Emperor Zhu Tian

C303 Lower half of martial arts

The moment Qi Tianyu turned around, the group of people immediately had bitter expressions on their faces.

After a moment, a person stood up and said, "If you don't want to lose face, then don't let anyone know about what happened today. If you have to say, just say that we fell into a dangerous situation. This kid accidentally brought us out."

Everyone nodded their heads. No one was willing to reveal this matter to the public. If today's matter were to spread, they wouldn't have to stay in the empire anymore.

"Hmph, he was taken away by that stinking saint!" "How about I take a good look at what they are doing, but there's nothing wrong …" Qi Tianyu muttered as he walked forward.

After all, the Saint was trapped in the secret realm. No matter what he did, he would not be able to escape.

Qi Tianyu's surroundings had finally become quieter. He did not want to provoke another large group of people before he had even taken two steps.

"How is it?" Seeing that the Saint Rosefinch had returned, the other three Saints became excited, and anxiously asked the Saints from Rosefinch Dynasty if they could go out.

"We'll talk about it later. Help me suppress this black gas!" Saint Rosefinch held onto his chest, with blood flowing out of his mouth, he quickly spoke to the other three Great Saint s.

"What's going on?" It was only now that they noticed that the internal injuries of the Rosefinch Dynasty Saint had all exploded, and that the black air was constantly approaching the Rosefinch Dynasty Saint!

The faces of the four Saints were solemn as they used their best techniques to resist the black air. They could not reveal the aura of a saint, otherwise the black gas in this world would rush towards them.

"So tiring … Sigh, if I knew earlier, I wouldn't have come here, and sending those Heaven-rank experts here would have been better than us, who would have suppressed us everywhere. A saint said.

"That's right!" If we knew it would turn out like this, we wouldn't have come. " At this moment, the four Saints felt regret.

As Qi Tianyu walked, he constantly thought back to the five World Extinguishing Thunder s. These five World Extinguishing Thunder s' martial skills seemed to still have the lower half!

If he could obtain a complete set of the five elements thunder and lightning arts, its power would be indescribable!

As Qi Tianyu thought about it, he suddenly felt that the Thunder Sword Art within the Profound Yellow Heavenly Stele was constantly flipping, as if it was approaching the Five Elements Lightning Arts.

Qi Tianyu was astonished. He placed the two martial skills together and wanted to see what would happen.

Instantly, the two martial skills fused together! Qi Tianyu suppressed the shock in his heart, picked up the martial skill, and looked, so the Thunder Sword Art was actually the second half of the Five Elements Lightning Arts!

In the Thunder Sword Tactic, one had to convert the lightning of the five elements into a Sword Qi, and then bring the Sword Qi down from the sky!

He did not expect it to be like this, with a thought, Qi Tianyu found a place to start cultivating the Thunder Sword Art.

Qi Tianyu wondered just how much this Thunder Sword Art could increase the power of the Five Elements Lightning Arts.

Qi Tianyu combined the five World Extinguishing Thunder s and slowly released the sword intent. "Something's off!" Qi Tianyu's face congealed as he looked at the strike contained within the Golden Battle Sword.

The Golden Battle Sword was not much different from before, and even its aura was extremely normal. Along with the Golden Battle Sword, it looked like a plastic sword used by children to play with.

"Why does the aura look so strange?" Qi Tianyu looked at the Lightning Sword Tactic suspiciously, his face revealing a look of doubt.

But after a while, Qi Tianyu kept his suspicions, and his face started to turn serious. The aura that the Golden Battle Sword was emitting was so oppressive that it filled the entire world with its pressure!

Rumble …

A loud sound echoed throughout the secret realm. Just what was going on with this lightning bolt? Could it be the legendary Azure Heaven Thunder?

That's true!

The Golden Battle Sword began to emit green smoke, its aura continuously leaking out.

"Damn! Heavens, this lightning can't explode here!" Qi Tianyu laughed bitterly, if he let this lightning split this A Place of Danger apart, then the Saint would definitely be free!

As if responding to Qi Tianyu's thoughts, Azure Dragon Genuine Spirit who was sleeping inside the Profound Yellow Heavenly Stele, opened his eyes in a trance, continuously smelled the surrounding air, and spoke with a childish voice: "Is there anything good to eat here? "Why is it so fragrant?"

Suddenly, Azure Dragon Genuine Spirit's eyes lit up! He saw that the Golden Battle Sword outside was emitting a delicious smell!

Although the killing intent outside made him uncomfortable, at the moment, the temptation of the delicacies far exceeded the killing intent outside!

Just when Qi Tianyu felt that he was powerless and could only make the Golden Battle Sword use the World Extinguishing Thunder, the Azure Dragon Genuine Spirit suddenly appeared!

"Hmm? Small Azure Dragon, come back quickly! " Qi Tianyu's expression changed. He did not know why the Azure Dragon Genuine Spirit had suddenly appeared!

"No, I want to eat …" The Small Azure Dragon muttered in grievance, and pouted at the Golden Battle Sword.

Qi Tianyu's mind was completely blank. The Sky Blue Heavenly Thunder that was currently stored within the Golden Battle Sword had already been formed, and it suddenly exploded towards the Azure Dragon Genuine Spirit!

Rumble …

My god, how could the Azure Dragon Genuine Spirit suddenly become like this? It should be fine, right? Qi Tianyu's expression changed, and fiercely rushed forward! Even if the Azure Dragon Genuine Spirit still had a trace of life, he had to save the Small Azure Dragon!

But something was wrong! Seeing the terrifying aura of the Azure Sky Thunder, Azure Dragon Genuine Spirit would definitely be knocked away!

"Burp, delicious, so full …" The Azure Dragon Genuine Spirit burped and ran towards Qi Tianyu happily.

This time, Qi Tianyu was completely dumbstruck, he could not stop his steps, and accidentally knocked Azure Dragon Genuine Spirit away.

Did Azure Dragon Genuine Spirit eat Azure Heaven Lightning? Heavens, since when did this era's Azure Dragon Genuine Spirit know how to eat thunder and lightning?

"Small Azure Dragon, did you really eat the Azure Heaven Lightning?" Qi Tianyu asked with an expression of incredulity.

"Oh? That thing was called Azure Heaven Thunder? "It's quite tasty, but I'm too full. I'm going back to sleep …" The Azure Dragon Genuine Spirit said while hiccuping.

"Go, go," Qi Tianyu said, thinking that the Azure Dragon Genuine Spirit in this world should be related to thunder and lightning. Qi Tianyu laughed, and continued to train with the Thunder Sword Art.

Qi Tianyu was looking forward to see what the Small Azure Dragon that could devour the power of lightning would look like when it grew up.

The four bullshit saints were feeling the worst right now, because just as they were helping the Saint Rosefinch dispel the black Qi, a power of lightning that could tear the heavens and earth appeared in this dangerous realm!

When they were at their most excited state, the power of thunder and lightning suddenly disappeared without a trace! Eliminating the black Qi should have been a peaceful and calm state of mind, but the four Saints' minds were in turmoil right now!

"Puff …" Saint Rosefinch spat out another mouthful of blood. After being tortured like that, he had collapsed.

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