Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2979

At this time, Tian Mu finally had time to take a look at his body. His right arm had been completely unable to lift, and other places were bleeding, which was more serious than the most serious injury he suffered in his usual training. However, the situation of hidden Warcraft was not much better than himself. After all, although he was often injured in the previous trials, it was never like this Once I tried my best, so the state of one man and one beast was just terrible.

Tian Mu escaped from his arms. He was about to swallow some of the medicinal materials he had brought in. Suddenly, he looked into the air as if he remembered something? Where are you? Come out? " In fact, Tian Mu didn't have much hope when he called. Although he knew that if Jin shouniao was still in this place, he could not only save these drugs, but also recover his injury faster. Even if he felt that his right arm had no hope, he could be cured again. But how dangerous was the situation just now I know very well, can those golden call birds escape?

What I didn't expect was that after Tian Mu just yelled a few times, the familiar voices flew out from the side. It was obvious that although the birds didn't follow, they were also flying in the dark, which could not only ensure that they were not affected, but also ensure that they could gather quickly after the birth day.

Tian Mu looked at himself and hidden Warcraft, and then at the three golden call birds that were almost unhurt. In fact, there was a little imbalance in his heart. Although he knew that the three birds didn't have much fighting power, how could he just leave at such a critical moment, regardless of the people behind?

However, after Jin huanniao came to take the initiative to heal his wounds, Tian Mu quickly forgot what he had complained about before. After all, everyone knows very well that although the fighting power of this kind of beast is very weak, it is very powerful in the treatment of trauma.

Tian Mu looks at a golden calling bird on his right arm. He looks at it quietly all the time, hoping his right side can recover. After all, as a martial arts practitioner, everyone knows how important the right arm is.

Sure enough, Jin huanniao's strength won't disappoint anyone, so it won't be long before Tian Mu can feel his wound very clearly. He not only stopped bleeding, but also recovered some meridians inside his arm. Although he still can't move disorderly, he knows very well that he shouldn't do right arm It's going to be scrapped.

Looking at Jin huanniao who continues to heal hidden Warcraft, Tian Mu is only grateful and thankful. After all, if it wasn't for such a coincidence, he might have died now, let alone be treated well, and even be able to restore his health. Now the situation is unexpected for him.

"By the way, we just kept running. We don't know where we are now. How can we go back and get together with other people? You know, in this dangerous place, we'd better be together." Tian Mu realized very clearly that if he only relied on his own ability, he would feel very dangerous when he ran into some supernatural animals. So it's better to have several people together. In this way, he could help each other, at least he would be at ease.

However, hidden Warcraft and golden bird can't understand this person's meaning, and they have no way to put forward any suggestions. Therefore, they have to think hard about what way they can go back to the original place, and even if they go back to the original place, can they ensure that other people are waiting for themselves in that place ?

"What is to be done? Can I fight alone? " Tian Mu has a headache now. Sitting on the back of hidden Warcraft, he feels uncomfortable. He wants to come down first and then think of a way.

However, before Tian Mu came down from the back of hidden Warcraft, hidden Warcraft suddenly began to run up, and did not care about the person behind him.

"Hidden Warcraft, what are you doing? Don't you see I'm getting ready to come down? I'll fall if you run like this! Stop at once. Let me down first. Let's talk about what's going on! " Tian Mu thought that there might be some danger around him, but he didn't find any danger when he looked around. Then he found that what he was doing was very dangerous. If he was not careful, he might fall down. So he could only slap the hidden Warcraft hard, hoping that the hidden Warcraft would stop.

But hidden Warcraft doesn't care about Tian Mu at all. No matter what the person behind him is doing, he just keeps on running. The golden warbler, who used to stand beside him to treat hidden Warcraft, doesn't know what happened, but when he sees that the giant has started to run, he also flies directly and flies in that direction.

Over there, Qi Tianyu and Huang Li are also discussing: "elder brother Qi, do you have any way to let us see my cousin? You need to know that my cousin's strength is very strong, but in such a dangerous place, no matter how strong his strength is, it's useless. We are still safe together."

"Huang Li, of course I know what you mean. I'm also trying to figure out a way. Hidden Warcraft thinks I'm the main player. I hope I can feel where the other party is by telepathy between myself and the other party, so that we can meet your cousin." Qi Tianyu has basically recovered his peace at this time. After all, he was too embarrassed to say anything when he just came to this place.When Qi Tianyu and Huang Li arrive at the water source, Huang Li doesn't want to talk to each other, but Qi Tianyu doesn't want to touch Huang Li, even in his eyes.

"Huang Li, clean up here first, I'll go to the side to see if there is any danger." Qi Tianyu also knows that if he doesn't speak all the time, it's impossible for him to get by, so he can only bow his head in advance and escape this embarrassing place by the way.

"Good." Huang Li didn't think anything had happened. After all, it was like that, and he didn't feel angry. However, he didn't expect that the other side would look like that. So he was sulky now. He threw a word at the other side and watched the other side turn away. He didn't care about the other side, so he began to wash directly by the water.

Not long after Huang Li finished cleaning, Qi Tianyu, who originally said he would go around for a stroll, also came back.



Two people talk together, and then shut up together, suddenly don't know what to say.

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