Emperor Zhu Tian

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"Hehe, do you think you can escape?" Qi Tianyu laughed and said. The cultivation aura of the Bat Beast King was about to drop to the level of Half-step Saint!

Qi Tianyu's expression congealed, and the Golden Battle Sword in his hand instantly became incomparably resplendent, as it radiated with five incomparably gorgeous rays of light!

Since you are an evil being, then I will use the heavenly thunder to coax you to death! As Qi Tianyu said this, the five World Extinguishing Thunder s concealed within the Golden Battle Sword in his hands became apparent!

In an instant, the The Four Great Saint Beasts Genuine Spirit among the Profound Yellow Heavenly Stele felt four streams of bloodline pressure crushing down on the Bat Beast King!

The Bat Beast King paused in the air for a moment, and then rumbled! A huge sound echoed from within the Dark Forest! Countless bolts of lightning of varying sizes suddenly fell from the sky!

This strike of Qi Tianyu's used the power of the array! His body had faint signs of ruptures, but Qi Tianyu's foundation was extremely strong, so he could still accept the level of his Spiritual Energy!

Rumble rumble rumble! The five colors of Divine Lightning continued to bombard the ground. The first thing they did was bombard the Bat Beast, then they turned into a small thunder and bombarded the Bat Beast's body!

Qi Tianyu's Soul could completely control the World Extinguishing Thunder, so Qi Tianyu was not afraid of him killing fierce beasts.

"Is, does this cultivator not want his life?" How did he manage to cultivate his foundation? " The Four Great Mountain Overlord s looked at Qi Tianyu in shock. They knew the result of forcefully using the Spiritual Energy to support their bodies, but Qi Tianyu was actually able to forcefully use the power of the first level of the great formation!

The Bat Beast King had already been scattered by Qi Tianyu's World Extinguishing Thunder, so there was no longer any chance of survival. The Rosefinch Genuine Spirit s and Xuan Wu Genuine Spirit watched on helplessly, and Qi Tianyu could only help them deliver the Bat Beast King's corpse in.

Aowu … Aowu …

Cheers came out from within the group of fierce beasts, and the subordinates of the Icy Heavenly Bear all returned to their own places, quietly waiting.

Their boss was no longer present, so they naturally didn't have the right to speak.

See you later!" "You guys hurry up and go get that team together." ""As Qi Tianyu spoke, he signaled the four overlords to go take a look at the people under the Frost Bear.

As for here, he did not want to stay any longer. Otherwise, when the White Fox Mountain Overlord saw his Treasure Trove, he would be angered to the point of not being able to speak.

Although the Four Great Mountain Overlord s didn't know why Qi Tianyu was leaving in such a hurry, they could only nod their heads in agreement.

"We know that you are someone who has come here to gain experience. If you have any trouble in the Dark Forest in the future, you can ask us for help, as long as it's something that we can help with." The Tiger Beast Mountain Overlord said gratefully.

If not for Qi Tianyu, they definitely wouldn't have been able to escape death today. Qi Tianyu nodded and opened his mouth, but in the end, he did not tell them that he had killed the Icy Heavenly Bear.

After all, they had such a good relationship, and if they wanted Qi Tianyu to die later, Qi Tianyu, who had fought against the Bat Beast King, was not sure if he still had the power to protect Zhu Liner and the others as he left.

"Boss, where are we going now?" Yue Yunfeng asked.

"Have any of you moved alone during this period of time? If you have something to say, say it. " Qi Tianyu said.

Tian Qi's expression moved, but in the end, he still stood out and said: "Qi Tianyu, I can only follow you for a short period of time, I still have to go to some dangerous places by myself. Those places are not dangerous for me, but it's very dangerous for you guys."

Qi Tianyu nodded his head, he knew what Tian Qi meant. For example, if Zhu Liner met a Rosefinch Fire, she would definitely feel comfortable, but if others met a Rosefinch Fire, they would probably roast her into meat jerky. Tian Qi did not look like a simple person.

"Boss, Yun Zihang and I will naturally not leave." Yue Yunfeng winked at Yun Zihang and said: "After all, I'm your brother-in-law."

"Boss, Su Su and I will naturally follow you as well." Su Zhou said while holding Su Su. Qi Tianyu nodded and looked at Zhu Liner, who also indicated that she would not leave.

"Then that's good, the five of you can start training a small scale Battle Formation, this way in the following time, you can be more convenient to fight with, you have to know, a Battle Formation can increase your combat ability." Qi Tianyu said as he flipped through the book on the Ghost Valley of the Heavens.

"Hmm? Qi Tianyu laughed and said, "This Heavenly Spirit Formation needs to have Zhu Liner, who is the leader of the forces in the The Four Great Saint Beasts, to be able to condense the power for everyone to attack the enemy,"

Most importantly, the defensive power of the Heavenly Spirit formation was especially strong. This way, Qi Tianyu wouldn't have to worry too much about whether they would be in danger or not.

Before Qi Tianyu left, he had even asked the Four Great Mountain Overlord s about the situation around them. Only when he was hungry enough to find out that some of the places were relatively safe did Qi Tianyu bring Zhu Liner and the others to familiarize themselves with the Battle Formation.

Zhu Liner and the others would form a Heavenly Spirit Formation and cultivate by the side. Tian Qi was meditating, so if there was any movement, he could help to warn them.

Qi Tianyu then opened his Natal Rune, and was researching how to continuously superimpose the array formations on his clothes.

Previously, Qi Tianyu was able to activate the array according to his will. After all, it was just like the situation before, he needed to fight alongside the fierce beasts.

If they could only have one formation on their bodies, then using it would appear to be of no great benefit, just like how they had here. If they could only have one formation on their bodies, then using it to suppress the strength of the berserk beasts would be extremely useful.

Qi Tianyu continuously pondered, and the Natal Rune on his forehead continuously flickered with light. The golden Natal Rune unceasingly became more resplendent, and the layer of light purple radiance it emitted also continuously became denser.

The change in the Natal Rune meant that Qi Tianyu's formation cultivation was constantly improving. Inside the Natal Rune, there were still many fine lines that were evolving, becoming more and more complex.

Just as Qi Tianyu was immersed in the process of enlightenment and pondering, Qi Tianyu's cultivation suddenly and continuously increased!

Kacha, kacha! Two clear and melodious sounds came out, Qi Tianyu's body seemed to have been broken through some kind of seal, the single Divine Aperture enlarged, the Profound Yellow Indestructible Body's figure instantly materialized!

Qi Tianyu had already broken through the realm of Seventh Level of Earth-rank Stage, and was one step closer to the Small Success of the Profound Yellow Indestructible Body! Qi Tianyu slowly opened his eyes and felt the changes in his body.

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