Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 3167

Qi Tianyu naturally felt it, but he didn't mention it all the time, "this must be the trial of this layer."

"Then what? No matter where we are, we will be baked by the high temperature. "

"Peace of mind is naturally cool. Maybe it's just another dreamland in our heart. Don't be bothered by this kind of emotion. Sit down and have a good rest." After Qi Tianyu finished speaking, he sat down on the ground and began to adjust his work and rest silently. Tian Mu saw that Qi Tianyu was so calm, so he took the initiative to calm down and sit side by side with him.

"Oh, no, why is it getting hotter and hotter?" But before long, Tian Mu couldn't help it. He touched his forehead and found that there was a feeling of burning. The hot sweat trickled down his arm to the ground. As soon as it reached the ground, it evaporated, and there was no trace.

"Qi Tianyu, Qi Tianyu Can you hear me? " But Tian Mu kept bothering him, but Qi Tianyu didn't say a word, just like a puppet man, except for the dripping Bohai Sea on his face.

Tian Mu suddenly a little flustered, he pushed Qi Tianyu's arm, but Qi Tianyu didn't move at all, "what's the matter with you? Is it Are you in a coma? "

Tian Mu shook his hand in front of Qi Tianyu. Qi Tianyu still didn't move at all.

"Lord Lord, what about you Tian Mu went around to the Lord of the city and patted him on the face, but there was no response.

At this time, with a roar, Tian Mu saw a crack split between him and Qi Tianyu. He grabbed Qi Tianyu's arm and wanted to cross the crack. However, as soon as his foot was lifted, the crack split at a very fast speed, abruptly separating him from Qi Tianyu.

Qi Tianyu and the city leader's voice is getting farther and farther away, and the gap between them is also getting bigger and bigger. Tian Mu is anxious to jump. He wants to fly in the air, but his feet are soft, and he can't use any spiritual power. This time, he finally feels that there is something wrong. Is it difficult that he has fallen into an illusion? Tian Mu immediately holds his breath, feels the fluctuation of the surrounding spiritual power, and finally finds a path The unknown spirit power is constantly fluctuating around him, winding around his body from time to time. Tian Mu steadies himself and shouts "break!"

All of a sudden, the sound of fragmentation rang out in his ears and collapsed. When he opened his eyes again, the surrounding area was quiet. The burning feeling on his body had disappeared completely. Tian Mu gasped and touched the sweat on his forehead. He looked to the side and saw Qi Tianyu and the city still in a coma Lord.

"Did I just Is it a fantasy again? "

"Yes, I'm scared to death, Tanmu. What's the matter with you? Is it this poison that makes your spiritual power fade away, and can't completely gather your spirit? How can you be so influenced by the fluctuation of spiritual power here... "

Tian Mu has nothing to say, and he doesn't know what's wrong with him. According to the truth, he can't fall into an illusion so soon.

"If it wasn't for the input of psychic power from me just now, so that you could find the gap of psychic power, you wouldn't be able to come back to reality, do you know?" Qi Tianyu's words are not to blame Tian Mu, but to remind him to pay attention.

"You helped me. No wonder I suddenly found something wrong. Thank you, Qi Tianyu." Tian Mu sincerely thanks.

"You and I didn't need to say that before. I just feel strange. Aren't you the Tian family? How can it be that the influence here is so great? You see, the Lord of the city is still unaffected. " Then Qi Tianyu pointed to the city master who was in a coma on the ground. There was no sweat on the city master's body, and the whole person slept very peacefully.

"I don't know what's going on. My memory seems to be flipping in disorder. Just now, I was just dreaming..."

"Forget it, you must pay attention to the surrounding mirage. I think the third floor is more eccentric than the first two." Then Qi Tianyu pulled Tian Mu up, but as soon as Tian Mu stood up, his feet softened and fell to the ground.

"What's the matter with you?"

"I don't seem to be able to work hard..." Tian Mu wanted to raise his hand, but found that there was no spiritual power, the whole person seemed to be evacuated.

"Wait a minute! Tanmu, are you kidding? How is that possible? " Qi Tianyu held Tian Mu's pulse door, but found that it was empty, and there was really no spiritual power, "how could it be like this? What on earth is there? "

Qi Tianyu was also flustered. He squatted down to hold the pulse of the Lord, but found that there was still some spiritual power in him. "Only you were affected, but aren't you the main pulse of the Tian family? How could it be like this? "

"I can't answer your question either. Now we have to find Tian Sha. I think only he can know the answer. And now Huang Li must still be in his hands. If Huang Li doesn't have any spiritual power, why don't he follow his lead..." Tian Mu thought of his cousin at this time.

Qi Tianyu frowned and nodded. That's right. Now this situation is very difficult. He thought it would be easier for Tian Mu and Huang Li to break through this line of defense, but he didn't expect that both of them were invisible."I'll go to Huang Li. You two are waiting for me here. I'll come back to pick you up when I find them."

"How about this separation?"

"There's no way. You and the Lord can't use the spirit power now, and the Lord is still in a coma. If you let him wake up, you must make a lot of noise with us. It's better to be in a coma."

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect that I couldn't help you, and I was a drag..." Tian Mu lowered his head sorry.

"Forget it, don't say that. It's the most important thing to solve the immediate problems." Qi Tianyu patted him on the shoulder and took out a shiny thing from his storage bag. "Take this thing. If I can't find it, I can find you through it..." Qi Tianyu said that he dropped his blood on the thing. He saw that the blood completely penetrated into it, and then disappeared after a little light.

"What is it?"

"I'll explain later. In a word, you must hold it firmly. As long as it's in your hand, I can find you, OK?"

"Well, I see." Tian Mu nodded, and Qi Tianyu flew into the air to find Huang Li.

"Huang Li, Huang Li, can you hear me? Are you here? If you are here, promise me... " Qi Tianyu called Huang Li's name while flying, and the echo was empty

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