Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 3128

"I don't quite agree with what you said, but since you think so, it's up to you. Forget it, I won't talk any more nonsense with you. You'd better tell us what you came to our house to do. As for the threats you said or the factors controlling me, you can think as you like."

Qi Tianyu deliberately said only half of what he said, even though he knew that the other party didn't understand his meaning at all, he didn't continue to explain it. After all, he only said half of what he meant, and only let the other party see a little bit of what he meant. But isn't it? If you have told the other party all your thoughts at this time, you are too stupid.

"You." Tian Sha was stunned for a moment. After all, he didn't expect the other party to change the topic so quickly. He wanted to use the other party's words to test whether there were any other cards. After all, he clearly controlled all the things he knew the other party cared about. Why did the other party still look like he didn't have any problems, but the other party had already put them in his hands The topic has completely changed, and I can't turn back again, which shows how much attention I have for that matter.

"Mr. Tian Sha is not ready to tell us now. After all, you have brought us to this place. Don't you just want us to do something? Although I haven't figured out exactly what you want us to do, if you really don't want to say it all the time, we'll go back first. "

Qi Tianyu half true and half false to urge each other, all people can't see what Qi Tianyu said, in the end is his true inner thoughts, or to deceive each other deliberately said, after all, big guy looked around and didn't find anything special, why Qi Tianyu would think that everyone came to this place is what to do?

"You really know something, but it doesn't matter. Now that you have come to this place, I don't pay much attention to whatever you want to do or don't want to do, or what other ideas you have. Since you want to know all this, there's no problem for me to tell you. After all, some things really have to be done by you."

After listening to the other party's words, Tian Sha did ask, but after thinking about it, he thought it was not a big deal. After all, everything was under his control. He felt that the other party was just going to decorate. He trusted the spy and the source of information for so many years.

"Yes, that's what I mean. As for other things, let's rely on our own abilities. You can tell us what you want us to do now, and then put forward the maximum conditions you can offer. Let's see if we are worth our cooperation." Qi Tianyu has a leisurely attitude. He doesn't seem to be brought here by the other party. Instead, he seems to come here to discuss cooperation with the other party.

"Ha ha, Qi Tianyu, you are too arrogant. Don't forget that you were brought here by me. Do you think you still have the temper of not agreeing to me? Now, of course, it's what I say and what you do. Only if you do well, I can let go of the people you care about. Otherwise, you'll all die in this place, and you'll lose your big mouth if you ask me to put forward the conditions for cooperation. You're not qualified to talk about the conditions with me now. "

Tian Sha didn't expect that at this time, the other party could even say such words: "Qi Tianyu, let me make it clear to you that we are not going to cooperate next. You are just a person who helps me. You are not qualified to be equal to me at all. Don't think you have figured out something, just go ahead It seems that you can suppress me. I've worked hard here for decades, but you can't resist me these days. "

Although at the beginning, Tian Sha was a little flustered because of Qi Tianyu's attitude, he calmed down and thought carefully. He knew that the other party was just bluffing. After all, he had been here steadily for decades. If he could let the other party come here for a few days, it would be useless for him to beat him down easily It's too late.

"It seems that you don't quite agree with me, but I always think that we are cooperating. If you don't agree with me, I have nothing to say. Anyway, when it's over, there will be an answer to everything. You'd better tell me quickly, what do you want to do at the end of the day? As for whether we agree or not after you have finished, that is another matter Qi Tianyu said the second half of the speech, although the voice is very small, but the big guys on the scene have all heard.

Tian Mu and Huang Li look at each other, but they are all confused. They don't understand what the person is saying. They are all together these days. Why does the other party seem to know a lot of things that they don't understand all at once? Even if the other party's brain is easier to use, they shouldn't be able to understand so many things all at once.

After hearing this, Qian Cha felt that the other side really couldn't see where he was. Even if the other side didn't care about the names of other families, didn't the person in front of him care about the hearts of Tian Mu and Huang Li? After observing each other for such a long time, I feel that the other party is at least a person who attaches great importance to love and righteousness. How can he easily admit defeat?"Mr. Tian Sha, you don't have to think about it any more. What's the use of thinking about it? You'd better say what you have. After all, we don't have such a long time to waste. Don't forget that there are still many people waiting for us to go back. " Qi Tianyu continued to urge. It seemed that he was the leader this time. This very powerful man in front of him was just a defeated general of his own. But in fact, on the contrary, he was surrounded by many people, and he might die without a place to bury himself at the command of the other person.

"So you know there are people waiting for you, but those people may not be waiting for you to go back, but for another message from you. Well, well, since you are very anxious to know what I brought you here for, no one will not tell you in secret. I want you to do something. As for what I want you to do, Qi Tianyu, you should actually know. "

Although Tian Sha said this to several people in front of him, in fact, he just talked to the person in front of him. As for the two people behind him, although they had to do it together, one of them just played a role of blood.

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