Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 3151

Qi Tianyu's question made Tian Sha silent. He moved on his face, as if to explain something. But suddenly he closed his mouth again. Other people were watching the conversation between them. For a moment, the air was silent.

Qi Tianyu looked up and down at Tian Sha coldly. He thought that he must have hidden something. He deliberately didn't tell himself that he wanted to be a shield for him. But now there's nothing wrong. Anyway, he has brought Tian Sha in. No matter what happens, everyone is in and out together.

Tian Sha also knew what Qi Tianyu was thinking. He raised his mouth and said with a slight sneer, "you don't have to question me any more. Anyway, this is the situation now. We have to work together to get out of this place. If you are lucky enough to get the real secret of our family, you will be an eye opener."

"That's ridiculous. If only we could save our lives."

The Lord of the city gave a cold hum. He was really unhappy. He was so unlucky that he was led into this place by them. You know, this place is a nine turn tower. It's more difficult to survive in the nine turn tower. Although he said that he had never entered this place, he heard his mother mention it vaguely.

Qi Tianyu felt a little sorry to see the cold sweat on the Lord's face. After all, the Lord should not be involved in this dispute.

He went up to the Lord and said, "if there is any danger, just follow me. Don't be impulsive."

"That's what you said. You have to protect me."

Hearing what Qi Tianyu said, the city master was overjoyed and seized his wrist.

Huang Li saw this scene and saw what the city master said, "you are still not a man. Now that you are in this situation, you still need others to protect you"

"Hey, you should know that I am the weakest in this place. If I really have something wrong, can you bear the responsibility?"

"Do you still think you are the city master who will listen to you? Now it's different. No one will protect you in this place. Just take care of yourself and don't make trouble for us any more. "

Huang Li didn't feel very well. Her face was a little bit ferocious. What happened in recent days made her feel uneasy. She felt that she could hardly control her emotions. Qi Tianyu sighed. He thought that how could she survive the disaster under the condition that her team quarreled with each other and each had his own mind?

He had to stabilize his irritable mood, went to Huang Li and said, "anyway, it's already like this. We have to cooperate with each other to get out of this place. Huang Li, calm down first."

Qi Tianyu hesitated, put his hand on her shoulder, and patted her gently. The two of them hadn't done this kind of physical contact for a long time. Huang Li felt a little sour for a moment. She thought Qi Tianyu didn't want to talk to her any more and met her.

Huang Li turned his head and held back the sour feeling in his eyes. He nodded slightly, "I know."

"Well, that's the situation now. Since you don't want to die in this place, Tian Sha, please come with us."

Tian Sha didn't speak. After all, there are many of them, but he can't fight them alone. It's better to show his weakness first.

A group of people began to look around. It was a very open place, very dark, but there was light coming in, at least to let them see,.


Tian Mu looked around, slightly surprised, "we've landed somewhere, it's like an empty room."

"It's not an empty room, it's just that we can't see it."

And the LORD answered him.

"You seem to know a lot about it. What kind of place is it?"

"I don't really know about it. I just heard something from my mother when I was a child. But now I think it's not my mother's knowledge. I'm afraid it's the monster in my mother's body that deliberately revealed it. Here is the nine turn tower. As the name suggests, you should know, there should be nine floors here, and we should be on the bottom floor now The more we go up, the more dangerous it will be. If we can really get to the top through these nine floors, it will be a great success. "

"Don't say these meaningless words, but say something useful. What's on this floor?"

"It should be to prove your identity. Although there is no danger in the first layer, it is a very sad one."

"Prove who I am? It's to prove that we are the Tian family, isn't it? "

Huang Li understood the meaning of the Lord.

"About that, but I'm not very clear. I'm still wondering. Except for you two, none of us here belongs to the Tian family. What if something happens?"

"No way."

Tian Sha suddenly pondered. Although he didn't know the secret of the Tian family very well, he knew a lot about it. Now they have two main sources of the Tian family in this place, so they won't be in great danger.Just as he was talking, suddenly there was a sound, and the ground began to vibrate slightly. Qi Tianyu quickly took them aside, and said in a deep voice, "hold yourself fast, I think the ground is going to crack."

Huang Li nestled quietly in Qi Tianyu's arms. At this time, he didn't have any beautiful ideas. After all, the movement around him was too frightening. The ground shook as if it was about to turn over.

Qi Tianyu broke away from the ground and floated slightly in the sky. Knowing that the flying ability of the city master and Huang Li was not very good, he carried them in the air one by one, and the others also rose to the mid air.

"Look! There seems to be something coming out under the ground. Do you see it? " Suddenly the Lord of the city cried out. His hands were shaking.

"Keep your voice down, I'm afraid others won't hear you?" Huang Li wants to shut his mouth.

The Lord of the city quickly covered his mouth and stared at the boss. He saw that the soil turned over and a black crustacean thing slowly rose up from the ground.

"It's so big. What is it?"

The Lord of the city could not help but murmur.

Qi Tianyu pursed his mind and noticed that he could feel the spiritual power surging below. This powerful spiritual power was coming towards them.

"Get out of here!"

As soon as Qi Tianyu's voice fell, a vine like thing swung towards them. Qi Tianyu led them away quickly.

But the speed of Tian Mu and Tian Sha was a little slower. He was caught in the wrist by the vine. Tian Sha covered his dark hand and could not help cursing, "what the hell?"

But when he looked over there, he found that Tian Mu, who had been shot in the leg, had no injuries. "Is this the proof in the legend?"

"Tianmu, come here quickly."

The farmland sand throws to say to the farmland wood with the tone of command.

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