Emperor Zhu Tian

C430 Resurrection

"It's not like there's no other way to dispel this evil technique, it's just that the consumption of Soul s is especially huge. Furthermore, the opponent has to sleep for a long time before being able to use it." An old man suddenly said. Qi Tianyu's current appearance made him recall a certain time back then.

Qi Tianyu earnestly bowed and said, As long as he can save our Divine General Camp of Azure Dragon Empire brothers, no matter how much energy we use up from our Soul, we will revive our Divine General Camp of Azure Dragon Empire brothers.

The old man nodded and said, "A normal person might not be able to do it, but you can."

The old man paused for a moment, then continued, "Is it due to luck that you obtained the Chaotic Force in your body, and you have untied a few shackles in your body? The combination of these two powers can let your brothers recover."

"Don't ask me why I know. When you broke the shackles on your right index finger in the small world earlier, you caused a phenomenon in the world, letting me know. Hehe, if you had the assistance of the Spirit of Chaos or the Law of The Book Dao, then it would be even more perfect."

The old man said and shook his head, he had once thought of bringing someone back to life, but at that time he did not have anything, causing him to be jealous of Qi Tianyu.

Qi Tianyu could not see through the old man's cultivation, and now that he had said these words, Qi Tianyu believed him.

Everyone returned to the small world together. In the center of the small world, it was the safest place. The two old men didn't have any intention of framing them, if there was one, they could just wait for Qi Tianyu to break through the shackles on his right index finger.

"Please give me your guidance, seniors," Qi Tianyu said as he took out the black compass magic tool.

The two old men were dumbstruck for a moment. They never thought that Qi Tianyu even had a spirit of chaos!

"Sigh, what a pity. If we had Law of The Book Dao s, then perhaps we could have resurrected her." An old man said with a sad face, as if he had thought of something sad.

"Yeah, she has been asleep for so long. She originally did not need the Spring of Life, but now she needs the Spring of Life." Another old man said in a sad voice.

"Seniors, who are you trying to revive?" Qi Tianyu asked: "If we just add a few more Law of The Book Dao, the younger generation should be able to help out."

Even if these two old men were kind, if they found out that Qi Tianyu had the ability to help them but did not, Qi Tianyu reckoned that they would all die here.

Qi Tianyu said as he took out a drop of The Power of The Law of Books and a drop of Spring of Life.

The two old men looked at Qi Tianyu in shock and couldn't say anything for a long time. They never thought that Qi Tianyu had always had what they needed!

"Little brother, we need to revive little sister. Originally, the three of us were all joking around, but little sister, something happened to her …" The old man said dejectedly.

"It's fine now. You can revive now. You guys teach me how to operate it. I'll revive another senior." Qi Tianyu said.

After all, Qi Tianyu still needed to be guided by them to completely separate the brothers in Divine General Camp of Azure Dragon Empire, so Qi Tianyu wanted to do this favor first.

"Alright, only you can do that. Relax, face it honestly, even if you have the power to revive my sister, I still won't force you, nor can I just kill you to take your goods. After all, Chaotic Force and Energy of Human Body's Shackle don't exist just because you say so." The old man said seriously.

The other old man disappeared with a whoosh, and reappeared in front of Qi Tianyu after a while. There was a huge crystal coffin with a woman lying inside, and a bunch of spirit medicine that could sustain Vital Energy s.

"This, this is such a big deal!" Yue Yunfeng said in shock, any one of the coffins the old man had brought out was enough to raise a thousand years old family to a whole new level!

"Hur hur, all these years I've been to too many dangerous places. I've been there just to bring back these things." an old man said.

Qi Tianyu nodded his head, a person who could do this, it would not be too much to say that he was a lover. Qi Tianyu dripped Spring of Life and The Power of The Law of Books into her mouth, and in an instant, her pale white face had started to recover to a moist red.

"Try to fuse the Chaotic Force and the Energy of Human Body's Shackle, then connect it to her meridians …" The old man continued to instruct Qi Tianyu.

Weng!! An old man with a pale face sat on the ground. Because he had been using the Power of The Soul the entire time, he was using all his strength to help Qi Tianyu. After all, Qi Tianyu still needed to revive his brother.

The resurrecting brothers of the Divine General Camp of Azure Dragon Empire required more complicated processes, because the black energy around their bodies was unceasing and their bodies also needed to be moved and stitched back together, unlike their younger sister, who was completely fine and unharmed.

"Little brother, stop calling us seniors. Don't act so inexperienced. With so many methods, it can't be little Meng Xin. Say it, what is your real identity, and why is it related to these people?" The old man smiled as he transmitted his voice to Spiritual Sense.

"Great Emperor Zhu Tian and his former brother Divine General Camp of Azure Dragon Empire." Qi Tianyu thought about it, and in the end, decided to tell them the truth.

Now that the four words Great Emperor Zhu Tian had become taboo, they had no way of revealing this secret.

"Hiss …" The most stunning one! Back then, I always felt that it was impossible for the story to end just like that, and now it seems that it's really like this! " the old man said, narrowing his eyes.

The old man continued, "In order to get a piece of the elixir, I was trapped in a certain place. I only heard about what happened to you later on."

Qi Tianyu nodded his head as he took out the The Power of The Law of Books and dripped it onto his brothers who were under the protection of the Divine General Camp of Azure Dragon Empire. These brothers of his were originally meant to use their powers to protect the evil, but that evil energy suddenly disappeared, which was why they popped out from the Underworld.

The The Power of The Law of Books dropped down onto the brother who was using Divine General Camp of Azure Dragon Empire to piece together like a monster, and in that instant, the boundless killing intent started to disappear, as it was completely cleansed by the The Power of The Law of Books.

Some of the black qi would come out of their body first, and after the The Power of The Law of Books passed, they would return back to the cultivator's body. Therefore, the Chaos Artifact Spirit stayed by the side, and continued to absorb the black qi that had popped out of their heads.

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