Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2986

Led by hidden Warcraft, they went deeper and deeper into the mountains, surrounded by lush trees, but few of them were seen.

Qi Tianyu couldn't help doubting his guess just now, "can it be that we think too much, there is no divine beast here at all, the ball hiding here is deliberately not let us find."

"No, you think too much. How can you run to this place because he wants to avoid you with his temper now? He is so angry that he must find something to vent his anger. Only in this way can his heart of killing and plundering be calmed down."

Huang Li said on one side that she felt that the ball was hopeless. Although she knew that Qi Tianyu had a great relationship with the ball, she didn't like the little thing very much.

Qi Tianyu naturally understood Huang Li's feelings, but he thought that Qiu Qiu had done a lot to save Huang Li just now, so he took the initiative to tell her, "when you fell into that crack, Qiu Qiu and I went to save you, and Qiu Qiu had already spent a lot of effort to save you, and even almost got swallowed by those insects. Huang Li, I hope you don't have to worry about it He's too biased. "

"Really?" Huang Li was surprised to hear Qi Tianyu say that. She didn't expect that little thing would take the initiative to save herself.

"Of course, he may just be confused by his natural nature, but he is kind-hearted inside." After all, he has never been around Hong Feng for so long. Qi Tianyu still believes that Qiu Qiu has a spiritual heart.

"Well, I was wrong about her." After Qi Tianyu finished speaking, Huang Li took the initiative to admit her mistake. She didn't think that there was a contradiction between Qi Tianyu and the return of a divine beast to its nature. After all, how much relationship did that divine beast have with herself.

Qi Tianyu just laughed and was satisfied with Huang Li's attitude.

Hidden Warcraft was still running wildly. Suddenly, a painful roar came from the distance, "this is the sound of the ball."

Qi Tianyu said firmly after listening, but Huang Li refuted him, "it's not, you listen to the sound, it's much louder than the ball burst out."

"If the ball is bigger, the sound will be bigger." Qi Tianyu is very sure to say.

"We're going in that direction." Qi Tianyu took a picture of Warcraft's head, and yinwarcraft began to run.

Dragging them, the three hidden Warcraft were also walking fast, and soon arrived at the place where the sound was just made. From a distance, he saw that the ball had become almost five or six meters high, and was with many beasts.

But because of the distance, Qi Tianyu couldn't see what kind of beast he was fighting with the ball.

"Qi Tianyu, do you see that? That's the black grudge bird Huang Li but some shiver of say out.

"Black grudge bird? No, it's the ghost again. "

"Yes, I look like it too." Tian Mu also said that when they went in for training, what they were most afraid of was the Wuyuan bird. Although the grade of Wuyuan bird was not high, there were a large number of Wuyuan birds, and they were not afraid of death. As long as they provoked him, they would pursue him. They would follow you until they dragged you to death.

Qi Tianyu then provoked a black grouse bird when they went in. After he beat the black grouse bird away, he soon attacked them with a large group of black grouse birds. Huang Li's most serious injury at that time was under the siege of the group of black grouse birds.

Thinking of the scene at that time, Huang Li was a little afraid. She pulled Qi Tianyu's sleeve and said, "let's wait here. If the ball can't beat those black grudge birds, it will come back obediently."

"How can we let the ball deal with so many grouse birds by itself?" As the hidden magic gets closer and closer, Qi Tianyu can already see their situation. It's really a group of black grudge birds that are besieging the ball.

The ball can't cope well, and it's obvious that there are several scratches on his body. His fur is very hard. No matter how hard he tries, he can't leave a trace on his body. The claws of these black grouse birds are so sharp, and if they use the micro toxin they carry, it will cause pain. The ball is so afraid of pain The beast should be very painful under such a group attack.

Qi Tianyu had some heartache in his heart, and Tian Mu could see it, but he and Huang Li had the same idea. The most important reason for them to come in was to find the secret of their family, instead of running around with this crazy goblin, so he advised Qi Tianyu, "I think what my cousin said is reasonable. Let's watch it for a while, if I can't help you If we also join the battlefield, the situation may be even more chaotic. As you know, these black grouse birds can't get in. If we have another batch, we will spend all our time on these black grouse birds, but it's very troublesome. "

"Qi Tianyu, I know you are worried about the ball, but you also need to know that these troubles are caused by him. If you don't teach him a lesson, he doesn't know that heaven is high and earth is good." Huang Li added.

At that time, he didn't want to be offended by his actions. On the contrary, he didn't want to be offended by his actions.Qi Tianyu had a decision under his heart, "well, listen to you. We'll watch it now and see how the ball will deal with them."

After Qi Tianyu's words, hidden Warcraft stops. Hidden Warcraft has some secret joy in his heart. In fact, he doesn't want to follow Qi Tianyu to provoke these black resentful birds. After all, he was also impressed by these black resentful birds when he was training. These black resentful birds are always the most resentful ones, and they have to drive you crazy. Hidden Warcraft is in these black resentful birds In the hands of complaining birds, they have suffered a lot.

Qi Tianyu and Tian Mu hid in the Bush and looked at the situation in front of them. They saw that the ball was surrounded by a large group of black resentful birds, and they were fighting with them. Some black resentful birds on the outside did not dare to attack because of the momentum of the ball, while those black resentful birds in the internal test were not afraid to die, even if they were flattened by the ball Come on up.

At that time, there were some moths flying to the fire in this posture. No matter how strong the ball's ability was, even under these continuous attacks, it was not enough. There were more obvious scars on his body. Qi

Tianyu thought that the ball would give up soon after suffering from such hardships. However, after watching the ball for a long time, he didn't want to give up. Instead, he stood still, waiting for those who were fighting with them when they came up.

"What is the ball doing? If he only wants to prove to me how strong his ability is, he should take me with him. What's the point of fighting alone? "

"You look down on that goblin. He must know you're there." Tian Mu's words awakened Qi Tianyu.

"How could the ball know?" Qi Tianyu was not sure, but he already believed Tian Mu's words in his heart.

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