Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 3134

"Qi Tianyu, what are you talking about? I don't understand. I don't understand at all. I don't know what you're talking about. What you're saying is wrong. I think it's for my family's sake. Everything I do is for the glory of my family. If I don't do this, the following families will replace our family sooner or later. Only when I do this can our family keep its glory. You see Over the years, our family has been respected on the surface, but in fact, our family can only live in a small place, and we can't even walk out of the house honestly! "

Tian Sha had no expression all the time, and there were no ups and downs when he spoke, but no one thought that after Qin Tianyu said what he had just said, Tian Sha seemed to collapse.

"What I'm saying doesn't matter at all, and how I know it doesn't matter at all. The important thing now is that you will be punished by your ancestors for doing so. Your doing so runs counter to the idea that your ancestors left the secret behind. If you do, do you believe it or not, even if we succeed in verifying the secret of your family, this family will succeed Sooner or later, the secret of the clan will be far away from you

As soon as Qi Tianyu said this, Tian Sha, who was in a violent state, suddenly froze in the same place. He didn't know what to answer. Even his mind was in a mess, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Not only Tian Sha, but everyone around him froze in the same place.

Let's not talk about Tian Mu and Huang Li. Since Qi Tianyu spoke, he had no idea what Qi Tianyu was talking about. He had always been in a state of total incomprehension. Even Tian Sha's men, who had been surrounded by Qi chongchong, didn't know how to take the weapon he was holding after listening to Qi Tianyu's words. After all, he always believed that Tian Sha was The inheritors of the Tian family can only restore the glory of the family by following the family of Tian Sha. At that time, even if they are just a small part of the family, they should be respected by all people in this place. This is the belief of all people here, but suddenly this belief is destroyed by the people standing opposite.

"Do it, please do it quickly. Don't listen to his nonsense. Everything he said is false. I tell you that for so many years, I have been wary of keeping the fragments of family secrets in my hands. I finally got the other two fragments of family destiny. Now I just need to let the person in front of me enter the family secrets to verify them Your family will be able to return to its original heyday. We are one step away from it now. Please do it immediately

When Tian Sha was in a rational state, he didn't know what to do. Even if he had ordered all the people outside to come in and surround the people in front of him, he didn't dare to give orders at all, because he actually knew very well that once he started, he might be unable to control some situations, but now Tian Sha can't take care of it So much, if you let the other party go on, don't say that you start to waver, even those who have been loyal to you will waver.

"Yes Although Qi Tianyu's one or two words just now had a little shake, after all, he has been following Tian Sha's orders for so many years. On the one hand, he has been completely used to Tian Sha. Once he gives the order, these people will do things according to the orders. On the other hand, Tian Sha has been talking about restoring family glory in his ears for so many years Yao's words, so they just wavered for a moment. After that, these people immediately did things according to Tian Sha's orders.

"Do it, do it, do it quickly, surround these people, surround them all!" Although the following people don't understand why I heard such an order, rather than the order that I once imagined to kill these people directly, they have to obey the order after all, so no matter what order they heard, they don't need to think at all, just execute it.

However, Qi Tianyu was very strange when he heard this. After all, he didn't know enough. He only knew how to verify the secret of the family. The easiest way might be to pass on the blood with the main pulse. But what's his role? He is the one who makes the other party angry most. Why is the other party so angry, You didn't kill yourself? Do you have any other functions?

"Qi Tianyu, what's the matter with you? We have been together before. If you really think of something, why don't you tell me? Didn't you promise me many times before that you would tell me what you think of in the first time? Now I don't know anything, but you suddenly startled each other. Now we beat these people's mobile phones, but now the number is increasing. If you really haven't told me what's going on, I really don't know if I can go out safely. "

Tian Mu is really not happy, so although he has already taken out his weapon to fight with the people on the other side, he still complains with Qi Tianyu while fighting. Before Ming Ming, the other side has promised so many times. In the future, he will discuss with himself for the first time. It seems that the other side has already figured out everything But I'm totally in the dark. Isn't I trustworthy?A few days ago, did you think that Tian Mu would suddenly ask this question? After all, I'm not sure about it this time. Only if I can let the other party do things according to his previous idea, can I have a little hope on my side. If I tell the person in front of me my original plan just because of this little hope, will the person in front of me think I'm real Actually, I'm sure that I don't want to think of other ways. What's more, I don't have any plans for this matter. I just go step by step. How can I tell the other party in advance?

"It's not the time for Tian Mu to say that. I promise to give you a satisfactory price increase after I go back. This time, there's a real reason for it. And I've told you in time no matter what I think some time ago? You must understand me. Now what we have to do is to disperse as much as possible, and try our best to get to Tiansha. It's better to stay with him. "

Although Qi Tianyu didn't know whether his idea was right or wrong, now it was his only chance. While talking, Qi Tianyu began to take action. Although Tian Mu doesn't understand each other's meaning, since the other party has already said so and has basically trusted each other through sharing weal and woe, then do it according to what the other party said.

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