Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 3186

"I'm going to go there, I'm going to his place, the place I've been waiting for him, I'm going to that place, I can really fulfill my dream!"

Before waiting for Qi Tianyu and Tian Mu Huang Lido to say anything, he saw that Tian Sha was suddenly excited. He ran to the gate and looked inside, dancing and chanting.

"You, what does this place open have to do with you? Have you come here to help us with anything? Why do you take our light to enter this place? Don't you feel very ashamed to do such a thing! " This time, the one who couldn't help talking turned into Tian Mu.

"Tianmu, what can I say? I have told you many times before? Don't worry about this person. You'd better discuss with us. What's going on and what should we do next? " Qi Tianyu can only feel that these two people really deserve to be cousins. Before, he just thought that Huang Li was impatient and often said something he shouldn't say. He didn't expect that Tian Mu was the same.

"I know, I know I shouldn't say these words now, but you know I really can't help it. If I had a little affection for this person before, I really don't have any now. I just feel very disgusted when I meet this person now. I just feel that what this person has done really makes me nauseous."

After all, Tian Mu still can't accept it. In front of the man who raised himself and occupied the most important position in his heart, he was bent on using himself and thinking about how to find more relatives to use him. It's really unacceptable for him.

"Well, cousin, you don't have to talk about these things. I know you are also very sad, but you can't change these things at all. You have grown up with him since you were a child. No matter what he says, you will believe it. And you said it before. He insisted that you teach you so many things. If you don't have any feelings with him, you can't have any If so, I don't think you are my cousin, but now that so many things have happened, you should see each other clearly. As long as you do things with us, it doesn't matter. Let's ignore this person first, let's discuss other things quickly. "

What no one thought was that Huang Li was the one who tried to persuade him this time. After all, Huang Li was the one who couldn't help swearing first. But this time when he saw that his cousin was so miserable, Huang Lizhong began to persuade him. After all, these were not his cousin's mistakes, if his cousin's people attributed these mistakes to himself How can I bear it?

"Cousin, I know what you mean, but if I can find out the true face of this person earlier, maybe my parents won't die early. In that case, you won't become a child without a mother, and I won't have only one family member. These are all my mistakes. I really hope I can go back to my childhood and tell them If I had known about myself, I would have left them early. Even if I didn't go to you, I would try my best to become a better person than I am now. "

On the one hand, Tian Mu hates the person in front of him. On the other hand, he hates himself at that time. How can he not see this person clearly for so many years? It's just that he didn't believe that he was such a person because he was raised by the other party. Only by this time, the other party has completely threatened him I have found my relatives, and I have thoroughly seen each other, really understand what kind of person each other is.

"Cousin, let's not talk about this. We'll discuss this kind of thing after you go out. What do you want to do to this person after you go out? But you can't say that now. After all, there is news we want to know in this person's heart. According to your understanding of this person for such a long time, you should be very clear that this person is absolutely not available You can take the initiative to tell us the news, so even if you hate this person, you can't do anything to him now. Instead of saying that these things can't do anything to him, you'd better go out and do whatever you want. "

After Huang Li said this, Qi Tianyu couldn't help crying out. He thought luxuriance was true. After seeing through all this, he calmed down completely. He knew how to persuade himself. He didn't expect luxuriance. He just hated this person more. So he said this. He just felt that no matter how much he said, he didn't have any responsibility for the other party He's hurt, just want to save all the anger to go out.

"That's right. You're right. Let's not talk about it. Anyway, we don't have any harm to each other even if we talk about it now. As you said, let's just go out and get rid of our hatred." Tian Mu also understood at this time. After all, how could he not understand what even his cousin wanted to understand? It was just that he was blinded by those things at that time, so he immediately began to abuse the other side. Now he calmed down and knew that even if he wanted to fight against the other side immediately, the people around him would stop him, so it was better to go out I'll talk about it later."Cousin, you just felt the same as me, right? I didn't hear what you said before, but later I heard what you mean. I feel very warm in my body, just like there are very warm things wandering in my body. At the same time, I feel that the spiritual power becomes more abundant and purer, right

Huang Li smiles at his cousin. I've already figured out what I want to understand. At the same time, he takes a look at the dancing people there. He doesn't care what people here are saying. He secretly thinks about how to torture this person after going out.

"Yes, I've heard about you. Our feelings should be the same. After all, we are doing the same thing, and our identities are the same. I guess that feeling just now should be the help of our family's secret. After all, we haven't been hurt since we came here, Only in this place, we have to bleed to get through. It seems that the bleeding is just a surface, and the deep level is actually helping us. "

Tian Mu nodded in agreement with each other's words, but also said his guess, said while looking at Qi Tianyu standing beside him, want to see if the other party's guess is the same as his own.

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