Qi Tianyu constantly urged the heaven and earth to catch fire, and constantly quenched the essence of this mysterious iron, and drove away all impurities in it.

Qi Tianyu's movement has naturally attracted the attention of Yue Yunfeng and others, attracting them to watch.

slowly, a pure and pure essence is coming to the public.

Qi Tianyu removed the iron whip from the space ring and guided the wisp of the essence of the iron into the iron whip.

"buzz buzz" absorbs the iron iron whip of the essence of the iron, and keeps ringing. The power of the essence of Xuan iron is too overbearing and too strong, and suddenly it is injected into the iron whip.

People see this scene, the heart instantly raised to the throat.

But Qi Tianyu was not in a hurry, as if he didn't care. He slowly controlled the strange fire of heaven and earth, and refined the iron whip.

The buzzing black iron whip, under the control of Qi Tianyu, slowly calmed down and burned red in the strange fire.

Qi Tianyu slowly gathered his strength and took back the strange fire. Gradually, everything returned to peace.

Qi Tianyu took the black iron whip in his hand and waved it a few times, "well, it feels good." Qi Tianyu nodded, indicating that he was satisfied.

After the sacrifice, the level of the iron whip was upgraded from seven to eight. After being refined by the strange fire of heaven and earth, the black iron whip is even more dark, reflecting the power of the cold Ling in the sunshine.

At this time, the power of the black iron whip is not at the same level as before.

Qi Tianyu took the black iron whip in his hand and waved it. Before he used his chanting power, the Qi produced by the whip would blow up a huge ornamental stone nearby.

With the sound of "boom --", the ornamental stone broke in response to the sound.

"Wow, boss, you're too busy. You're not only an alchemist, but also a master of array. Now you can make weapons, and you can't let people live." Yue Yunfeng worships of say.

The more the soldiers are promoted, the higher their quality and the rarer their number are. If you look at the whole continent, there are only a few weapon refiners who can produce eight grade soldiers.

Now, Qi Tianyu can easily upgrade the seven grade warfighter to eight grade warfighter, and it seems that it's not so hard. If other craftsmen are left behind, it won't take ten days and a half months to complete.

People are more popular than people. Is Qi Tianyu going to make other craftsmen angry.

Qi Tianyu's ability of refining utensils is not only because he was once the great emperor of heaven and earth and had rich relevant knowledge, but also because he had many kinds of strange fire in his body. The power of strange fire in heaven and earth is not comparable to that of ordinary craftsmen.

Qi Tianyu first put the iron whip aside, then took out the other half of the iron armor. He was ready to use this half to refine the battle clothes.

Of course, it's not enough to refine the battle clothes only by the black iron armor. Qi Tianyu has many good things in his space ring. He takes out what he needs and begins to prepare.

It's much more difficult to refine the war clothes than the newly promoted soldiers, but it's just a piece of cake for Qi Tianyu.

Qi Tianyu continued to stir up the strange fire of heaven and earth, and threw in all the materials he could use. The way he made war clothes was the same as his way of alchemy.

If others see it, they will feel sorry for the material that Qi Tianyu just threw in. There are many good things in it. What if it burns out.

However, these materials are extremely obedient under Qi Tianyu's hands. They are obediently fused together and let Qi Tianyu handle them.

fire is constantly refining the essence of these materials. There are some high grade clothing in these materials, but at that time, those materials in the fire of heaven and earth have only merged into a thread of essence. The rest of the

is useless, basically being burned by the fire of heaven and earth, and turned to ashes, except for the essence.

Qi Tianyu guided these wisps into the mysterious iron armor, and continued to urge the heaven and earth fire to sacrifice the iron armor.

Gradually, the battle clothes gradually formed in the strange fire of heaven and earth. "Hum -" as Qi Tianyu stopped, the strange fire went out, and the battle clothes slowly fell into Qi Tianyu's hands.

Qi Tianyu took the war clothes in his hand. After careful consideration, it was good. Although it was the first time he made war clothes, it was very successful.

The battle clothes are no worse than the eight grade battle clothes on Yue Yunfeng, and they are a little higher.

Qi Tianyu weighed the iron whip and battle clothes in his hand, and looked around at Yue Yunfeng and yunzihang, saying, "Yue Yunfeng, yunzihang, you two come here."

All of a sudden, Yue Yunfeng and yunzihang were a little confused. They came over and said, "what do you want us to do?"

Qi Tianyu handed the black iron whip to Yue Yunfeng. "You don't have a weapon to weigh your hand. Here, this one is for you." After Yue Yunfeng took over, he couldn't slow down for a long time.

On the other side of Qi Tianyu, he handed the eighth level battle suit to Yun Zihang, "here, I'm not partial to your boss. Here you are."

"What's the day today, boss wocao? This is, this is..." Yue Yunfeng was so excited that he couldn't speak easily."I'll give you less clothes to fight with you." Qi Tianyu said haughtily.

"No, no, no, boss, how nice you are to us. I'm not surprised. It's not." Yunzihang said slowly from the surprise.

Yunzihang and Yue Yunfeng watched Qi Tianyu refine the weapon for a long time, but they didn't expect that the precious eight grade war clothes and the black iron whip were prepared for them.

Yue Yunfeng took the black iron whip in his hand and waved it a few times, but he was surprised. "Whew - whew -" two whip go out, that power even Yue Yunfeng himself is shocked.

It's one thing to watch Qi Tianyu wave, but it's another thing to do it yourself.

In the space ring, Qi Tianyu takes a secret book about the skill of whipping Tianjie and hands it to Yue Yunfeng.

Qi Tianyu originally prepared this secret script for Chen Yuxin. He thought that this martial art was too masculine and not suitable for girls.

This is good. It's just good for Yue Yunfeng to practice. As for Chen Xin's idea, Chen's master must have prepared ancient martial arts for her. Qi Tianyu doesn't care about it.

Yue Yunfeng took over Qi Tianyu's Tianjie martial arts. He was so moved that his tears almost came out. "Boss Wu Wu, you are so kind to me. How do you want me to repay you?" Then he opened his hands and a bear hugged him. He wanted to hug Qi Tianyu.

Qi Tianyu is very disgusted, a flash to avoid, joke, now how can he casually let Yue Yunfeng near his body, his innocence also want to.

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