Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 3109

"Come and sit down. Why do you both stand up? Let's sit down and have a good talk. Don't make me look like I'm going to come in and have a fight with you. My old arms and legs are different from those of you young people. If you really fight, you will win. I won't be so stupid. "

Tian Sha looked at the two people in front of him. One of them seemed to fight with him immediately, and the other was hesitant in front of him. He didn't look as respectful as before. But Tian Sha didn't seem to see the two people's attitude. He sat down and even laughed at the two people in front of him.

Qi Tianyu first reflected that since the person in front of him had said such a thing, he could only force himself to keep calm on his face, and then he went back to the place where he had been sitting: "Mr. Tian Sha, you are all right."

"Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi, don't mention it. I'm here to have a cup of tea. Don't make it look like I can't afford a cup of tea. To tell you the truth, I didn't plan to meet you in the middle of the night. I wanted to treat you well tomorrow. I didn't expect that you were so anxious. If you had to see me at this time, you said you couldn't have a good time Do you want to have a rest? What do you do in the evening? No one can rest. "

It seems that Tian Sha really didn't pay attention to the previous situation, and forgot that he and the people sitting opposite are in opposition. He looks like a hospitable host. He not only greets the people in front of him to sit down and drink tea, but also has a kind of complaint.

"And Tian Mu, sit down. We've known each other for a long time. If you're not polite, I raised you since I was a child. Although I didn't give you life, I'm half your father. Are you still so polite when we meet? Sit down quickly. "

It seems that Tian Sha really doesn't know that Tian Mu has betrayed himself and has completely stood on Qi Tianyu's side. On the contrary, he looks at Tian Mu lovingly, as if he had been raised since childhood and instilled a lot of hard work into his offspring.

Tian Mu didn't know what to do, and what he didn't think of was the person in front of him. He even didn't know how to answer when he said such a thing. Looking at the two people who had already sat down, he could only sit back in the same place, but he didn't know where to put his hands and how to put his feet.

"Tianyu, don't mind if I call you that. I should be about the same age as your father. Looking at you is like looking at a younger generation. I'm really satisfied with your ability. Although it may be a bit impolite to say that, what I say is from my heart. Looking at you being able to make this career, I'm really sincere You're happy

Tian Sha has been acting strangely since he entered the door this time. It's not only Tian Mu who can't understand what this man is doing, but even Qi Tianyu, who can see clearly, can't understand what's going on with Tian Sha. He knows that he and the other party are enemies, but the other party has been treating himself with such a kind attitude. He really can't figure out what to do.

"My Lord, we didn't know each other before, and we had some dealings with each other. I can't say who you are, but on the surface, you know it very well. You don't have to play games with me now. What's more, there's no one watching. You're talking in such a strange way. Just say what you have. ”

although Qi Tianyu didn't know the other party's purpose, he really couldn't listen to the other party's tone and voice. I have my own small abacus in my heart when I speak. Why should I keep so quiet on the surface? So I'm not polite. I just want to make it very clear. I hope the other party can say one thing and two things.

"Look at you Tianyu. You used to walk outside too much, so you are on guard. Yes, we have dealt with each other before, but we haven't met each other. How can you know what kind of person I am? To put it bluntly, I've eaten more salt than you've eaten rice. Do you think you can know exactly what kind of person I am when we see each other? You really don't have to be on guard like this. I really feel that you are a very good younger generation when I treat you this time. I feel that what you do makes me feel very happy for you. "

According to Qi Tianyu's idea, after hearing this, Tian Sha should return to his former appearance. After all, the other party knows very clearly that he doesn't trust the other party's appearance at all, but what he didn't expect is that even though he has made his words so clear, the other party still keeps a loving elder's appearance, even if he doesn't believe it They all regard themselves as their elders.

"You see, you see, what I said? You are too alert. What can I do for you? Don't you feel tired just coming back after you have gone so far? Why don't you have a good rest here? You see, although Tian Mu also went with you, he was raised by me since I was a child. Don't you think he is resting now? "

Qi Tianyu was completely at a loss, but Tian Sha's words now made him seem to understand something. However, this thought just passed in his mind. He didn't grasp it at that time. As a result, he knew clearly what he had figured out, but didn't react to what was going on.Qi Tianyu looked at Tian Mu and wanted to tell Tian Shan that it was because of his appearance that Tian Mu didn't know what to do, so he had to sit in the same place. In fact, Tian Mu didn't even know what to say or do, let alone have his own ideas and thoughts. Is this what Tian Sha said about rest? If this is the case, I would rather take a quilt than rest like this.

Tian Sha thought that Qi Tianyu should understand his meaning at this time, but what he didn't think was that he might be too surprised when he came in, so Qi Tianyu just figured it out a little, but didn't grasp it in time. As a result, looking at Tian's stupefied appearance, he didn't remember what he had figured out before, so he didn't know So I still sit in the same place and don't understand my hint at all.

"Mr. Tian Sha, since you let us have a rest here, please leave here first. We'll stay here and have a rest. As you said, we won't run around. You can leave here at ease. After all, it's a big night. As a person of such an age, you should also have a rest."

Qi Tianyu didn't think through anything, but when he spoke, he suddenly seemed to catch the thought that had flashed in his mind.

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