Among the xuanhuangtian steles, the Four Saints' cubs have come to life at this time. Each of them has practiced a martial arts attack during the period of cubs. They are practicing and attacking each other in the xuanhuangtian stele.

As for the memory of the four sacred beasts of the previous generation, some of them began to come out in their minds. Of course, only the memory of the cultivation of martial arts and Taoism can be preserved and integrated into the memory of the four sacred beasts of the next generation.

The seal of the white tiger gives birth to the aura of the white tiger of the last generation, which is constantly improving. With the help of xuanhuang Tianbei, the power of his spirit is also constantly repairing.

In the flesh of the last generation of green dragon sacred beasts, the power of the spirit is constantly recovering, and there are Xuanwu sacred beasts. They have been able to simply sense the atmosphere of the outside world.

The rosefinch is still sleeping. Although the rosefinch is the fastest one among the four sacred beasts, her power of spirit is obviously divided into several pieces. At this time, there are still several powers of spirit that have not been released.

"Boss, he's breaking through the sage?" The rosefinch cub suddenly stopped and stopped fighting with the green dragon cub.

The words of the rosefinch cub had just stopped, and the other cubs were quiet, looking outside the xuanhuang Tianbei. "Well, the eldest brother is really breaking through the cultivation of sages..." The white tiger cubs were a little surprised. They didn't even know when Qi Tianyu had reached the Ninth level of cultivation.

"Have you heard that the breath of the four saints can make the practitioners break through into the unique cultivation of saints?" Green Dragon cub suddenly said.

"What the hell?"

"What is the breath of the four saints? Do our four sainted cubs work

“……” Green Dragon cub is also a face at this time, don't know how to explain.

"It's called the heaven beast becomes a saint," the ancient tree said helplessly. These four little guys will toss and wake up earlier than any generation.

"To become a saint of heaven beast, you need four people to have no thoughts. What's more important is that you four cubs are willing to be good to the same person, and this person can rely on heaven beast to become a saint," the ancient god tree said with a smile. It's the first time that he saw such great luck.

He didn't know why Qi Tianyu could take these four little guys in one pot, and they were very obedient.

The ancient Shenshu has been living in xuanhuang Tianbei for a long time now. He has forgotten why he wanted to recognize the LORD with Qi Tianyu at the beginning, but later Qi Tianyu didn't let him recognize the Lord, so he let him into xuanhuang Tianbei.

Qi Tianyu is still breaking through the two tianwu veins. Countless spiritual powers are constantly squeezing and overflowing in Qi Tianyu's viscera and meridians, merging into the two tianwu veins.

The power of chaos is also releasing, wandering around xuanhuang Tianbei, integrating the power of chaos into Qi Tianyu's meridians. Normally, the power of chaos will not be released.

Because only in the vicinity of xuanhuang Tianbei, the power of chaos will not be consumed quickly because of Qi Tianyu's sudden battle, but will play the role of chaos to the extreme.

Qi Tianyu's Benming rune is constantly changing. Dozens of runes are constantly changing in Qi Tianyu's Benming rune, like looking for his best position, which is convenient for Qi Tianyu to transform into Benming Rune of sage level.

The purple and gold are more and more bright. Qi Tianyu's Benming rune is constantly shining. Qi Tianyu is immersed in the Benming Rune and puts dozens of runes in the Benming Rune in a good place.

After dozens of runes are recombined, the shape can gather the purple and golden light into a point. Although it takes a lot of spiritual power to gather this point, the power of a point is also greater.

The power of ice in Qi Tianyu's body, and the power of the four strange fires in heaven and earth, began to swim in Qi Tianyu's meridians. At ordinary times, they were hidden in Qi Tianyu's body. Only when Qi Tianyu needed to use them, they were transformed into Qi Tianyu's meridians.

The only divine orifices slowly open on Qi Tianyu's back, and a burst of power disperses on Qi Tianyu's back. The only divine orifices can evolve with the continuous improvement of cultivation. Once Qi Tianyu enters the saint level, the only divine orifices can also improve their own resistance.

Bursts of power are moving in Qi Tianyu's body, Qi Tianyu's face is red, and the spiritual power in xuanhuang Tianbei is constantly fusing into his body, which also carries the breath of some ancient divine trees.

Qi Tianyu's spiritual power to break through the cultivation of saints is dozens of times that of ordinary monks, so at this moment, Qi Tianyu only dares to break through the cultivation of saints in this empty space.

If you accidentally invite thunder robbers for a while, you don't have to worry about them in the void. However, in the Zhuque Dynasty, thunder robbers will certainly arouse all forces to explore. By then, Qi Tianyu's identity will be exposed, even though he still has the face of the Tang family.

After all, Qi Tianyu's only divine orifice and light golden xuanhuang immortal body Xiaocheng left a deep impression on others every time he appeared.At this time, Xu Luoluo had completely destroyed the body and spirit of the golden giant into ashes. He honestly stood by and watched Qi Tianyu break through the cultivation of the sage.

The spirit of the golden giant was also a little sad. He waited for many years, but he was able to come back to life. But before he saw the sun the next day, he was alive and tossed to death.

On a flat boat, there is also spiritual power constantly flowing into Qi Tianyu's meridians. Xu Luoluo's hands are close to Qi Tianyu's back, and the two forces are constantly transmitting into Qi Tianyu's body. Xu Luoluo's spiritual power must be better than the spiritual power transformed from the superior spirit stone. In an instant, Qi Tianyu's meridians are filled with comfort.

Qi Tianyu has already filled most of the two tianwu veins. The more he breaks into the back, the more spiritual power he needs. At this time, nearly half of the superior spiritual stones in xuanhuang Tianbei have been consumed, which were originally used by the golden giant to restore flesh power.

"The first-class spirit stones of the eldest brother don't seem to be enough. Hurry up, we'll take all the first-class spirit stones from the six sacrificial platforms. I don't believe they are not enough for the eldest brother," Yue Yunfeng said.

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