Emperor Zhu Tian

C563 Forbidden soil

Yue Yunfeng and Yun Zihang were currently at Heaven Chasing Sect, and were constantly secretly selecting people. There were still more than twenty days until the opening of the alchemist's secret plane. If Yue Yunfeng and Yun Zihang wanted to choose a suitable person from the Heaven Chasing Sect, the pressure would also be great.

After all, these people needed to have a certain level of understanding towards becoming an apothecary, as well as a high level of cultivation. One must know that those Rosefinch Dynasty and the people that were auctioned out by the various great holy lands all had their cultivation suppressed forcibly by one or two people.

However, the resources and equipment that the disciples of Heaven Chasing Sect possessed were enough to fight with the cultivators of the so-called Sacred Grounds and dynasties.

"Boss, I need to return first. That group of people from Profound Serpent Guard were just annihilated, so I can't stay outside for too long. Otherwise, it would arouse the suspicions of the people from the Profound Serpent Guard," Chen Shan said in a low voice as he walked.

Qi Tianyu nodded his head. Originally, Qi Tianyu had wanted to go with Chen Shan to check out the various powers in the Rosefinch Dynasty, but it seemed that he could only wait for the next time.

"Go back and talk to Chen Yuxin, tell her to cultivate that Divine Whip first, I'll go look for her when I get back." Qi Tianyu said.

Right now, what made Qi Tianyu worried the most was this Chen Yuxin. Although no one would be able to discover the Primordial Divine Leaf Whip in her hands, many people would still doubt the quality of the Divine Whip. Once someone discovered that Chen Yuxin was carrying a great treasure on him, she would definitely be hunted down.

To have a treasure despite not having enough cultivation was something he was most afraid of. But luckily, if the Divine Whip was taken away by someone, the Ancient Divine Tree would have other methods.

As Qi Tianyu thought, he extended the Power of The Soul into the Profound Yellow Heavenly Stele. Amongst the Profound Yellow Heavenly Stele, Zhu Liner frowned, the two balls of fire red energy in her hands continued to push against each other, but Zhu Liner wanted to merge with them.

Qi Tianyu's expression was complex. It turned out that Zhu Liner had already merged all the memories well, and was now fusing the Fire Qilin's and Holy Beast Rosefinch's powers. If Zhu Liner could fuse with these two powers, her fighting strength would increase by multiple folds.

Qi Tianyu thought about it, the Uppermost Eight Trigrams Spell in his body could only be used by men to cultivate, as Zhu Liner was his daughter, he had no way of cultivating this Uppermost Eight Trigrams Spell.

Fortunately, there was a set of Purple Eyed Evil Heaven Arts in Qi Tianyu's memories. The power of this technique was similar to the Uppermost Eight Trigrams Spell, but it was used in the Female Cultivator, so male cultivators could not use it.

Zhu Liner gratefully looked at Qi Tianyu, and quickly gave him a kiss on his face. After that, she flew toward the Profound Yellow Heavenly Stele with a flushed face.

"Elder Sister Jun. You are all old wives, why are you still blushing?"

"That's right, that's right …"

The Green Dragon Cub and the Vermillion Bird continued to speak. Qi Tianyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry as he glared at them.

The Azure Dragon Empire s and Rosefinch Empire s had now all become Azure Dragon Dynasty s. The size of the Rosefinch Dynasty s and the countries within them had decreased by almost half.

Qi Tianyu walked towards the land originally belonging to the Rosefinch Empire alone. There was a very powerful formation around him, and he needed to go through the formation to reach the territories on the other side.

Qi Tianyu frowned, he did not think that it would be so troublesome to go over to take a look, he frowned, opened his Natal Rune, and shone it down towards the front.

A strand of purplish golden light shot out in all directions. Qi Tianyu took out Golden Battle Sword s from the Sword Bone s and carved them onto the array formation.

On the one hand, Qi Tianyu felt that if the array formation was broken down, it would bring about some sort of change. On the other hand, the people who laid the array formation had very advanced methods, so breaking the array would definitely be a huge project.

But right now, Qi Tianyu only needed to find a Power of Law suitable for him to enter and leave. In a moment, the Golden Battle Sword drew twice, and Qi Tianyu's entire person appeared in front of him.

"Hmm? Why is the aura here so weird? " Qi Tianyu took the Golden Battle Sword he originally wanted to put back in his hands, and his entire person became vigilant as he continuously walked forward.

In this area, some places did not have any life force at all, they were as dry as desert and some places looked as if they had been watered with Spring of Life s. The life force of some places was so vigorous that even a blade of grass could grow higher than Qi Tianyu.

Could it be that there was some sort of change in this area, which caused the Rosefinch Empire to become Rosefinch Dynasty? Qi Tianyu kept speculating.

Not far away, there was a mountain peak. On the peak of the mountain, there was an inconspicuous cave entrance. However, the eerie aura emitted from the cave entrance was very obvious.

Qi Tianyu held onto the Golden Battle Sword, and carefully walked forward. Inside the cave, it was not just a normal gloomy and cold place.

"Hahaha, boy, did I scare you?" Fortunately, there was no malice in this voice, otherwise, the Golden Battle Sword would have already chopped towards's body before Qi Tianyu could even turn around.

"It seems like my big brother's decision was not wrong. Although leaving an imprint on your body isn't too good, no matter what, he still saved your life." Qi Tianyu turned around. It turned out to be the old man who cultivated Yin Qi in the Yin And Yang Two Old Men.

"Even if you are the Great Emperor Zhu Tian, it is not suitable for you to be here alone. This entire place was done in the past by Hei Xuan and the rest, and became a wasteland, cultivators have no way of living here."

"Moreover, the energy in this place will continue to be emitted, so I don't know who it is. I just have to lay down a formation here." The old man said with a crackling voice.

Originally, they had long ago left a mark on Qi Tianyu's In This Life Small World. If Qi Tianyu was a Great Emperor Zhu Tian, he would still be able to sense the mark at this moment. However, Qi Tianyu's current cultivation was far from enough, he simply could not sense the mark the both of them had placed on him.

would more or less be able to detect the imprints the evil people had placed, but these two old men had laid down imprints with good intentions, which Qi Tianyu was simply unable to detect.

The old man continued, "At first, we thought you were not a peaceful person and that you would definitely appear here. We didn't expect you to appear so quickly."

"Although this place is dangerous, but because of this, there are a lot of good things here. The majority of the things my sister needed to save her sister came from here." The old man said.

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