Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 3193

"Thank you, ball." Qi Tianyu sincerely apologized. Unexpectedly, he had to rely on a beast to ease his mood. The ball rolled a white eye. It looked funny. Qi Tianyu bent his mouth and couldn't help laughing.

"Go! We're going to find Huang Li. " Qi Tianyu stepped on the back of the ball, and the ball slowly turned into a mount. He took Qi Tianyu to run forward. The deeper he went into the jungle, Qi Tianyu found that the trees around him were more and more dense, and the warm sunlight was gradually getting moist, and the sky was gradually dark.

"Should we run in the opposite direction? I think there's something wrong with this place." After a few more steps deeper, the ball stopped.

"The more dangerous the place is, the more likely Huang Li will appear. I think so. I'd better go ahead."

"It's strange how you got this argument." Although he didn't agree with Qi Tianyu's idea, the ball moved and carried Qi Tianyu forward.

"Wait a minute, ball, do you feel anything?" Qi Tianyu suddenly patted the ball on the shoulder. He stopped and the ball stopped. "What's the movement? I didn't hear that. "

"The fluctuation of spiritual power is very obvious. There must be people or beasts in front of us. Let's hide and see the situation first." After Qi Tianyu lost his spiritual power, he became more sensitive to the outside world. Although it was strange, he could not care so much at this time.

The ball nodded, dragging Qi Tianyu's body gradually became smaller. He hid with Qi Tianyu in the dense woods. After watching for a long time, there was a sparse voice.

In front of the jungle, something began to surge, "Qi Tianyu, I didn't expect that you now have such a strong perception, even I didn't find anything in the situation, but you found it."

The ball felt a little surprised and couldn't help praising, "I really feel strange. It's clear that my spiritual power has been lost."

"Have you lost your power?"

"That's right."

"How could it be like this? Your spiritual power is so strong, what can completely deprive you of your spiritual power? "

"It's a nine story tower. Nothing can't happen in this place. Even I can't help it." Qi Tianyu suddenly said that he felt helpless for his helpless appearance.

The ball didn't stimulate him any more. At this moment, a group of strange things appeared in the jungle ahead.

"Is this a beast? How can there be such a disgusting beast. " Although the ball was not good-looking, he could not help but vomit when he saw the group of things coming out. Qi Tianyu frowned and looked at the things on the monsters in front of him. He also felt a little nauseous. He saw that they were all full of potholes. He could only see a huge mouth on his whole face, and the gap between the teeth was uneven Disgusting, and the body is very small, strong limbs, the claws almost equal to the size of his head, this appearance is really deformed.

Qi Tianyu had never seen such a beast before. He just felt that it was a fabrication. "We'd better not go up there to disturb them. Let's wait for them to walk away slowly."

He was not sure about this kind of thing. Qi Tianyu still couldn't rush, "but if we don't go through these things, we can't go forward." The ball doesn't pour cold water on the sky, but this thing seems to come out in a steady stream, blocking their way after all, and doesn't mean to leave at all.

"Wait..." Qi Tianyu also found this problem, but he still didn't want to rush out, because now he doesn't have the ability to use the spirit to beat these things, he can only rely on the ball.

"Well, it's up to you." Although the ball wants to play its ability with one shot, it climbs down quietly after hearing Qi Tianyu's words. After waiting for more than ten minutes, the things in front of it are still not finished.

"How many? Why haven't you finished yet? " The ball couldn't help it. Qi Tianyu was also a little impatient. "Is this kind of monster moving? Otherwise, how could it have been such a long time and not finished. "

"Otherwise, let's go out and get around them. If we don't attack them, maybe they won't attack us."

"It's better not to do such uncertain things..."

"Qi Tianyu, why are you so timid? I'm not afraid. Don't worry. You don't have the ability to protect yourself now. I'll protect you. If you don't worry any more, just let the hidden Warcraft out. Who can hurt you if we are here? "

Qi Tianyu frowned and didn't speak. The ball continued to work hard. "Don't waste time. If you waste time like this, maybe that Huang Li is really dead."

"All right, listen to you." Hearing this, Qi Tianyu finally couldn't sit down. He opened the storage bag and released the hidden Warcraft. He rode on the hidden Warcraft and became invisible with it. Then he rushed forward with the ball.Their motivation really aroused the attention of those monsters in front of them. They suddenly stopped, opened their tusks one by one, and looked at Qi Tianyu's direction. Qi Tianyu said, "it's really bad. These things are not good people. Even if they don't take the initiative to provoke, they will attack you."

As soon as his idea came to an end, those things ran up and rushed towards them. The action was too fast and the ball was surprised.

"Hey, I'm not going to fight you. Why do you rush here all of a sudden?"

"Don't talk nonsense, ball, run." Qi Tianyu looked at the monsters pouring in like an avalanche. He was also in a hurry. It was impossible for them to defeat so many monsters alone.

"OK, OK, run, run." The ball quickly turned a corner, turned to the left, and Qi Tianyu and hidden Warcraft together, desperately running up.

I thought that they could get rid of those monsters at such a speed, but after running for a long time, Qi Tianyu looked back and saw that they were still chasing after them. Their limbs were getting bigger and bigger, and now they are even bigger than their heads.

"Ball ball, I found that they are free to change their shape. Now they have used Tian Mu's ability to run on their limbs. They will definitely exhaust all our strength."

"What shall we do?" The ball is also a little flustered, although he is not afraid to play with his ability and these things, but it is too much.

"Let's separate and see if we can lead them away." Qi Tianyu said.

"All right, listen to you." The ball and the two of them are running towards the fork in front of each other. Qi Tianyu's voice has just stopped. At this time, they suddenly appear. The monsters also see Qi Tianyu's figure. At the same time, they are stunned in two directions. But the next second, they chase Qi Tianyu's running direction.

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