Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 3182

"What? What's going on? You can be specific. " Although Qi Tianyu didn't take the initiative to stop Huang Li, he was also staring at Huang Li. He was afraid of what would happen there, so he didn't look at the two iron chains that needed to be dyed red. Tian Mu said that before he reacted, he looked there in a hurry. But now, because no one left the iron chain, the iron chain is very stable.

"I didn't mean to see my cousin just now. I didn't listen to my advice, and you didn't mean to help me, so I wanted to ignore it first. I pulled my cousin apart first, but I didn't expect that I just left a little. The red on the chain retreated at a very fast speed. I quickly went back to the chain and waited for my blood to drip Then I found that the chain was slowly turning red again. "

Tian Mu didn't expect to be like this. After all, he just found that he could turn a large section of iron chain red with a little blood. He didn't realize anything else. But just when he wanted to pull his cousin apart, he just left for a little time, and the red on the iron chain receded greatly. So it seems I probably can't leave here.

"But what should we do? It's obvious that your side will be earlier than your cousin's side and dye the whole iron chain red. At that time, if you leave the iron chain, will the red on the iron chain go back slowly, but if you are here all the time, you need to bleed all the time, which is too inhuman. Who can turn the two iron chains red together without any harm What's the difference? "

Although Qi Tianyu didn't see the chain with his own eyes, he still believed in his friends who fought side by side with him. Unexpectedly, Tian Mu had already said all this, so he completely believed what the other side said. But if it was true, what should he do? Do you really want two people to bleed here until their goal is achieved?

"It doesn't matter, what's the point? Anyway, a little blood can make a large section of iron chain turn red. I think after I finish this, my cousin should be able to finish it soon, but in this case, my cousin will have to be there. Originally, I thought I could do it by myself. It seems that I really can't do it."

Tian Mu felt that there was no problem. Anyway, he had a lot of blood. Even if he had been bleeding here, there was no big problem, but he was worried about his cousin.

"I have no problem here, even if I am a girl, but I have been fighting with you for so long, don't you know me? I'm very happy to be able to help you. On the contrary, if I really can't help anything and become a drag, I will be very sad. Now I'm given a chance to show myself. I don't know how happy I am. "

When Huang Li first heard what his cousin said, it was really a little hard to accept. After all, at the beginning, he thought it was just a little bit. He didn't expect to stay here all the time. However, when he saw other people, he calmed down and even exaggerated his mood, just to make other people feel at ease After all, I didn't help much in this trip. On the contrary, I have been engaged in sabotage. I feel better if I can help.

"Well, that's the only way. You two should be more careful and stick to it. Anyway, you are about to do it. When the two chains turn red at the same time, we should be able to finish it. At that time, let's have a rough look at whether the red on the chain will go back. If not, you can get up, if not If so, please hold on. I can open them as soon as possible. At that time, we'll go in together and the matter will be finished. "

Qi Tianyu also knows that there is no other way now. After all, he must make sure that the iron chain is completely dyed red before he can open them. If he refuses to let them do it because he loves his partners, his gang may be completely trapped in this place. It's better to bear the pain and let them have a try .

"Sure enough, my original choice was right. Sure enough, I didn't ask for despair. It was very right. Before, there was only one person on my side, so I didn't dare to come in. But I just thought that since there was a link to release blood, if I wanted to come in alone, one person might die in this place. I didn't expect that although one person came in I will not die in this place, but if it is, it will be impossible to open the door. "

After all, it's very good that he didn't want to speak to others when he let go several times I didn't come in before, otherwise I might be trapped in this place.

"I didn't expect you to know this. No wonder you didn't come in before. You just wanted to find another person to help you bleed." At this time, Tian Mu was completely disappointed with the person who raised him. After all, he was taught so much by the other party. He thought that this person was like a father and a teacher to himself, but he didn't expect that the final result would be like this. He made it difficult for him to accept the other party and raised himself for so many years. He just regarded himself as a chess piece, and he was surprised Also has been fantasizing about his other relatives as his pawn."That's what I think. Anyway, you are so valuable to me. Otherwise, why should I keep you? I'm so much better than you. Why can you have everything I can't have at birth just because your blood is authentic? I want to tell you that even if you are authentic, you can only be in my hands It's just a piece of chess. "

Tian Sha is not afraid of the other party at this time. Although he is only alone in this place, what he knows in his heart is what the other party doesn't know. As long as he has a card, the other party doesn't dare to act rashly.

"You're just in vain. How can you do such a thing? I've been around you for so many years. Even if I don't have any feelings, at least I can't bear it. Even if I have a little cat and a little dog, it shouldn't be so cruel. How can you do such a thing? I always knew that I was brought up by you. No matter what you do to me, I can bear it. But you are looking for my cousin all the time. The reason why you are looking for my cousin is that you want my cousin to help you bleed. You are too cruel! "

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