Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 3149

"You mean you don't agree with this plan at all, but if you still don't agree with this plan, you should know that I can't follow you to leave. If I follow you to leave without knowing anything, I'm not only irresponsible to myself, but also irresponsible to my friends."

Of course, Qi Tianyu knows that according to the other party's ability, it should be very easy to know what he wants to do, and we all know the other party's situation better. We can infer some details according to some general situation. Although it is difficult, it is possible to combine the specific situation, so the other party's unwillingness to agree is justifiable.

"No, I don't mean that. On the contrary, I agree with your plan." Qi Tianyu didn't expect that he would hear the other party's approval. He didn't expect that the other party would tell him firmly that the other party agreed to his idea. However, he knew that the other party had guessed the right thing he wanted to do. If the other party told him the general situation, he might break the bridge. But why did the other party promise himself?

"I know you don't understand why I promised you, and you have a lot of puzzles in your heart, but what you want to know most now is the secret of this place. As for other things, you'll know when it's time for you to know. Anyway, you still have a long time, and everything you want to know will have an answer."

Although Qian saw each other's shocked eyes and knew that he had indeed given the other a surprise answer, it didn't matter. Anyway, he had made up his mind. What does it have to do with what the other person thinks?

"Well, you are right. Anyway, as long as you tell me the value here, we have reached an agreement reluctantly. In that case, you and I will not be rivals for the time being, but friends fighting side by side." Qi Tianyu thought about it and felt that what the other party said was right. Although he had many doubts, these doubts were nothing to him now. As long as the other party told him the secret as he promised, he could guarantee the safety here for the time being.

"I didn't expect that one day after I have lived for so many years, I will hear other people tell me that the other side and I are friends fighting side by side. For your sake, I'll tell you more. It's nothing. Anyway, you will guess. What do I tell you first? What do you want to know most?"

After hearing what the other party said, Tian Sha even laughed and was willing to take the initiative to ask, as if he had changed from an enemy to a friend.

Although Qi Tianyu didn't know what was going on with the other party, since the other party had already taken the initiative to ask, wouldn't he have wasted this opportunity if he didn't push the boat forward?

"Of course, I want to know. The most important thing I want to know here is how to get out of this place. If you can directly tell me the way to get out of this place, or directly tell me how to get out of this place easily, I will be very happy."

Qi Tianyu didn't hesitate at all. After listening to each other's words, he asked directly. It seems that the two people are really friends who treat each other honestly. There is nothing that happened before. The two people have always been sincere and honest before.

"You're really not welcome. Well, since you want to know how to get out of here, I'll tell you this at last. What's the first thing I'll tell you? OK, now I'll ask you what's the name of this place. Well, to tell you the truth, I didn't know the name of this place until a while ago. Now I'll tell you, I'm really a little reluctant It's too late. "

Tian Sha looks at the person standing opposite and smiles. At the same time, he says something to surprise the person opposite. After all, in the eyes of the person opposite, although Tian Sha is selfish and unscrupulous in order to achieve his goal, he is a calm elder after all. He will never do these strange things. However, he did not expect that in front of him, the person opposite would be surprised But I made a joke.

"Who is joking with you? Tell us how to get out of this place. If you want to say the name of this place, you can say it. Don't talk nonsense here. You think you can use it as an excuse when you are old. You can do whatever you want. I tell you not to rely on the old to sell the old, which I despise most It's like you! "

Huang Li didn't understand what the two men said, so he knew that he didn't dare to interrupt. But now he can't bear it. After all, in Qi Tianyu's eyes, Tian Sha is a capable but unscrupulous man. In Tian Mu's eyes, the man in front of him was the one who had been nurturing himself, but later he was seen through. But in the eyes of the emperor, this man is not the only one It's only indirectly forcing his mother to death, which is the beginning of his family's grief. So even if other people can calm down when facing the sand, Huang Li can't.

"You are too irritable. You even say that I depend on the old to sell my old. I can tell you that what I don't like most now is that others say that I am old. I'll warn you once. Don't say such words next time. Otherwise, it's very easy to kill a person in this place. If you don't want to go out to see your father, you don't want to talk to him If you like people together, you can say whatever you wantThe little girl didn't want to worry with a little girl. Anyway, she didn't regret what she did. Even if something happened in the middle and beyond her control, it was for the sake of revitalizing the family. Although she didn't want to involve the little girl at that time, it had come to this point, the little girl Of course, the girl also needs to shoulder her own responsibility. After all, the little girl is a member of the Tian family.

"Tian Sha, don't talk about it at this time, and don't go to the blind Hu Huang Li. Since you said that you wanted Huang Li to come in with us, it means that Huang Li has his own role after he came in. You are willing to kill Huang Li before he can play his role. You'd better tell us what's going on here and how to get out of here Go out. "

Qi Tianyu didn't pay attention to the meaning of Tian Sha's words. After all, it's a good way to threaten a girl, her family and loved ones. So he only thought that the opposite person was talking nonsense, so he didn't pay attention to the girl's expression after hearing this. Instead, he advised her first, hoping that she could speak well.

"You see, young people are very anxious. As I have already said, I won't tell you this problem first. I will tell you this problem at the end. What I want to tell you now is the name of this place. I tell you that this place has a very good name, which is called jiuzhuanta."

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