If they can all play their own skills, there will be no suspense in this battle. It must be a one-sided battle. But green dragon cubs can't play their own skills. They can only fight slowly.

Every fierce beast that is pointed at by the cub will be shocked suddenly in his heart, and then he will feel a strong pressure and crush them!

Qi Tianyu laughs. Those fierce beasts targeted by the four sacred beasts will die in the next second. The four sacred beasts will not have enough to eat. They have nothing to do but to play with the threat. A sacred beast appears. Before the fierce beasts can react, these targeted fierce beasts have been killed!

"Well? How come there are still friars? " Just as Qi Tianyu and his family were fighting on the top of the mountain, Lin Junde and his group slowly climbed up to the top of the mountain.

At this time, Tianqi also appeared at the foot of the mountain and walked slowly to the top of the mountain. The face of the overlord on the top of the mountain changed. The breath of these monks was at the saint level!

"What's the matter? Why do so many people come to my mountain? " The mountain overlord whispered to himself: "do I have to close the mountain? Otherwise, I can't deal with these friars appearing around here one by one... "

Tang Yiyue didn't know where she came from and appeared at the foot of the mountain. She didn't know why. She was dignified.

"Qi Tianyu's breath is right here, but why can't I detect it?" Tang Yiyue frowned, holding a touch of Qi Tianyu's hair in his hand.

"It's right here," Tang Yiyue's hair suddenly formed a formula, slowly pointed to a mountain in front of him and moved slowly.

"It's said that there are many variables in the alchemist's secret space?" In the rosefinch Dynasty, there was a lot of discussion,

"yes, I heard that there were a lot of adverse opportunities. As long as you are lucky and take a few more steps, you will be hit by the chance inheritance..."

"Isn't that exaggeration? Several of my family disciples have died, "someone said with a frown.

"Come on, don't talk about it any more. Each family will send another team. You know who to send. Don't disgrace the rosefinch Dynasty." Over the dynasty, said the friar in the Royal robe.

He is the leader of the dynasty. At the same time, this scene was also staged among them in the Qinglong Dynasty. As if the wind and rain were about to come, the whole world of practitioners set off a wave of vigorous frenzy to seek the chance of ancient alchemists!

However, Qi Tianyi's face was dignified at this time, and he looked at the dark area in the wild land from a distance.

"Father, when do you say they are coming?" Qi Yun on tiptoe, a little nervous said: "when do we call big brother over?"

"Don't worry, it's far away. They won't attack before they arrive. Your brother is still training and hasn't come back." Qi Tianyi covers up his cautious face and says to Qi Yun with a smile.

"Well, just wait for my brother to come back," Qi Yun said expectantly.

Qi Tianyi at this time is also very helpless, but also some proud, his son smashed his all the limelight, but this is OK, as a father, he is very proud.

Meng Ruyue was also a little nervous and said, "yu'er hasn't come back to mend the array these days. I think it's because he can't get away with something, but those arrays are almost mended. As long as you open the national defense array, these fierce beasts can't do it in a month or two."

Qi Tianyi nodded and sighed: "it's better to have a master of the array. In those days, without the master of the array, there were countless casualties. Now, a single array can make these fierce beasts helpless... "

Qi Tianyu was fighting in the cave. He didn't know what happened. The beast suddenly left Qi Tianyu's life Rune and hid in the unknown place.

Each of them had been exhausted for a long time. They flew into the xuanhuang Tianbei and recuperated their own meridians.

Qi Tianyu is bombing the snow hawk in front of him. The snow Hawk is on the verge of death, and his spirit power is almost exhausted. The golden sword in Qi Tianyu's hand still contains a powerful attack. No other fierce beast dares to help the snow hawk take the attack.

Suddenly, just as Qi Tianyu attacked the snow eagle, a cool wind came from his back!

It's too late to even open the only divine orifice! In a flash, Qi Tianyu was ready to get hurt, but the wind suddenly stopped. Qi Tianyu quickly dodged to see what happened.

A familiar soldier ran the beast through the sky. Then he saw the slender thigh. Qi Tianyu looked up and saw Tang Yiyue!

"What? How long has it been since I saw you Tang Yiyue said with a smile, at this time, Tang Yiyue's cultivation breath has also reached the saint level!

Qi Tianyu couldn't laugh or cry. Just as he was about to explain something, the fierce beasts around him immediately attacked Qi Tianyu in this direction."Tang Yiyue, how did you find me here? You didn't activate the array I gave you? " Qi Tianyu and Tang Yiyue resist these fierce beasts and ask in surprise.

"I'm Miss Tang. It's not easy to track a person." Tang Yi Yue said with a smile.

Qi Tianyu can't laugh or cry. Anyway, whenever there is something shocking, the first lady of the Tang family can explain it with the identity of the Tang family, and Qi Tianyu can only believe it every time.

After all, when it comes to the Tang family, it's confidential. Qi Tianyu can't and doesn't want to ask Tang Yiyue, or he always feels bad.

"There is a mountain overlord here, who can see what you are doing. When you just came here, didn't you be stopped by anything?" Qi Tianyu said in surprise.

"No, there are a group of monks in the wild Holy Land in front of them. They were targeted by the mountain overlord you said. Anyway, as a weak woman like me, he may not care very much."

"Ha ha, if you are a weak lady of the Tang family, there will be no strong lady in the world," Qi Tianyu said helplessly, "eh, are there any monks in the holy land? Can't it be that many friars have begun to appear around the upper reaches of the river, looking for opportunities? "

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