Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 3137

Qi Tianyu originally thought that the person standing opposite would ask some other questions, and he had basically figured out the answer in his heart, but what he didn't think of was that the first other question asked from the opposite was about that person. When it came to this matter, Qi Tianyu couldn't help thinking of what had happened outside before.

"Qi Tianyu, what are you doing?" Tian Mu, who was standing beside and fighting across the river, was suddenly scratched by the people around him. He had no way to understand the meaning of the people around him. So he took up his weapon and chopped the people across the river, and asked the people around him.

But Qi Tianyu didn't have the heart to answer the questions of the people around him at this time. After all, after entering that place, the people around him should be able to understand everything. But now the most important problem is that he must ensure that Tian Sha stays with him all the time. Although he is not very clear, how far can the family secrets attract How much is the bottom, but since I have already started, I can only make Tian Sha as close as possible to myself.

"Qi Tianyu, you are a fool. What are you doing? You don't have any preparation at all now. If you go in like this, you will die. I tell you, you stop now. In this way, I can guarantee that you can leave safely now. You give me an assistant. Don't go on any more. If you go in like this, we may not be able to get out! "

Of course, Tian Sha saw what the young man wanted to do, but he couldn't allow it. After all, all he wanted was to let these young people in, but he never wanted to enter that place. Although he didn't know much about the secrets of the family, compared with educating other people, he didn't know much about that place The level of secret understanding should be the deepest, so I know more about the terrible place.

Under such preconditions, even if you were trying to let these young people enter the place, now if you take your own life, everything will not be as important as your own safety. Therefore, no matter what you promise the other party to ask, you can make the other party worry about stopping. Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"You see what you said. Before that, you always wanted us to go into that place to verify the secret of the family? But now that I have taken the initiative to enter that place, why do you suddenly regret quitting? Unfortunately, I'm very sorry. I've already started. I didn't give up these words in the dictionary, so you'd better die. Come into that place with us. Let's see what's sacred about your family's secret. "

Qi Tianyu has already decided to do it, and he knows that the other party has already promised these things, but if he is really an assistant now, the conditions promised by the other party will not count. So now he has only one way to do it, that is to finish it. No matter what the outcome is, he must bear it Get up.

"Are you stupid? Are you crazy? Come and save me, pull me out of this place, pull me far away, far away, and take me to other places. Don't let me stay here. Hurry up. " Tianshan originally wanted to stand up and leave this place, but when he wanted to stand up, he found that the light ball not only knocked him out, but also made his legs numb and unable to move.

Tian Sha wants to leave this place by crawling with his hands, but he finds that there is no time at all, so he can only summon his subordinates around him, hoping that they can help him leave this place at the critical moment: "you hurry up, hurry up and get me out of this place. I promise that after you get me out of this place, please finish it and I will give it to him The highest skill. "

Tian Sha can't care about anything at this time. As long as someone can save himself, he can give anything to the other party. As long as he doesn't let himself into that place and lose his most precious life, he can do it to any extent, even if he has been hiding before, only he can It is also possible to practice the most advanced skills.

"You don't want to be paranoid. Do you think I really don't have any ability? I can imprison you and make your legs numb. You can't walk at all. Do you think your subordinates are more powerful than you and can resist the attacks of us? I tell you, this time you really don't have any way, so please come into that place with us. What's more, no one can say exactly what you are. Maybe there are good things in it. "

Of course, Qi Tianyu knows that it's hard to predict the fate after entering that place, but it's the only chance for him. So he can only seize this opportunity. As for the person in front of him, he has to let him go in with him. On the one hand, he can ensure his own life safety, on the other hand, he can also guarantee the life of others outside It's very important for you to keep your life safe.

"Come on, hurry up, help me go!" It's impossible for Tian Sha to go out on his own, so he can only shout to his nearest subordinates, hoping that they can take him away from this place. However, it's very obvious, as Qi Tianyu said before, that not only Tian Sha has lost his ability to move on his own, but also his subordinates have completely lost their power The ability to act.But even looking at the situation in front of him, Qi Tianyu didn't mean to relax at all. After all, he was not sure when the fragments could be completely integrated after the blood got on the fragments, and he didn't know when the fragments could attract some of his people to the secret place.

"Come on Tian Sha is still crawling in the same place. He wants to look at the strength of his arm and pull himself away from this place. But the effect of such action is obviously very ineffective. Even though he has been working hard for such a long time, Tian Sha is still in the same place and is still very right away from Qi Tianyu. We all know very well that if the secret of the family is opened in such an instant, these people will surely die All inhaled into that place.

In the last few seconds, we must hold on. Although Qi Tianyu is very confident in his magic and knows how powerful his previous light ball is, he is not very clear about Tian Sha's specific strength, so he doesn't know how long he can control the opponent. Now it seems that the opponent is still a little active There is no ability, but there is no fixed number for all this. In case the person in front of him escapes at the last moment, he may have no way at all.

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