Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 3178

"No, we won't be hurt. Although we may need to do something here, haven't we brought the golden bird in? We can heal immediately after trauma. What else can we be afraid of? As long as you release the golden bird quickly, you can cure our night very quickly. You believe I will have no problem

At this time, I knew that I might have a misunderstanding. I made an appointment for a few days, but I was too embarrassed to apologize. After all, I was disappointed just now, so I immediately changed the topic, hoping that the other party could adopt my own opinions. Although it would be more difficult for me to get hurt after I met danger, I clearly had a golden bird on my side, Golden call bird can immediately help yourself to cure trauma, so what else do you have to be afraid of?

"Why do you have to make me so clear? Yes, just now Tian Sha didn't make it clear how much blood you need to put in order to dye the iron chain red. But look at the thick and long iron chain in front of you, do you really think you can do it alone? Do you really want your cousin to take that risk with you? "

Qi Tianyu didn't want to make his words so clear just now, but he had already thought about it when he saw such a scene. After all, Tianshan had said before that if there were no such things in it, he could let Tian Mu come in alone, but Tian Sha didn't choose to do that, which means that Tian Mu's coming in alone is completely wrong It's impossible to achieve the goal, so why can't Tian Mu lead others in?

It's true that Tian Mu is the most powerful person in the situation. But as far as I know, there are some powerful people in the situation. If I really want to choose, Tian Sha can definitely choose more than one person who is more powerful than Tian Mu. If I really can do this, I can let Tian Mu take other people as the main blood of the Tian family Powerful people came in, but Tian Sha didn't do that.

This kind of situation makes me feel that there is only one possibility, that is, sweetness. One person's blood is not enough. Now with Tian Mu's cousin, Huang Li's blood can be added together after he is here. Since this is the case, I will never allow such a thing to happen. After all, if most of a person's blood is released, it is impossible to dye the two chains red, how can I guarantee the safety of Tianmu and Huangli?

"You won't, you won't, haven't you said that before? This is the secret of our family. How can our family's treasure hurt our family? What's more, my cousin and I are the main blood of our family. If our family's baby even wants to hurt us both, what can this baby get? "

How could he understand the meaning of his words? If they quit at this time, these people have no other choice. If they don't act immediately, they will be stuck here for more and more time, which is not good for them at all.

"I understand what you mean, and I understand that you are for our good, but you also need to know that if you and your cousin suffer any harm, or even lose their lives here, it will definitely be a loss for us. Let's not talk about our feelings, or the friendship of fighting side by side since we have been together, we will just lose the main members of your two families After blood, we will be unable to do anything in this place. Are you really willing to do that? "

Although Qi Tianyu knew that since Tian Sha had already said that, it meant that as long as there were two people here and two people with the main blood of the Tian family bleeding here, at least one person's life could be saved. Otherwise, Tian Sha would never dare to use this way. After all, Tian Sha was not the main blood of the Tian family. If there were only one person selected here, he would not be able to do it If we don't have the rest, we can't live even at the top.

But I really can't accept it. Even if any of these two people are in danger, even if they put so much blood, I can't bear it. So I don't want to use this way as much as possible, but what I didn't think is that I didn't want to say it before, and the people around me didn't really understand what I think.

"Elder brother Qi, I haven't called you that for a long time. Now that we've all reached this point, we really have no way to open the door and retreat. Then we can only follow each other's words. It doesn't matter. We've already said that before. At most, it's possible to bleed here Life, then I'll just let my cousin stand by with you. "

Huang Li suddenly stood up at this time. Originally, everyone stood beside him and didn't say a word. Suddenly, they broke in and said such a word. Originally, Qi Tianyu and Tian Mu were discussing with each other, but they didn't notice Huang Li. However, they didn't expect that Huang Li's sudden opening was such an earth shaking idea.

"Cousin, what are you talking about? If you really need someone to come, then this person must be me. How can I let a girl do this? Besides, I have told you before? You are now my only lover in this world. If you die, what's my use in this world? What is the meaning of my life? You have your father waiting for you outside, or I'll come. "Without waiting for Qi Tianyu to speak, Tian Mu immediately stops his cousin. If there is a real need for someone to stay here, then this person must be himself, absolutely not his cousin. His cousin is a girl. Besides, his cousin still has his father and mother. Unlike himself, even if he dies here, there won't be many people sad .

"Cousin, what are you talking about? Now that you have said that I am the only relative in your world, don't I feel sad when you die here? I'm just a girl now, and nothing can help you, but you are different. Depending on your ability, when you get to the top, you should be able to do something. We only come in once, and the most important purpose is to find out the secrets of our family? If you really die here, maybe we can't even get to the top. "

Huang Li knew that his cousin would not easily agree with you, but he actually understood before he said this. After all, according to his current ability, if he was outside, he would be in the front row. But among these people, he was definitely the one who lagged behind. If he stood by and let his cousin die, it would be a long time When you need people at the top, you can't help yourself.

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