Yunzihang is unforgiving, but he breathes a sigh of relief. You know, he just witnessed the moment when Yue Yunfeng was attacked by xuanshewei. He hated how he could be so weak. He was right beside him, but he couldn't even protect his friends.

Fortunately, with his own boss, Yue Yunfeng finally turned the corner. Thinking of this, yunzihang couldn't help casting his adoring eyes on Qi Tianyu.

"The boss of our family is so strong that we can't be too weak." Yunzihang is determined in secret.

After solving Yue Yunfeng's problems, the next thing to be solved is the problem of fierce beasts. Just in order to deal with Yue Yunfeng's injury, and Qi Tianyu's shock of killing the fierce beast in Tianjie, the fierce beast did not dare to act rashly for the time being, so Qi Tianyu slowed down the shock of killing the fierce beast.

Nowadays, the fierce beasts have been jumping outside for a long time. Leaving them there will only bring inconvenience and unnecessary panic to the Tianzong people and the people of Nanyang.

Qi Tianyu stood on the watchtower, squinting at the dark area in the distance. Beside him stood Tian Qi, Tang Yiyue, Yue Yunfeng, Yun Zihang, Jiang Tianyi and others. Behind him were thousands of tianzhuzong disciples. Everyone's eyes were full of war.

The four Saint cubs and the moon spirit beast in xuanhuang Tianbei are ready to move. Zhu lin'er wants to help, but he is restrained by Qi Tianyu's signal. After all, there will be a large-scale war. Although it is not in the Zhuque Empire, Qi Tianyu still does not want Zhu lin'er to be exposed.

Not to mention the Four Saints' cubs. If the Four Saints' cubs appear in front of all the animals at the same time, it is estimated that they will cause vibration between heaven and earth, and even attract the attention of heixuan. Now the time is not ripe. Qi Tianyu doesn't want to see all this.

It's just a fierce beast. It's not worth exposing Zhu lin'er and the four saints. Which of Tian Qi and Tang Yiyue is not the existence of the fierce beast? What's more, there is a god level existence in the dark. What's the fear of the fierce beast?

Since ancient times, human beings and animals have been separated from each other. Where fierce animals pass by, there are rivers of blood and people's lives are ruined. It is the cruelty of fierce animals that arouses people's determination to stabilize the country and shed their blood for the country. What's more, there is their supreme little Lord in front of them.

Qi Tianyu's previous sword of killing demons has been deeply depicted in their hearts. How could Qi Tianyu not feel the blazing eyes of all the people behind him?

Qi Tianyu calmed down. Without saying a word, he suddenly sent out a spirit attack to the fierce beast leader. Fierce beast commander a coagulation, Qi Tianyu this spirit attack let him feel unprecedented pressure.

He knew that he had provoked a terrible existence, but at the moment, there was no way out, and he could only face it hard. What's more, he felt that Qi Tianyu's spiritual power was powerful, but his cultivation was only the double of saints. He didn't believe that he had thousands of fierce beasts here, and he was afraid that he would not be a saint?

Qi Tianyu almost guessed what the fierce beast commander thought. After all, there are different ways for human beings and animals. Although fierce animals are cruel in personality and ability, they are deficient in intelligence.

Qi Tianyu wanted to see the contempt of the fierce beast. Qi Tianyu put his mind into the transmission, which covered the whole transmission.

"Sons, now the fierce beasts are pressing down on us, and we are about to set foot in our homeland. What should we do when the enemy invades us?"

"Kill! Kill! Kill The roar of heaven shaking and earth shaking roared through the sky. For a moment, the fierce beast's heart was in a bit of confusion.

"Oh The fierce beast commander gives a howl, stabilizes the fierce beast's morale and gives the attack command at the same time. For a moment, the fierce beast tide was bombing in the direction of Tianzong.

Qi Tianyu responded quickly to the fierce beast's attack. Without any confusion, he opened the Dharma protection array of tianzhuzong, and commanded his hands to guard the entrances of each city wall. After all, once a fierce beast sneaks into the city, it will only hurt the ordinary people who are powerless.

Qi Tianyu didn't want to see his life destroyed. After arranging everything, Qi Tianyu took the lead to kill the fierce beasts.

Qi Tianyu was moving forward at a high speed, unlocking the shackles of his hands. The golden sword in Qi Tianyu's hand seemed to feel the next battle, buzzing and excited.

"Ten thousand swords belong to the clan!" In a flash, countless sword Qi came from the void, and tens of thousands of fierce sword Qi went to the thousands of fierce beasts.

Even though the fierce beasts who took the lead in the battle were not lack of Tianji level, they were still vulnerable to Qi Tianyu's sage level attack. Many of them were even cut off by the sword Qi before it was too late.

The disciples of zhutianzong followed closely behind Qi Tianyu and put a few knives on the fierce beast who was hurt by Qi Tianyu's sword Qi to prevent future trouble.

At this time, under the leadership of Qi Tianyu and others, they are already red eyed. After all, on the battlefield, either you die or I die. They are not fighting for themselves, but for thousands of people behind them!

Their sense of mission tells them that they should never shrink back. What's more, the patriarch is in the front to kill the enemy. They have no reason to shrink back! Moreover, this battle is a good opportunity for them to experience!Qi Tianyu flew over the head of the fierce beast, harvesting the life of the fierce beast and flying to the leader of the fierce beast. From the beginning to the end, Qi Tianyu had only one goal, which was to take the head of the fierce beast commander.

After all, as the saying goes, if a thief catches the king first, as long as he can win the fierce beast leader, he won't have to spend much effort to fight back the fierce beast tide.

Looking at Qi Tianyu coming to his side at full speed, the fierce beast commander squinted and howled. He rushed up and attacked Qi Tianyu.

In the face of the fierce beast leader's sudden madness, Qi Tianyu was not afraid. He picked up the golden sword and injected spiritual power into it!

To Qi Tianyu's surprise, although this sword was only a tentative one, it didn't seem to cause any damage to the fierce beast commander.

Unexpectedly, the fierce beast commander's hard armor is comparable to the level seven battle clothes, and can block the gold sword. I have to say that the fierce beast commander has two brushes.

"Ha ha ha, ignorant child, do you think you can defeat me with your double cultivation of the Holy Level and a sword beyond the seventh level?"?! Oh, innocence!

You have killed so many of my subordinates. I want to take you down, abolish your cultivation, hang your breath, and let you see how my fierce beast army breaks down your city, slaughters your people, and let you pay for your blood! "

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