Qitian Ningyuan saw that the fierce beast kept attacking the Qinglong battle formation composed of tianzhuzong disciples. Some disciples were injured and fell down, but as soon as there was a vacancy, some disciples made up for it again. The fierce beast was helpless for a moment.

Maybe it's the stalemate for a long time. The fierce beast is impatient. Seeing that it was suddenly in trouble, a blood red light came out of his mouth, and he wanted to rush towards the weakness of the green dragon battle.

Qi Tianyu's eyes were fixed. The fierce beast contained a powerful spiritual power. If it went on, it would not be resisted by the green dragon battle.

Qi Tianyu's power to unlock the shackles of the human body on his feet, and the golden sword condensed a red sun. At dawn, he immediately cut off the fierce beast's mouth. Qi Tianyu's attack came too fast. Suddenly, the fierce beast had no ability to resist.

By the time it reacts, the power of the golden sword has reached the front. The fierce beast could only deflect his head to avoid Qi Tianyu's attack, but the red light in his mouth spewed towards the mountains in the distance, instantly flattening the mountains.

The beast also spat out blood. But Qi Tianyu didn't give him a chance to breathe. He bombed the fierce beast with a powerful sword like a sunset.

The fierce beast couldn't dodge, so he could only take it. The powerful sword Qi shook it out more than 100 meters away.

Qi Tianyu stood on the wall, looking at the fierce beast retreating in the distance, and said, "what is my way? It turns out that it's just a snake, cypress and blood beast. How can I rush to die as soon as I enter the level of true God?"

"Ah, the young Lord is coming. We are saved. Young Lord, you have to avenge my wife and children!" "Yes, Lord, just now this fierce beast suddenly attacked, many brothers and people could not escape and died miserably under this fierce beast." "Great, the Lord is here. I'll see how this fierce beast treats his son." Everyone present, you say a word, I say a word.

"Jie, ignorant child, do you think you want to compete with me just because of your four fold cultivation. If it wasn't for your plot, do you think you have a chance to hurt me? " The snake cypress blood demon said after spitting out the blood.

"Oh? Sneak attack? You are as blind as you are. You speak lies with your eyes open. You have poor reflexes. On the contrary, you slander me. " Qi Tianyu Pooh A, disdain ground says.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, yes, in the face of the patriarch, what kind of fierce beast of the true God level is the weak chicken."

After listening to the people's words, the snake cypress blood demon became angry and waved his cane whip to Qi Tianyu. Qi Tianyu picked up the golden sword and cut it at the cane whip, but the cane whip didn't break.

"Oh, it's interesting. My golden sword didn't cut off the withered vines on you. " Qi Tianyu said. "Oh, the ignorant child is arrogant and arrogant. Today, I want to see how you can compete with me in terms of your four fold cultivation." With that, the snake, cypress and blood demon stretched out countless rattan whips to attack Qi Tianyu from all directions.

The people on one side can only watch the scene nervously. At this time, they can't help. Rushing up casually will only make trouble for Qi Tianyu. They can only temporarily choose to wait and see from a distance. If they find that the situation is wrong, they will rush up immediately.

Looking at the cane whip coming from all directions, Qi Tianyu disdained to smile, "Oh, carving insects." With that, ten thousand swords came back to the family, and tens of thousands of swords' Qi cut the canes in all directions in an instant, and the sword Qi constantly swam between the canes and killed them.

"What! How can it be Snake cypress blood demon eat pain, can only take back the rattan whip, after all, this rattan whip is also a part of its body. "Oh, it's impossible. There are so many things you don't know."

Qi Tianyu injected a wisp of Qi fire into the sword. The power of Qi fire was beyond the control of fierce beasts. Of course, Qi Tianyu would not tell the snake, cypress and blood demon.

"Jie, it's a good move. It's a pity that you underestimate the powerful self-healing ability of our blood demons. I haven't paid attention to this little trauma." Say, see that snake cypress blood demon control the vitality in the body, toward the injured part repair past.

Qi Tianyu narrowed his eyes, didn't give the blood demon too much chance to breathe, unlocked the human shackles on his feet, and suddenly disappeared in front of the snake cypress blood demon. In an instant, he rushed to the back of the snake cypress blood demon, picked up the golden sword, condensed the sword skills and wanted to stab it.

Qi Tianyu was familiar with the Achilles' heel of each fierce beast, just as he knew that the weakness of the pterosaur was in the wings in the secret space last time, and the weakness of the snake, cypress and blood demon was just in the back.

Just when Qi Tianyu's golden sword was about to cut the back of the snake cypress blood demon, a blood colored eye suddenly appeared on the back of the snake cypress blood demon, staring straight at Qi Tianyu.

Qi Tianyu's eyes seemed to have some kind of magic power. At the moment when Qi Tianyu's eyes looked at him, his body was fixed, as if he had fallen into a hypnotic state and could not move.

The crowd in the distance, looking at Qi Tianyu, suddenly motionless, immediately raised his heart to his throat.

"Die, Jie." That snake cypress blood demon tail a sweep, directly fly out of Qi Tianyu fan."The eldest one --" the master -- "the youngest one --" Qi Tianyu -- "everyone wants to catch Qi Tianyu now, but the distance is too far.

Before the snake and cypress blood demon could get rid of his hatred, a red light gathered in his mouth and shot at Qi Tianyu -

at this critical moment, the moon spirit beast flew out from the xuanhuang Tianbei, caught Qi Tianyu and escaped the fatal blow.

"Cough, cough." Qi Tianyu felt as if his internal organs had been shaken and displaced. He felt a smell of fishy sweetness in his throat. Qi Tianyu spat out a mouthful of blood shining with light golden light.

The snake, cypress and blood demon ten thousand years ago didn't have this mysterious third eye. After ten thousand years, many fierce animals have evolved many new skills in order to adapt to survival.

I can't do this next time. I'm so embarrassed by the snake, cypress and blood demon. After Qi Tianyu vomited blood, he felt a lot more comfortable in his chest. He took a handful of pills from the space ring, and then used the spirit power to heal.

"Moon spirit beast, thank you." Qi Tianyu touched the head of the beast and said. "You're welcome, boss. Don't worry." The moon spirit beast said anxiously that it was rare for Qi Tianyu to be so seriously injured.

Qi Tianyu wiped the blood stains on the corner of his mouth and said, "it's OK. I can't die."

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