Several friars lay down slowly. The poison dispersed from each of them and turned into a mummy.

"Why, have you seen enough?" Tang Yiyue smiles and looks back at them.

"Together, don't be watched all the time," Qi Tianyu said complicatedly.

"No, I'm more alone..." Before Tang Yiyue finished, he was interrupted by Qi Tianyu, "but I don't want you to go alone." Qi Tianyu said in Tang Yiyue's ear. Tang Yi Yue Leng Leng, half ring just came back to God.

"That's right. It's boring to disperse. It's better to walk together," Yue Yunfeng and yunzihang said.

Tang Yiyue nodded, and finally did not resist.

"Let's give Lin Junde the map we've drawn these days. That guy is reliable," Qi Tianyu and the others said as they took out a token from their hands. The token was given by Lin Junde and could track Lin Junde's position.

Everyone nodded. Lin Junde was still in the alchemist's space array. It would be more difficult to find him when the experience was over. Qi Tianyu didn't want to go all the way to meet some monks in the holy land.

Tang Yiyue's heart is complex. After looking at Qi Tianyu, he finally follows Qi Tianyu. Maybe he needs to let go of his feelings.

Qi Tianyu raised his head in surprise. Chen Yuxin, a group of Chen family members, went together.

Chen Yumo is also around Chen Yuxin at this time. It seems that the two of them are good sisters in their last life.

Qi Tianyu didn't call them. After all, they had a good experience together. Tang Yiyue's heart was sour, but seeing that Qi Tianyu didn't call Chen Yuxin over, he was in a better mood.

"Ha ha, why didn't you get the power of light?" a faint voice rang out in the general Hall of xuanshewei. The main body of the general Hall of xuanshewei trembled slightly and didn't dare to look at the fog in front of him.

Suddenly, a small mist came out of the fog and attacked the master of xuanshewei general hall.

With a buzzing sound, the boundless black air suddenly attacked the main hall of xuanshewei. At the same time, the dead xuanshewei were heading for the reincarnated spirits. In an instant, they rolled on the ground one by one and slowly disappeared into the heaven and earth, without entering the six paths of reincarnation.

Qi Tianyu in the alchemist's secret space, also dare not take out the power of light, the power of light will release the breath, Qi Tianyu can't stop the release of breath.

Qi Tianyu didn't see Lin Junde, but he saw that in the alchemist's secret space, an array slowly revealed. Qi Tianyu's face suddenly solidified, and the array turned out to be red!

A faint red appeared gradually in the dark. Qi Tianyu opened the Rune of his life and saw a wisp of rosefinch breath inside!

In the xuanhuang Tianbei, the sleeping rosefinch hummed, as if she had noticed something, but she had not woken up, but her breath was always fluctuating.

"Do you notice anything wrong?" Qi Tianyu asked. The air around him kept getting hot. Qi Tianyu frowned and said.

"Yes, what's that smell?" Yue Yunfeng asked in surprise. At this time, they can't see the array. If they go forward, they are likely to be swallowed by the flame breath of the rosefinch.

Qi Tianyu nodded. In the Rune of this life, a ray of purple and golden light came out, enveloping the array in front of him. Yue Yunfeng, they can see this array.

"What is this?" Yue Yunfeng asks in shock. Tang Yiyue looks thoughtful. Miss Tang knows a lot about these sacred animals.

"It's sealed with a wisp of ghost of rosefinch beast. Do you want to go in and have a look, or protect the Dharma for me here," Qi Tianyu said cautiously.

"Boss, you're kidding. We're here to protect the Dharma for you. We don't have the Rune of our own life, and we don't have the talent of array. Don't we go in and look for death?" Yue Yunfeng said with a bitter smile.

Qi Tianyu nodded. With the three of them, he could go into the array to have a look.

In the space array, red flames are everywhere, and the temperature is very high. Qi Tianyu frowned and opened the only divine orifice. The xuanhuang Tianbei on his body also exudes a trace of golden light, which makes him feel relaxed.

Otherwise, it's like being baked in an oven. Qi Tianyu can't bear the temperature.

With a buzz, Qi Tianyu stepped into the array, and the entrance closed slowly. Yue Yunfeng watched them outside. What they need to pay attention to is the mage who is close to this place.

The scarlet sparrow was more and more anxious to recover, but the scarlet sparrow had no way to recover.

At this moment, the rosefinch beast is pressing the injury in his body within a certain range, and constantly repairing his injury by using the spiritual power in xuanhuang Tianbei.The golden sword in Qi Tianyu's hand is carefully depicted in the array, and he goes to the center of the array. After Qi Tianyu goes to the places that have been depicted, he immediately returns to the original appearance, and no one else can pass.

Qi Tianyu's golden sword was red at the end of the fire. Qi Tianyu could only avoid the rules of the array carefully.

Qi Tianyu looked around cautiously. It was obvious that this place was not the alchemist's means.

But later, heixuan came here and arranged the means here! Qi Tianyu's face was dignified. Fortunately, heixuan didn't take the light energy in the alchemist's secret space at that time.

Judging from the traces left by this array, heixuan couldn't stay here for long. After all, it's not so simple to arrange a seal array in the ancient alchemist's space.

Although there are many rough places in this array, the places that should be carefully arranged are also well arranged. Qi Tianyu has no way to disintegrate the array. He can only carefully use the golden sword to open the doors that he can pass through for a while. It's good that Qi Tianyu is now in the triple realm of saints. If Qi Tianyu's cultivation is still guaranteed Qi Tianyu won't go into the array if he stays in the Tianjie cultivation.

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