that it didn't care too much at that time. It just followed Qi Tianyu and they kept going. If they knew they were looking for their own way, they could find their way quickly, and the ball would not shrink in the box.

"You're great, ball!" Qi Tianyu wanted to touch his head, but quickly moved away.

"The ball was angry for a moment," so you don't think I'm dirty. Now you are dirtier than me! I was there for a while

The ball grinned at him, looking fierce. Qi Tianyu didn't feel guilty, but laughed, "I didn't expect that at that time, it was just a reflex."

"What kind of conditioned response, you just thought I was dirty!" The ball thought of the hand he had just touched but suddenly retracted, and felt bowed.

Qi Tianyu did not care about it at this point, but gently touched his ear and said, "take us."

"Come up!" The ball glanced at him and turned around. Qi Tianyu picked up Huang Li on the ground. This time, he held her very loosely and politely. There was still a little distance from Huang Li's body. He didn't look at her face, so he put her on the back of the ball at a very fast speed.

Seeing his way of avoiding suspicion, Huang Li was wronged. He wanted to ask why he wanted to look like this. He didn't care that he tore his clothes.

Huang Li thought so, but she couldn't say it. Qi Tianyu soon sat on the back of the ball behind her. They were a little far away, but she could still feel a piece of Qi Tianyu's cloth on her leg.

Since Huang Li felt some palpitation, "it's just a piece of clothes. Can you fight for some air?" Huang Li wants to slap himself."Let's go, ball." Qi Tianyu patted the bottom of the ball, and the ball rushed to the direction of his return.

Two people did not say a word, sitting on the back of the ball, since the ball and Qi Tianyu take the initiative to talk, "where did you say that Tian Mu went?"

"I don't know. He must have led the green Beast away. There are shadow Warcraft and golden warbler around him. It shouldn't be a big problem." Qi Tianyu frowned and knew that he should be calm. He shouldn't rush down to save Huang Li. At least he should say hello to Tian Mu.

"It's not like you were so anxious at that time. I'm afraid others don't know how much you care about this girl."

"Why do you say so much? I said that I was just saving her. Is there any other reason to save a person? "

The ball hummed and stopped talking to Qi Tianyu. Qi Tianyu also closed his mouth. Although he didn't hear what Qi Tianyu and the ball were saying, Huang Li also vaguely guessed it.

She changed the subject and said, "is there anything wrong with my cousin?"

"Don't worry, there should be nothing wrong. Hidden Warcraft and golden bird are all around him." Qi Tianyu comforted Huang Li.

"It's all my fault. If only I could react faster and not be caught in that crack by that swirl."

"Don't think so. Nobody expected this. Besides, if it's strange, it's only the ball." Qi Tianyu was angry when he said, "if you are so naughty again, I won't..."

"Well, well, I know I'm wrong this time. Can you stop saying that?" The ball roared at him. Qi Tianyu saw that he was more arrogant than himself, and his words were blocked for a moment.

The ball closed its mouth and did not speak. It could not control its tyranny, but it could control its consciousness. It knew that it had gone too far, but Qi Tianyu always said that it was unhappy.

"Well, don't make any noise. You see, it's here." Huang Li wants to clap Qi Tianyu's hand and says to him.

But as soon as she got close to Qi Tianyu's hand, Qi Tianyu quickly shrank back, as if something had stabbed her.

Huang Li's hand was hanging in the air, a little embarrassed.

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