Emperor Zhu Tian

C421 Moment of life and death

Yue Yunfeng nodded his head, only now did he come to his senses, and that was true, if Qi Tianyu was attracted by some kind of existence, then he would have lost his mind for sure.

Inside the protective shield, Yue Yunfeng could guarantee his own safety, but outside the protective shield, without Tian Qi's protective shield and Zhu Liner's Rosefinch Fire helping him offset some of the attacks from the Heaven and Earth, he would have died a long time ago.

Even if he was wearing a level eight armor, it would still be useless. Snowflake's attacks were aimless, and from time to time, she would swipe at his neck or heel.

Qi Tianyu jumped out of the protective shield and took the initiative to stick close to the snow and ice. It was as if he had also turned into snow and ice, being completely carefree in this world.

Those snowflakes that were as sharp as blades and ice cubes that had an attack full of power, all reverted back to their normal state the moment they closed in on Qi Tianyu.

The ice attribute Power of Law could no longer harm Qi Tianyu, but Qi Tianyu was still unable to control the power of this world of ice and snow.

Qi Tianyu was walking around outside of the defensive barrier, attempting to help the inside of the barrier to mitigate the attacks of the snow and ice.

However, as the snowflakes floated about, they had no offensive power even when they approached Qi Tianyu. When they fell into his protective shield, they instantly reverted back to a Sword Qi that was completely killed.

Qi Tianyu shook his head helplessly. It seemed that he still couldn't, he had to grasp the laws of ice in order to control the direction in which the snowflakes danced.

Right now, Qi Tianyu could only let the ice laws recognize him, he was unable to make the ice laws obey his orders, and he was also unable to control the ice laws to attack or defend.

The moment Qi Tianyu fell back into contemplation, a snowstorm faintly came from the distance. Within the snowstorm, numerous white colored demonic beasts were constantly looking in the direction of the defensive barrier.

With a weng sound, Su Su and Tian Qi were already able to make the ice laws identify them, so this ice attribute Power of Law was no longer attacking them.

The difficulty for Zhu Liner to comprehend the Ice Laws was the greatest, because she cultivates the Fire Laws, which were easily in conflict with the Ice Laws.

Zhu Liner frowned, the Rosefinch Fire in his body and the icy Qi were clashing nonstop, all of her internal organs and meridians were injured by the power.

All of a sudden, a warm hand rested onto her shoulder, and a familiar energy slowly poured into her body. That was the power of the Uppermost Eight Trigrams Spell, and Qi Tianyu carefully controlled his energy, pressing it into Zhu Liner's body.

He was almost able to comprehend the true meaning of the Ice Laws, but he suddenly heard a weak vibration in his ears.

It came from Zhu Liner's body! Qi Tianyu's eyes suddenly opened, and flew towards Zhu Liner. Both his hands immediately rested on Zhu Liner's shoulders.

"Don't be anxious. Control the fire Spiritual Energy. I'll help you suppress the power of this Ice Law." Qi Tianyu said softly.

The distant storm was getting closer and closer. The demonic beast kept producing green eyes from the storm, fiercely looking towards the defensive barrier.

Yue Yunfeng and the others were finally able to stop the power of the ice and snow from attacking them. Only Zhu Liner was still unable to fully integrate the Spiritual Energy's energy waves in his body.

The herd of demon beasts continued to approach, surrounding Yue Yunfeng and the others. They didn't know how many demon beasts were surrounding them, it was a pure white land, only countless green eyes staring at them.

Qi Tianyu did not move, nor did Zhu Liner. The auras of the fire and ice energies violently clashed with each other within Zhu Liner's body. Inside Zhu Liner's body, his Uppermost Eight Trigrams Spell could only be carefully suppressed.

Countless of Spirit Beasts pounced towards Qi Tianyu and the others, Yue Yunfeng and the rest stayed beside Qi Tianyu, not allowing the Spirit Beasts to get any closer.

However, Yue Yunfeng and the others had no way to control the power of the snow and ice, while these Goblin Beasts could!

In a split-second, the power of ice and snow that had stopped attacking them suddenly increased in intensity as it blasted towards the crowd!

Under the control of the beast, the power of the snow became even stronger.

"This... Guard! " Tian Qi looked at Qi Tianyu, and all of a sudden, his body emitted a black Qi, covering the white land completely black. The Power of Law of the snow and ice, the moment they entered the black Qi zone, would immediately melt into water.

"You guys are ready. I can only last an hour." Tian Qi said. When he used this move, the energy consumption was huge, so he could not persevere for long.

Su Su sat cross-legged, he had nothing much to prepare, he just wanted to try and see whether or not he could control the power of the ice and snow in this hour.

Tang Yiyue took out a few treasures from the Spatial Ring and placed them one by one, which could be activated at any time. She didn't know how useful these arrangements were, but at least it was better than nothing.

Tang Yiyue flung countless poisonous needles towards the demon beasts. However, no matter how elusive Tang Yiyue's poisonous needles were, they would always be frozen into ice pillars and fall to the ground in this world of ice and snow.

The more the Spiritual Energy suppressed, the more violent it became. Qi Tianyu focused and completely condensed the Power of The Soul, flying into his body.

Qi Tianyu wanted to use his own strength to reduce the power of the rebellion! Wherever Qi Tianyu's Soul went, the Profound Yellow Heavenly Stele's power would slowly flow, and that wisp of Chaotic Force was continuously suppressing the power in Zhu Liner's body.

Now that Qi Tianyu's Soul was in Zhu Liner's body, she could use all her strength to suppress it. She did not have to be careful or worry about what injuries the Power of The Soul would cause to Zhu Liner.

"Puff …" Finally, an hour had passed, Tian Qi's black Qi was instantly destroyed by the herd of beasts. Tian Qi spat out a mouthful of blood and fell onto the ground.

Su Zhou suddenly opened his eyes. He still did not have the time to comprehend the true meaning of Ice.

"No, don't worry about me. Quickly, quickly, quickly go save them …" Zhu Liner said in an intermittent voice. At this moment, Zhu Liner could sense the battle outside.

Qi Tianyu gritted his teeth and did not answer her. However, the Uppermost Eight Trigrams Spell had started to circulate even more frantically, completely sealing off the restless energy in Zhu Liner's body.

Everyone fell, as the boundless demon beasts rushed towards Qi Tianyu. They did not dare to bite the people who fell, because they could feel that Qi Tianyu's Qi was becoming more and more terrifying.

If they did not interrupt Qi Tianyu a little bit faster, then, when Qi Tianyu opened his eyes, it would be the end of all their beasts. Hence, all these beasts pounced at Qi Tianyu crazily, attempting to tear him apart completely!

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