Emperor Zhu Tian

C415 Netherworld

"Hehe, I still can't hide it from you," Zhu Wenyuan carefully looked at Qi Tianyu's expression, knowing that lying or hiding something would never end up well. He was a member of the royal family, after all.

"Um, Liyue Sect people are too beautiful, I," Zhu Wenyuan said as he looked to the side with a red face. Qi Tianyu followed his gaze and saw a little beauty there.

Qi Tianyu's expression changed, he was no longer friendly, he thought that Zhu Wenyuan was here for the sake of doing some things.

"Don't, don't, don't, don't misunderstand, I'm really in love with her. I didn't do anything, the heaven and earth will bear witness!" Zhu Wenyuan panicked and said anxiously.

"Oh?" Qi Tianyu looked at Zhu Wenyuan in shock.

"Qi Tianyu, he really did not have any intentions. When he came to Liyue Sect, I have been staring at him. Yun Qingyue said.

Zhu Wenyuan's performance here was not bad. At least, ever since he fell in love with Qing Mu, he had become obedient, so Yun Qingyue did not want such a person to die.

Qi Tianyu nodded his head, this reason made it impossible for him to kill his, he could only say helplessly: "It's fine, but if you hurt his, I will talk to you, go to the side."

Zhu Wenyuan acted as if he had just met a bright future as he hastily slipped to the side. From time to time, he would even take a peek at Qingrong's body, almost knocking his head against a pillar.

"Within the temple, those cultivation resources should have already been opened, right? There are too many taboos down there. I haven't fully recovered my memory, so I can't remember yet. " Zhu Liner said.

Zhu Liner was about to head inside the sect temple when she suddenly felt a fluctuation from the formation, "Eh? The four Empyrean Gods are here. Let them in. "

They had once been four of Azure Dragon Empire's most capable generals, but now that they hurriedly rushed over to Liyue Sect, they had also detected the dangers of Liyue Sect. When they arrived, however, they realized that they had actually worried too much.

"There is some kind of evil existence beneath the Bronze Coffin, we cannot leave for too long, if not, once that evil existence appears in the valley, the Barren Land will become unstable." The Empyrean God of the South said cautiously.

So it turned out that Hei Xuan did not kill them all back then because he wanted to use their power to protect some existence! The four Empyrean Gods felt bitterness in their hearts, but there was nothing they could do.

"Below the Bronze Coffin, there seems to be endless black air," Qi Tianyu said seriously. "But we haven't detected anything from within, it seems to be endless darkness."

Yes, "the God of the South continued," but when the four of us were released from the seal, we sensed that something was awakening below the Bronze Coffin, and that its aura was extremely evil.

"Let's go take a look." Qi Tianyu pulled Zhu Liner's hand and said.

The Liyue Sect's great formation had already been controlled by Yun Qingyue, so it was now considered safe. The Earth Sword Sect's elders and disciples were also trapped inside, unable to send any messages back to the sect. In the short term, nothing could happen to the Liyue Sect.

But there was also that Profound Serpent Guard. If the people above the Profound Serpent Guard knew about the matter regarding the Liyue Sect, then after that the Liyue Sect would become unstable!

"Does anyone else know about the existence of Liyue Sect?" Qi Tianyu's voice sounded beside the Earth-rank Profound Serpent Guard's ears. He had to investigate whether or not the people above the Profound Serpent Guard knew anything about the Liyue Sect.

"I won't say it even if you beat me to death. If you have the guts, then kill my Soul!" The Earth-rank Profound Serpent Guard had a rather hard temper as he shouted towards Qi Tianyu.

"Hehe, I'll kill you. Wouldn't that make things easier for you?" Qi Tianyu sneered, as countless Sword Qi began to slowly cut towards the s.

"My patience is limited, and my methods are endless. It's better to speak of it earlier, so that the Soul won't die after shattering. It's very uncomfortable." Qi Tianyu said indifferently.

Ah …" You, you are the devil! "Ahh!" "The soul of the Earth rank Black Serpent Guard screamed hysterically, in unbearable pain.

"Spit it out, or not!" Qi Tianyu's voice sounded from beside the Profound Serpent Guard's Soul.

Qi Tianyu took out the poison he had previously obtained from Tang Yiyue's hands. He did not know what kind of poison it was, but he had heard from Tang Yiyue that it was used for interrogation.

Not knowing whether it was useful for the Soul or not, Qi Tianyu shook his head, no longer thinking about it, and poured the poison into the Soul of the Earth-rank.

"You'd better say it, otherwise the consequences will be very tragic. I'll give you a minute to let you know what it means to wish you were dead." Qi Tianyu said coldly.

"What is this?" The thing that Qi Tianyu laid on top of his Soul was sticky, and at the moment, he did not feel anything.

Could it be that this thing is useless against Soul? Qi Tianyu thought in astonishment. He remembered that the poison from the Tang Family was useful both to the Soul and the body.

No! Don't do this to me! Ahh!" The spirit of the Earth Rank Black Serpent Guard cried out.

As he screamed hysterically, Qi Tianyu looked at him in shock. So this was actually a hallucinogen!

"Regarding the Liyue Sect, have you told anyone else? Or perhaps, is there someone like you who knows about Liyue Sect? " Qi Tianyu asked.

"No, no more …" That Great Honored Warrior from the Profound Serpent Guard, without his Barren Land, I have no way to spread the news. " The Soul of the Earth-rank Profound Serpent Guard spoke intermittently, as if it was experiencing something painful.

Qi Tianyu did not bother with him anymore as he pulled Zhu Liner and the four gods and ran towards the direction of the valley.

"Liner, stay in the Rosefinch Dynasty. In a few days, we'll use a secret technique to retrieve that wisp of Soul." Qi Tianyu said.

With the Jade Chip of Soul in someone else's hands, it was a matter of worry. If he could take it back, it would be better to take it back as soon as possible.

Zhu Liner nodded, looking at the God of the South's endless abyss below the Bronze Coffin.

Previously, she and Qi Tianyu's Soul were almost at this place, almost losing their way and unable to return. It was already frightening enough when this abyss was devoid of anything, let alone now, there were still terrifying existences below that were still waking up!

"The azure venom from the netherworld comes from the chains beneath this abyss." Qi Tianyu said seriously. If this abyss led to the nine nether regions, then the danger level would increase several times over!

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