Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 3141

"Tian Mu, how can you talk like this? Have you forgotten who raised you before? Have you forgotten all your abilities? Who taught you? Now that you have become famous, can you forget the person who taught you before? You have to remember the draught and don't forget the digger. "

Tian Sha's heart is in a mess now. He doesn't know what to do. After all, he knows very well that there are many dangers in this place. Although his ability is OK, he doesn't have the orthodox blood power of the family, so his risk coefficient is very high. He can only attract a person who has the power to track blood Only when you are on your own side can you hope to survive safely.

"How can you say such words? Yes, you comforted me before, so I have been struggling with this matter for some time. But I know that I met you again this time. Thinking of the things you did before, I really don't want to admit that I was raised by you. If I can, I really want to go back to the beginning and leave directly If I leave you alone, I may have already fulfilled my wish to revitalize my family. "

After listening to the person sitting opposite, Qi Tianyu was worried that the people around him had changed his mind. But what he didn't expect was that Tianmu had already opened his mouth before Qi Tianyu could say something. Even Qi Tianyu didn't think of what he said. After all, Tianmu had been hesitant before.

"What did you learn from others after you went out during this period of time? How can you say such words? I have been raising you for so many years. You can think about the treatment of the people around you. I have always raised you as my own son? How can you betray me now? I tell you, I'll give you one last chance. As long as you come back to me as transparent as possible, I promise to treat you the same as before. "

Tian Sha is not sure what Tian Mu thinks now, but the most important thing now is to let the other party come back to him. No matter what he promises or what the other party says to him, he can tolerate it. As long as he can leave this place safely, he can go out and talk about the things after going out.

"You are so brazen. If it wasn't for you, would our family stay like this? If it wasn't for you, our family would still be respected by thousands of people. If you really want to be good for me, you should tell me my life experience from the beginning, and what you should do is to help me revitalize my family, instead of trying to replace it like now. "

Tian Mu has thoroughly understood what happened before, so no matter what the other party says, he will not encounter any interference. Not only that, with a word to deal with perfection, he will be able to feel the eagerness for quick success and instant benefit in the other party's heart, and this kind of interest is the one that he can't tolerate. After all, he is in the heart now What I want to do is to cherish my family, but the other side is still working for their own interests.

"Tianmu, you must have been misled by the people around you. I really don't mean that. What do you think I have been preparing for all these years? How can I be lovelorn for my own sake? Of course, I am for the glory of our whole family. If you want, I can tell everyone about your life experience after I go out. In this way, you can inherit the whole family. It's OK. As long as you want, I will be ready for you, as long as you can come back now Let's go out together. I promise we will do what you say after we go out. "

Of course, Tian Sha knows that what he says now is just a promise made for the sake of safety for a while. After he goes out, the wine will not count. But now it seems that what he says is so sincere that he can't see that he is acting at all.

"Tian Sha, if you said this before and made such a promise before you fell into such a situation, I can barely believe that you are willing to talk with you, but now it has become like this. I don't know what will happen here, but the only thing I know is that you always wanted me to come to this place, but you can't help me But I don't want to come in. The only explanation is that this place is actually very dangerous. Then I know exactly what you are promising these things for. "

Tian Mu suddenly felt that his brain was more sober than ever. Even if the other party had already said such words, he could clearly feel the other party. He was just cheating himself, and he also understood very clearly that when he went out safely, what the other party said would not count. Not only that, because the other party had been so trapped and bent his knees, once I've promised so much. If I can go out safely, the first thing the other party should do is to kill myself.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that after a few days, you are not what you used to be. Well, since you have said that, I don't want to hide it from you. Anyway, it seems that you can't stand on my side now, so you can live and die here."Although at the beginning, Tian Sha was very excited when he came to this place for no reason, so he wanted to attract a person. But since the other party had firmly rejected him, he calmed down. After all, he should be most familiar with this place. Without him, these people would not be able to leave this place Even if they don't take the initiative to attack, these people should not leave their own talents.

What Tian Sha worried about before was that these people would leave him. After all, if these people were determined to immerse themselves in this place, they really had nothing to do. At that time, if they didn't have the power of authentic family blood to protect themselves, they would be very dangerous. But as I procrastinate, I gradually understand that since these people want to bring themselves in, they must have their purpose. No matter what their purpose is, they can guarantee that they should really be with them for a period of time.

After figuring out this point, I won't worry at all. After all, as long as he has the power of pure blood around him to protect his body, then I can be sure that he will not be in danger for a while and a half. Even if all these people around him are in danger, he should have the ability to protect himself, so you can finish There's no need to beg them.

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